Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Monday

Good News!
GK slept really well last night. I'm not sure why, but he did. All night long.
Mine is not to question why, but mearly sing a happy song and dance!

I talked to Mike yesterday...a bunch of times.
The trip up was long and treacherous, but he arrived safely and was able to pick up Maddy by dinner time.
They all went to Skippers for dinner, I think that must be one of Maddy's favorites, otherwise why would anyone go to Skippers.
Anywho, Mikes brother Jason Showed up at the house this morning and they will all go tend to Grandpa's affairs together today.
I'm glad they can both be there to support their Mom.

GK is working on his taxes again today.
I'm anxious for November when I can have use of the kitchen table again.

Wendy and Y are both home today, but I don't think we have any big plans.
Wendy will go tanning and Y will play with his new "Zord" all day.

I'll be back later if anything exciting happens.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Snoozin Sunday

Mike had to go North today.
His grandpa died last night, so he has gone to be with his family for a few days.

GK has not been doing so well, so I'm kind of nervous about being home without Mikes support, but hey, I have Wendy.

We have had rain and snow and sun and snow and rain and wind and sun today.
Crazy weather!

Wyatt is loving his new MegaZord toy, haven't seen much of him since yesterday afternoon.
He has tomorrow off and then back to school for him.

Wendy is bringing home Pizza Hut pepperoni lovers stuffed crust pizza (thank you Gina!) for dinner tonight and then she and Wyatt and I will all have a sleepover while Mikes away.

Wendy was really excited about her washer and dryer yesterday, and I am really excited to see her house cleaned up and cute!

I think that's it for today

Saturday, March 29, 2008


The Fed Ex guy arrived with Wyatt's new "Mega Zord" today!
Good thing because the wait was getting to be almost too much for the both of us ;)

GK didn't sleep well AGAIN last night. This is getting so hard on him. When I got up this morning he really didn't get rather it was almost day or almost night.
Please Lord let me go in a violent act of heinous crime and not get old and have to be taken care of by Wendy.
If the days are hard for me, could you imagine Wendy at the wheel....

Speaking of Wendy.
We got her a washer and dryer today and Mike brought them home and hooked them up.
Her house is soo nasty, but she say's it's "just laundry."
Now theres no excuse.
The whole house smells like dirty feet and litter box.

I think we're going to bbq some steaks tonight, mmmmm.........
It has been snowing off and on all day. Kind of weird to bbq when it's been snowing.

Thomas's (turkeys) got moved to the big house today.
They keep jumping out of the turkey tank, so now they will be in the "pool" with all the bigger chickens and ducks.
I think next week Mike will have to get busy on the poultry compound.
Either that or we will have to move them in the house with us, their running out of room pretty fast.
That would be funny... Chickens in the front room and goldfish in the bathtub.
Wyatt is still mad that he has to take a shower instead of a bath because of the fish in the tub.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Horton Hears Who?

Wyatt and Grandma are off to see Horton, and I am off for a nap. I just don't sleep well at night worried about GK. I was up till after 1:00am this morning and then awake at 6:OO.
I wish he could just get some rest other than what he gets nodding off in his chair during the day.

Mike is home today but goes in tonight at 7:00.
I wonder what I'll make for dinner.

We had snow again this morning, maybe two inches. It is so pretty to watch it fall. Lucky for Wendy it started after she left for work and it wasn't falling in town.

We have had a deer in the back pasture all morning. She just stands down there and stares up at us. It's like she's thinking she would like to come in from the cold and lay in front of the fire for awhile.
When I went to the garage to smoke this morning, Thomas (baby turkey) came running across the floor to me. I don't know how long he'd been out of the turkey tank, but long enough for his feet to get cold and to be happy to see me. They say turkeys aren't smart, I guess Thomas is the exception.

Lloyd got home to Montana yesterday, so I imagine there is joy in the Gerber house today.
Welcome home Lloyd!
Kelly said they have been having snow there too, so it must be quite the climatic shock after being in Afghanistan for two months.

