Friday, January 30, 2009


Thanks for taking the time to stop in from Georgies and I hope you enjoy your visit : )

Much to my dismay, I do NOT have fake breasts although there are times I would sell my soul for a high and tight, not bigger, just better.

Some of you may be familiar with "the Farm Blahg" which with one stroke of a key I annihilated last week.
I cried myself to sleep the first night but awoke the next morning with a renewed sense of power and decided that from the ashes, I would rebuild.
I would build a better blog, one to stand throughout the internet ages.
A blog that one hundred years from now someone will stumble upon and say, "what the hell......"

Anyway, look around, leave a comment and come again soon!

Sage green and brown you say Georgie?
I'm on it like a bonnet!


Ok, I finished it.
I think I would like it better had I done the variegated as a border, but hey, live and learn.
I also think I like the mish-mash of a rag rug better than a pattern.

Heres what I want to talk about now and it will also count as tomorrow's  post.
(Jan 30)
You have a choice.....
1. Ted Hagard
2. Rob Blagojevich
Ok, thats all.

Oh, I almost forgot....
I have a shave your legs appointment with the lady parts doctor this morning.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Breaking News!

Ok, listen, I am SO excited : )
I finished my winter afghan a week or so ago and have been wondering what my next project should be.

Today it hit me, I'm going to crochet a rug!
I have done crochet rugs before out of strips of old sheets which was fun, but I don't sew and so (haha) they were kind of bulky where one sheet met another.

I have also done latch-hook rag rugs out of fabric strips like this...

This time I am going to do a four strand worsted weight acrylic in blue and variegated.
I'm SO excited!
I don't have time to sit and blog about this all day, I have a rug to make!

Folding Fodder

Have I told you that Wyatt is crafty?
He loves to draw, paint and sculpt, but most of all, he loves origami.
He can make anything origami.
Lotus flowers, flamingo's, chickens, turtles, fish, stars, boxes and of course, cranes.
So he decided to get together with a friend and have a class during recces to teach the other kids how to do origami.

Here is the sign they have posted at school. Notice the enticement of being accepted to a "famouse" art school.

Here are just two of the five hundred or so lotus flowers we have around the house.

I loVe chickens, so he went on Youtube to learn how to fold a chicken.

While he was there he decided to learn how to fold a rooster too!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I fixed it!!!!!!

I just added a third column and called it in as my sidebar and walA!
It worked : )
How I figured this out before coffe is beyond me, I must  have been touched by the blog gods.
Whatever, it WORKS : )

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's snowing again!

I wiped out "Thetrailerparksfarm" last night by getting a new domain.
Thats all I'm going to say about that.
I'm not going to go into the hours that I had to spend re-doing everything or how I have lost all my subscribers and everything linked to "the farm Blahg."
I'm not going to do that.

The Parks Farm will be the same blog you know and love just minus the trailer, which is ok because we have been out of the park for a number of years now. 
We are officially on the farm now. 
The Parks farm.
Well really, the Fahrenholz Farm, but my Grampy asked us to keep an eye on things around here for him and since no one can ever get the spelling right on Fahrenholz, for the sake of blogging we'll call it the Parks Farm.

Mike is home today, and I don't need to remind anyone of his ability to suck the creativity from me and he really just did a number on me by saying when I was done with this we needed to do our taxes.
So, it's goodbye blog, hello Turbo tax.

See ya tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Update

What a great weekend!
Mike and Wyatt had a good time in Washington, they went out to dinner, did some Christmas loot shopping and went to the movies.
Grandma gave Wyatt money for new DS games  and Mike used his money for the "real life" fishing game for the Wii.
What a nice Grandma!

I lazed around all weekend crocheting, watching movies, and indulging in the occasional nap.
It's been really cold and yesterday morning it started snowing.
It made for a perfect morning with the fire burning, good coffee and nothing to do other than watch the snow fall.

Sunday my friend Monica and her friends stopped by for a visit!
It was so good to see her and it turns out she has family (kinda sorta on the ex'es side) right down the Highway from us.
She lives in Washington, but I hope this summer she and her boys will come down and stay a few days.

This is them throwing the TrailerPark gang sign!

I was so impressed that they knew that.

Um, I guess that's about it...
I am calling around today to find Wyatt and Maisy New Dog a doggy etiquette class to enroll in.
I think they would both really like it, especially if I can find some kind of working dog class.
The words working and Wyatt aren't normally associated with one another, but I'm hoping if theres a dog involved it will all "work" out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Out for Repairs

The side of my blog slipped down to the bottom of the page.
I just came in to check on things and catch up on everyone's posts and something was definitely wrong here.....

If your going to stick around, be sure to wear a hard hat and safety goggles.
I try to live up to OSHA standards and I would hate to see you get hurt by falling objects.

Best Ever

My favorite scene from my favorite movie, "Best in Show."

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bling a Ding Ding

Ok, I love me some blog bling just as much as the next guy, so usually when I have been graced with one, it is with warm heart that I give a sincere thank you and think I'm pretty hot stuff for the rest of the day.

