Monday, February 8, 2016

Senior Swimming

Here's what I learned about water aerobics...

  1. Don't wear your cute cruise suit to class because your boobs float out and your skirt covers your face and you lose your spot.
  2. Seasoned water aerobicisers are very serious about their spots.
  3. You can't hear directions so you  have to copy what everyone else is doing and if you don't do it right your neighbor will quickly correct you. 
  4. Old people are stronger in water.

Walking from the showers to the pool was the longest walk of shame I've ever done. It was a cross between Miss America and the final loser on The Bachelor. 
I was all by myself in my fabulous suit with thirty waterlogged seniors staring at me, and even after I got in the pool, no one talked to me, so I just started talking to them, which was no easy feat because they're all half deaf and the music is blaring, but I just kept talking. 
By the time the class was over I felt like I'd earned their trust and they had accepted me as part of their group.
Even though they hadn't heard a word I'd said.
I love the class and even though I can't go in this morning, I'll do the 6:00 class tonight, which really blows, because the morning class will think I'm a quitter, and I'll have to do another walk in front of another group, except this time I won't be in a cruise suit, I'll be in swim shorts and a swim top so I won't be a vag flasher when we do the scissor kick.

Yesterday I walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes.
Small potatoes for everyone else, huge milestone for me.
Last time I was near a treadmill I had gone in for my stress test and before I even stepped on the stupid thing they had me locked up in the Hospital for three days.
I haven't told my doctors what I'm doing, but I think they'll be really proud of me.

Last Friday was Chick Day!

Hunter and I went to town and got ten chicks, so that will make twenty two layers by the time they get up to peek manufacturing, and I'm going into the egg business.
Right now I'm getting more than we can eat, but not enough to sell so I either need to get up or get out.
I don't think there's big money to be made in the egg industry, but a little "pin money" will be nice.

Hunter loves the chicks and wants to go out and do "chick checks" about every fifteen minutes and each check consists of counting the chicks and holding his "favorite" one.
Can you spot his favorite?

Neither can he, they're all his favorite.

The tree guys are coming today.
I have an out of control Italian Plum tree, two run away dogwoods and a Japanese Maple that's taking over the driveway.
They're also going to prune my roses and the fig tree that one of our renters destroyed "pruned" for us five years ago.
I'm excited to see the results, I imagine it will go something like this...

I'll also be listing some Etsy goods and restocking the shop today, and reformulating the lip balms.
The last batches had shea butter in them which goes scritchy when they get cold and warm up again, so I went back to the lab and reformulated and ended up too waxy so today I'm back at it with a new plan in hopes of finding the perfect formula.
I'll let you know how it all works out.


  1. I think you are amazing! Water aerobics are great. My local (outdoor) pool offers classes in summer. We love our instructor. You really should tell your Dr what you're doing though. At least have an emergancy contact at the gym/pool just incase you need it. 60 minutes on the treadmill!?!? I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Take it slow and easy please. Don't want to hear any more hospital stories!! Love you!

  2. I SWEAR I just looked over and saw a new pst! I'm on my way RIGHT now!! You KNOW you are my one and only!!