Nap time.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another day

Wendy and Wyatt are off to the concrete carnival in town today. Those parking lot deals always make me nervous. I keep thinking if anything were to happen it would be both kids lost to carny chaos. Oh well, I'll think about something else.

Mike has been on a mission to get a new car for me. He bought the Explorer last fall thinking it wouldn't be a big deal not having four wheel drive, but it has turned in to one HUGE pain in the ass. More so because it is a V-8 with rear wheel drive.
So, he has his mind made up that we need a different car. I think I have him talked off the ledge for now, after spending a better part of the morning doing the dreaded meet and greet with all the lot lizzards in town. Buying a car used to be my FAVORITE thing in the world to do. Now I hate it.

Mike and GK just went to town for a blood draw so we can have a current PSA reading. I am trying to move GK's apt with the oncologist up a week or two because of all the issues he's been having. I have to say though, discussing anything with that doctor is much like disussing GK's medical condition with the kid who changes our oil at the Jiffy Lube. I

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break

Wyatt is home this week. I think I'm one of those sicko Moms that love it when the kids are home.
It might be that Wyatt is such an Eddie Hascal, always telling me how pretty I am and how good of a cook I am and that I am THE best Mom ever.
I tell ya, I eat that stuff up. It's no wonder he has a room full of Power Rangers and Happy Meal Toys.
I guess he's got me figured out.... A nice word and a snagle tooth smile will get him the goods.

Nothing new with Wendy, except the continuing saga of the pighole she lives in.
It grosses me out that she's like that.
Don't get me wrong, I used to live like that too.
Thats when I lived in a tent and the back of a car when I was nine.
Don't be concerned, it was my Mothers idea, we all lived in tents.
Mine just happened to be a little more "rugged" than everybody elses.
The difference between Wendy and I is this...... I grew out of my slothyslobbish ways.
I will not give up hope.
I will not go in her house either.

Mike really likes his new job
So do I ; )
I miss having him home though (I know, I can't believe I said that either) because there was this huge feeling of security if anything were to happen with GK.

GK is having a hard time.
Still not sleeping well.
I think I need to move up his doctos apt.
He has terrible leg pain, can't sleep and spends a lot of time down Crazy Lane.

K Ciao'

Monday, March 24, 2008


Thanks to Val James Again for the GREAT picture banner things!
Wow, they are soooo cool!

I have to figure out how to use them on Coffe Talk.
It will involve some html stuff I think.
I don't think I know what html stuff is.

Head On

I still Have a headache.
What's with that? Do you know how many days I have had a headache now?

Gk still isn't sleeping very well, but I got some good pointers from an unamed source in the medical profesion that I will put to good use. It seems as though the different medications they put him on do a good job of "relaxing" him, but they don't help him get any good sleep.

Mike is having his FIRST day working for Safeway today!!
He just called and said everything is going really well and it looks like it will be a twelve hour day.

Wyatt had a nice Easter.
No competition in the egg hunt seeing as he was the only kid in the yard.
It was an easy hunt because it was cold and raining and we didn't want to spend the entire day looking for 36 eggs.
We did alot of warm, hot, REALLY HOT...cold, no look down, wait it's right theres.

Wendy worked all day but was pleased that E. Bunny had remembered her with a pretty pink basket.
Oh, heres something funny.
We hid all the easter goods in the room over the garage.
When we took out the bags the night before to put the baskets together we discovered that MICE had eaten ALL the chocolates.
There were just just little shreds of plastic and foil left.
Important information to have.... mice don't take to jelly beans or whoppers.

I'm going to go lay down and watch my show and hope my head gets better.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Floating Fish

Well, this morning when we got up all the fish were on their side on the bottom of our new fountain.
Mike scooped them all up in a bucket when........ they all started moving.
They are now in the rehab unit on the kitchen counter swimming on their sides like Dukes of Hazzard fish.