Yesterday, I was awarded the Hamfatter Award, and as you can see, it's my kind-a-bling 
(I'm visualizing Frank Sinatra in the barnyard with muck boots singing "Myyyyy kind of bling, Hamfatter is, my kind of bling...")

Okokok, so anywho, this prestigious award came from none other than Andrea at Swamp Suburbia and she said to pass it on to five funny friends, and then they pas it on to five five funny friends and so on and so on and so on!

You need to be sure and stop by Andreas and see what it meant five thousand years ago when you called someone a ham. 
I did and I learned a lot... retained nothing, but learned a lot.

So, here are just five of my favorite fun filled blogs:

Dana at Life Is Good

Jill at J2B2

Mahala at Hidden Mahala

Debbie at Suburb Sanity

Now, here's the part I don't like.
Those are just five of my favorites, all of my other favorites are listed over there to your right, except you Landshark, you make me crazy but I decided that you needed to lighten up and have some fun! 
We are having fun right?
I thought so.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Home Alone

Mike and Wyatt are going away this weekend.
Mike went to town to make sure I had everything I needed while they were gone.
This should do it.

I sure love him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spare Parts

Well, it was quite a day, was it not?
I think we are living in amazing times and rather you voted for our new President or not, there is no denying something big is going on.

Ok , so now let's get on to the topic of me.
Yesterday I went to the lady parts doctor.
Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen a lady parts doctor?
Lets just say I left the last visit with a newborn and said child is now in the fourth grade.
It wasn't a shave your legs appointment, just a meet and greet.
I barely drop my pants for my husband after a romantic night of dinner in and a new netflix, I'm not about to drop them for a stranger when I have to make a co-pay.
Anyway, I think I like her and have agreed to see her again.
I imagine this could be an interesting story to follow.

Bart went to the dog parts doctor yesterday to "get fixed."
He's still moving pretty slow, and we haven't had much luck keeping the bag of frozen peas in place, but the pain pills seem to be working and we're all hoping for a speedy recovery.

It's kind of unfortunate to think that twenty five years from now when someone asks, "where were you when Barack Obama was inaugurated?" I'll have to try to remember if the dog was being neutered or if I was discussing my excessive weight gain, facial hair and the date of my last period with a stranger.

I mailed out the TrailerParks Friendship Blog Bread starts yesterday, so those lucky gals who rushed to get their names on the list should be receiving a little something in the mail soon!
Be sure to watch for some fun photos on Deb, Amy and Jocelyn's blogs : )

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blog Bread

Amy and Jill spent the weekend with family and came home with Amish Bread starter.
Amy baked hers yesterday and it looked so good that I suggested to her that we start a "Blog bread" and since it was my idea I got to chose who would be in charge and I chose her.
Amy said she was to "busy" whatever and I understand so I guess it's up to me to get this blog bread ball rolling.

Me being in charge of anything rarely ends well so I want to pass this off as quickly as possible.
I need two people to volunteer, so if you want to participate leave a comment below.
If nobody volunteers, I will choose two people at random and stalk them until they give up their mailing address.

The only rule is when you get your "start" in the mail, you have to post that you received it along with a photo and choose two more people to pass it on to.
Easy huh?

The goal is to get everyone involved.
We can't rest until our bread has risen.

So, leave a comment and I will tag the first two people and SO help me you, if nobody comments you can all watch you backs because somebody's gonna play, like it or not.

Okeydokey Artichokeys, who's up for a little Bloggy Bread?!

You guys are SO bad! 
I can see how many of you have come and gone and not left a comment for the bread.
Don't worry, it may not be today, but the bread will come to you. 
The bread will come.....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TrailerParks Reporting

Do you ever wonder why the news networks are always referring to "bloggers" yet no one ever mentions us?
Just once I would like to hear Rick Sanchez from CNN say, and now to the blogs... It seems as though Mrs Parks from the TrailerParks Farm is quoted as saying, "Velveeta and RO*TEL, out of the Park and into the suburbs, it's what's for dinner"

I need to start my own cable network.
I'll call it WTN, White Trash Network.

All day long I'll feature recipes that real women make, cleaning tips that revolve around Costco wipes and Windex, and crafts made with nothing but hot glue, glitter and toilet paper tubes.

Soxy Deb has an idea for a new reality series entitled "Mike Swap."
If I had my own network, I would pick up her show and make the rules as follows... Anyone married to a Mike can participate and just for playing they get all their credit card bills paid off and their mortgage dropped two points.

I think I would even include a "Shared Information Hour" and choose Mike to host it.

I think I'm on to something BIG!

Stay tuned...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Did You Hear What Mike Did?

I took the chains off the dog house Friday afternoon and we've been living the dream again ever since.
I want to thank all you wise women for siding with me and not the enemy!

I have decided to share with you the the topic of our malcontent.


He claims that I was "gossiping" with my sister and it is my claim that I was simply "sharing information."

Blame it all on Neil Diamond, it's his fault.