GK is having a rough go of it this morning.
He was up at 2:45 and never did go back to bed. His blood pressure was WAY up, but through modern science we have been able to bring it down to reasonable numbers. He is starting to feel better and plans on going to Molalla with Mike to drop off our old computer table with Uncle John and pick up the baby turkeys at the feed store on the way back.

If you have met my family, you know that Wendy has a thing about "bumps."
She has threatened to move over the fact that we are getting two turkeys and finds NO humor in the situation at ALL.
She is scared to death of turkeys and insists that she will run them over with her car or take whatever messures necessary to avoid them.
Heres the deal.
We ordered two turkeys from Wilco. They called and said they weren't sure if they would be able to get them in. So, we ordered two from Union Mills just in case. Now we are getting four turkeys.
I think Wendy will have a problem with this, and I almost feel guilty for thinking it's funny. I have visions of turkeys chasing Wendy around the yard and her hollering for help.
Wouldn't it be funny if I sat on the porch drinking Wild Turkey watching Wendy being chased by a turkey?
What if I was drinking Wild Turkey, eating a turkey sandwich wearing a pilgrim hat watching Wendy being chased by a turkey!!
This could very well be the best summer of my life.

I 'll post a picture when Mike gets home.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fish In A Barrel

The fountain got all put together yesterday and we were ready to put the fish in when Mike realized you have to let it sit with water in it for 48 hours. The wood has to swell up .
So, we put the fish in the bathtub and today we can put them in the barrell. I know it hasn't been 48 hours, but it has swelled up enough so it isn't leaking anymore.

Mike goes in for some follow up stuff with Safeway today. He hopes by the end of the week he will be driving for them.
Other than the fact that "we" get on each others nerves a bit, it hasn't been so bad having him home. He has been able to get SO much work done for GK and that is good for everyone.
I have a feeling when he does go back to driving it will feel strange not having him around.

Wy had a hard night at karate last night.
It was all boxing and even though he was throwing some good punches, he took a few too.
He comes home wiped out, sweaty and tired and most nights a little disscouraged. He feels like it's just to hard and he cant do it, but by the next day he usually feels better and by the time karate rolls around again he's excited to go.
Today is his sharing day, so I'm taking Ginger to school at 9:20. Being that he goes to a small country school and it's baby chic season, you can imagine it's not a huge deal to share a chicken. I think it would be a bigger deal to wait two years and see if everyone still has the same chicken they shared, or if the #*^!^*$# cyotes got them all.

GK is feeling pretty good. His tooth isn't bothering him and he slept really well last night :)
He made it through the yesterday only needing two pain pills, one when we first got home and one at bedtime.
Not bad huh????

See Ya

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tooth fairy

GK and I just got home from the dentist.
They yarded out the old broken snag and have him all gauzed up.
He say's it hurts, but not as bad as it did before.

Mike just left for town to get a fountain he saw at BI-Mart!!
They sell just what I was looking for, so we wont have to build our own and it's CHEAP!!
Then he's going to the fish store to buy "livestock."

I am sooooo excited.

Cross your fingers, legs, arms and eyes that GK does ok with the pain meds for his tooth.

Monday Morning

Well, Wyatt's out the door, Wendy is still asleep Mike got the call he was #6 today and GK is watching t.v.
Gk seems to be sleeping better with the doctors new advice. What a relief. I still find myself sleeping with one eye open, but one is always better than two.

Mike just found out Ol' Red the farm truck is ready to come home. I think GK bought a hoopty when he bought that truck last year. The entire front end had to be rebiult on it, and I'm sure it had that problem when it was sold to him.
Isn't that always the way it goes??

I got a new fountain yesterday at Fred Meyers. I love it! It is soo tacky with a spinning ball on top that reflects colored lights from inside. At night it lights up the whole deck.

Heres my latest project.
I want to make a fountain out of half a whiskey barrel.
Then I want to put gold fish in it.
How do I do that?
Please comment or go to the website with ideas or instructions.

I have to call the dentist now.
GK broke a tooth yesterday.
Must have been a day for breaking things, because Wendy broke a glass.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Silence Is Golden

That's what my Dad always used to say....
He was right.
I put a call in to the doctor yesterday about GK's lack of sleeping and his not wanting to sleep in his adjustable bed beacause the poodles won't fit.
I told him that GK had told me when he feels like he's going to fall asleep at night he sits up on the edge of his bed TRYING to stay awake, that he's afraid he won't wake up.
The doctor prescribed him a little "Mothers Helper" and GK hit the sack at 9:00 last night and slept through till' 6:00am.
Thank you Jesus, Dr. Goldenburg and lorazepam.
Right now Mike and GK are in town to buy a new ladder.
Everyone is feeling good and GK has already made plans to go to dinner tonight and take along Dohn and Jonna. 
Mike got the results back from his Safeway test yesterday afternoon.
Of course he did really well and now it's just a matter of paperwork to be completed.
I am so excited for him.
He NEEDS a job that he can GO to EVERY day.
It will also keep him from getting punched in the face by his ever increasing stressed out spouse.
So Wyatt is at school, Wendy is at work, the men are in town and the poodles are at the beauty barn.
I will savor these moments alone. 
Rest assured they will not be wasted on vacuuming, dishwashing or laundry.
I will turn the t.v to something I want to watch and go get the mashmallow carmel easter egg that I have hidden in the bottom drawer of my dresser.
Then I will pour myself a fresh hot cup of coffee and enjoy the next hour not thinking about
anything...... except that I need to vacuum, do the dishes, start a load of laundry and the size of my ass!
Oh well, that's life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


She's gone now. She's watching t.v with GK so that should keep her busy for awhile.

GK has been having a heck of a time. Not sleeping again and doing crazy things in the night.
Last night he got us up at 1:30 to help him find his glasses.
We all looked for at least 30 minutes when Mike found them under the covers at the end of the bed..
Two things come to mind here.
1. Why was he looking for his glasses at 1:30 in the morning...
2. What were they doing under the covers at the end of his bed.
He was awake for a few hours after that, and when that happens, his whole day gets buggered up.
It all makes me very sad.

Mike is not working AGAIN today.
He left for Safeway to take a four hour test this morning so everyone keep your fingers crossed that he will be not only be employed by Safeway, but actually working soon.

Wyatt didn't want to go to school today because the wind was blowing... that may sound funny to you, but honest to gawd, there are days when they cancel school down here for dumber reasons than that.
I think he wanted to stay home and play with the baby ducks we brought home yesterday and catch up on his sleep.
He is either growing or spending too much time with Wendy, because he is tired all the time.
He kicked ass again at karate last night, and still seems to really be enjoying it.
The highlight of his day was biting down on his boiling hot mouth piece to form it to his teeth.
He walked around talking like Mike Tyson for a good 30 minutes before he went to bed.

C Ya

Ooogy Day

Wow, did I ever have a headache yesterday!
I was in bed allll day with what felt like an ice pick in my brain.
I think it must be allergies, because I feel fine today.

Wendy is sitting here breathing over my shoulder now and sucking my creativity wanting to redo her myspace. I will be back later.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Day

Well, we moved GK'S 300lb mattress back into his room yesterday.
I convinced him to leave the adjustable bed in there just in case.
He begrudgingly agreed, but trust me, he was not thrilled with the idea.
Just as I expected, he was up most of the night coughing and awake at 3:00 with breathing problems.
He wouldn't admit it, but duh, like I couldn't see and hear for myself.
He is off to John's this morning with barking poodles in tow and other than not breathing or sleeping, I guess he feels pretty good.
One other thing I noticed this morning was his left ankle looked more like a tree stump.
I pointed that out and he said, "oh, that, that's no big deal. It's like that from my socks."
He hasn't worn socks since 8:00 last night.
He thinks he can pull the wool over my eyes, and that's fine, he can go right ahead and think that. His favorite saying is "I may be crazy, but I aint stupid." Well, that goes for me too ; )

Mike is home AGAIN today.
This is sooooo stupid.
He hasn't worked in over two weeks..... maybe three.
He talked to his Unioun Boss yesterday and was told that Safeway was hiring.
He was there in a flash to fill out an application and should hear back by the end of the week.
I mean really.... who has a job where they don't work?
How are you supposed to budget or pay your bills.