My mother was given the opportunity to attend Neil's show here in Portland and I thought the idea of my seventy year old mother attending a concert verged on absurdity, but she was absolutely giddy over the idea.
I shared my thoughts openly with my mother and even warned her against attending for fear that it may be to much for a woman her age. I told her that there would likely be hipsters there carrying on in ways she felt inappropriate and the noise alone could possibly cause permanent emotional scaring. I told her it would keep her up till hours of the night that she normally sees fit only for using the toilet with a nightlight to guide her way.
She repeatedly reassured me she was up for it.

Here's where the trouble starts....

The morning following the concert I was on iChat with my sister relaying the events of the evening.
To the best of my knowledge, Mike was asleep and I was talking in a hushed tone behind a closed door.
I was wrong.
Mike had awoke and was on his way to let the dogs out and heard me talking.
He came in the room and sat down to participate (uninvited) in our conversation and immediately accused me of GOSSIPING!
He had scolded me for sharing maternal information with a blood relative.

I think that is definitely grounds for dispute.

It is my belief that I can say anything I want about my mother to my sister without it being gossip because it directly affects said sister if for no other reason than she was given life by that person and any acts of insanity by a parent can possibly be passed on to the child and we need to be aware of any signs with as much advance warning as possible.

If aforementioned sister suddenly becomes a Fanilow and takes up traveling the countryside to attend shows throwing undergarments at the stage, at least we will have some idea which side of the family the insanity stems from.

I was NOT gossiping.
Trust me, he's clear on that now.

On a side note...
My mother had a fine time and suffered no ill affects from the event.
As far as I know, my sister has no unhealthy fondness towards Barry Manilow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mamma Aint Happy...

I'm mad at Mike today and consequently in no mood for NO*TEL* RO*TEL.
Besides that I can't have fun in the kitchen when I'm busy making angry eyes at him.

I'll be back when the TrailerParks Conflict is settled.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

TrailerParks Preview

Here's two of the coming attractions for tomorrows  NO*TEL - RO*TEL.
Turkey eggs and Velveeta.
I have never in my life had Velveeta cheese.
I'm a little nervous.

It's crazy that I've never had Velveeta cheese, because I am totally a Velveeta cheese kind a girl.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shocking Information

Two things.

1. I did not prepare yesterdays featured meatloaf. I jacked the photo from Google.

2. RO* TEL.
I guess I never realized what the effect of growing up on an Island could be.
It seems as though I have been missing out on "the ingredient that makes a good recipe great"
I have spent some time over at the RO*TEL home page and there are more spicy recipes than you can shake a stick at.

The first  I heard of RO*TEL was over at Tiffany's when she was making cheesy chicken noodles
And then yesterday, Leah leaves a comment about meatloaf with RO*TEL.
Will this madness never end?
How did I not know?

My resolution for 2009 is to get to know RO*
Once a week I will try to prepare a recipe with RO* and I will call it adventures from the NO*TEL  RO*TEL .
I will call it that because I'm forty years old and NO*body ever told me about RO*TEL till now.

let me KNO* if you have a favorite RO*CIPE

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Come and Get It!

It must be blogger awareness week.
I'll just go with it and continue with my theme.
Miss Kris hates dislikes meatloaf.
I love meatloaf, but it has to be made right.
My favorite is the Stove Top Stuffing method.
You make it with Stove Top, a couple of eggs and some bbq sauce.
I  believe it's what you serve with the meal, that makes the meal.
No frozen (or even worse, canned) peas and carrots for me.
With this dinner there should be some sort of law mandating canned corn and mashed potatoes with brown gravy as a side.
I'm serious.
I think it's wrong to get fancy or funky with meatloaf.
Dragnet Dinner... 
Just the facts Ma'am.
Meatloaf, corn and potatoes.

Here's an idea... Make you meatloaf in muffin pans!
Easy to freeze, super simple to make sandwiches with and you can trick the kids into thinking they're eating something cool!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fashion Faux Pas

Yesterday Karla got her own post, and today Georgie gets her own.
This is my fashion senseless son Wyatt on Christmas morning.
Mind you, this look is not just reserved for holidays and special occasions, it can be modified for daily wear as well.
Maybe that's what I'll to today, put together a fashion montage for you viewing amazement.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hip Waders and Ear Muffs

Well, it seems as though the weather this year is going for the "shock and awe" effect.
After record snowfall in December we now have torrential rainfall, flooding AND snow.
Our county has been declared a state of emergency and it looks like the road below our house is going to wash out.

You know the neighbors  that I hate so much for what I kindly refer to as screwing the old and impaired...
The ones who practically stole the nine acres and ponds from my Grampy after my Grammy died and he himself was suffering from advanced prostate cancer.
Well, I told my sister this morning that I have decided Jesus is a lot like Santa Claus.
He knows if you've been naughty or nice and apparently he keeps a list.

The neighbors live in the "ditch" between two steep hills.
Just their house, two ponds and LOTS of water.
Mudslide amounts of water.
Flood your basement amounts of water.
Wash out your driveway and leave you stranded  amounts of water.

We live on the hill and can see and hear all the water.
Checks and balances people... Jesus pays attention.

Anyway, besides all the water, this is what I woke up to this morning.

Beautiful huh....
I'll try and get some video of the "washout" later today.
Stay tuned ;)