Speaking of dumb, Wendy still hasn't cleaned her house.
What a pig.
I can't even go in there anymore.

I think Wyatt is going through a growing spurt.
He eats like crazy and can't seem to get enough sleep.
He is doing really well in Karate. He busted his partners lip open the other night.
Not on purpose, and not really bad, put that kid packs more of a kung foo than he realizes.
Tonight is Boy Scouts, and Mike is excited because he thinks he's getting his Pinewood Derby car. They should have a good time working on those.
Wyatt will more than likely paint his to look like a "big cat" and Mike I figure, will paint his traditional John Deere.
I'll let you know how they turn out.

C Ya

Monday, March 10, 2008

Way To Go Joe!

I just recieved an email from Val with the Link to the bellingham Hearald with Joe on the FRONT page.
Great story, heres the link.
Keep getting stronger Joe, your in our prayers.

Wendy is off this morning to get her OLCC.
That's her license to serve alcohol.
She has to drive to the other side of Portland to get it, so keep her in your prayers this morning too! (her and all the other drivers on the road ;)

GK and Mike are working on Ol'Red the farm truck.
I figured there was a reason John wanted to sell GK that truck, and now we know why.
It's falling apart. I think mud was holding it together, and then Mike washed it.
It's been downhill ever since.

GK is feeling so much better.
So much better he insists on having his bed back.
It took THREE men to carry that 40 year old 250 pound mattress out of the house and now this afternoon Mike and Wendy and I will have to carry it back.
Mike said he will load it in the back of the truck and drive it across the driveway from the shop at the little house and then we will just carry it inside.
Here's the deal.
GK is feeling better and sleeping BECAUSE he has been elevated in the adjustable bed.
As soon as he gets back in his flat bed, I'm affraid he will have the same issues he did before.
That is the reason I'm not calling to have the adjustable bed picked up.
We will move it to our room and then if he needs it again we can just roll it in.
He is having REALLY bad bone and joint pain and I know it is the cancer in his bones, but he thinks he can fix it with some aspercreme.
So today when he and Mike go to town he is going to get some more of that, because he thinks the tube he bought in August is just old and doesn't work anymore.
He is also going to get a few other remedies he has "seen on t.v".
I had to talk him out of ordering a spray you put in your dogs water that he saw advertised on t.v, because he thought if it worked that well for the dogs, he maybe oughta try it.
I now understand how old people get fleeced, they believe EVERYTHING they see on t.v.

Thats about it for this morning...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Well, I have a few minutes now to sit and talk.

The last week has been like a whirlwind for me, but I think things are slowing down.

GK had some health issues early on in the week.
When he would lay down to sleep he was unable to breathe.
I kept telling him the two most important things are sleeping AND breathing... he had to be able to do both.
We went to see the doctor and he could find no earth shattering reasons for GK's problems, but he did write us a prescription for an adjustable bed.
That sounded good, and everything went well getting the bed, the only problem was getting GK and the dogs in the bed.
The dogs don't fit.
The dogs have to sleep on the floor now.
Big adjustment.
Everyone seems to be in the swing of things now though and GK is fanally sleeping AND breathing.

Mike has been off work for two weeks, maybe more.
They keep telling him March is a slow month, but by next year when he has some seniority things will be ok.
I thought I was going to fall apart and punch him in the face, but he has been doing SO much work for GK that it has all worked out just fine.
He keeps busy and GK is happy with everything that gets done so all's well.

We got our baby chics!!
They are so stinkin cute.
Tomorrow we get the ducks and I think the geese, and the turkeys come in a week or two.
Poultry round two.
Mike has been shooting at cyotes like fish in a barrel.
He is definetly sending them a message.
We (Mike) will be building a new poultry compound to assure the saftey of this years flock.
Frieda is still peckin around, and has become more like a dog than a chicken.
We love Frieda.

Wendy needs to clean her house.



Joe is home from the hospital....

Cheeck out Val's day by day journal and photo's
Way to GO Joe!!


I DID IT!!!!
I went to sleep and when I opened my eyes I knew what to do and I did it and it worked!
I'm not going to tell you what I did, because it is so simple it makes me look like a retard for taking so long to figure it out.
Anywho..... is ON baby!

Enjoy your Sunday and I will be back later with pictures

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well, I finally relented and just got a domain fromm blogger.
Could this be the end of the "trailer"?
It could be a whole new begining for the "beaver".
Beavercreek this, beavercreek that.... trust me, I have a million of em' thought up already.


It's only taken a few months, but he's really done it : )

I will try and catch up on everything tomorrow after church.
I need to take some pictures of the deck since Mike has redone it.
It looks GREAT!
He even built me some cedar planter boxes and bought me a palm tree : )

Wyatt and Wendy are asleep at the little house and the men are watching a movie.
I need to do my evening chores.



Ok after HOURs of pulling my hair out, here we are. will be a general white trash web page and the blog will link here!
I was not created to be a web designer, but will continue to learn what I can.
Lots has been going on while I have been trying to "create", which may very well be part of the reason my "creative" mind was unable to function.
Stay tuned ; )

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Found Smell!!

Or Smell found me, I'm not sure how that worked..... But I see her!!!

Shelly was one of my FAVORITE nail clients and she even has a Wyatt.
Her's is newer than mine though.
I have missed her soooo much.
I have googled her, gone to and scoured the white pages, and then this morning there was a friend request on my MySpace and it was HER!

Ok, now for some less exciting and not so happy news.
GK was up at 3:00a.m again this morning having a hard time breathing.
When I got up at 6:00 his blood pressure was 219/99 and he was REALLY having a hard time breathing.
Nitro and meds.
Within 1/2 an hour he was feeling better, but he just had to take another nitro and it doesn't seem to be working as well this time.
Say a prayer and cross your fingers that he starts to feel better.

Did you go look at my Trailer Park Store on Etsy?
The link is to your right.

Gotta Go

Monday, March 3, 2008


Looking back at that picture from my last post, I see that it is REALLY ugly.
Trust me though, that's how I felt that day.
But like anything good, or bad, that too passed.

GK is feeling better, or at least not as grumpy.
I am sure much of his disagreeable moodiness comes from pain and sadness and those are things that are out of our control.
Since he lost my Grammy, he lost a big spark in his heart.
He misses her so much every day, sometimes I think it gets worse as time goes on.
His pain is in his hips and legs, and these last few nights he has had a hard time sleeping.
When he lays down he gets short of breath.
We propped up his bed and hope that will help.

Mike is STILL not working.
He worked one day last week and none yet this week.
It's not his fault and I don't want to talk about that anymore.

He has been doing a whole bunch of work around the house for GK.
They are quite a team
Once GK figured out he could tell Mike what he want's done and Mike will do it... that day.... and the right way, a beautiful bond was formed.

Wendy is great.
Loving her job, working hard and making friends.
I am very proud of her.

Wyatt ROCKS.
He is doing Karate and KICKING ASS!
He has Karate Monday and Wednesday, Boy Scouts Tuesdays and church on Sunday.
He told me that Sunday school was his favorite, but I think that may have been because they had marshmallows and doughnuts last Sunday.
If not, everyone get used to refering to him as Pastor Parks.
The Kung Foo Preacher.

We are down to one chicken today.
Freida is the lone survivior.
New chicks arive tomorrow.
2 Turkeys
2 Geese
2 Ducks
2 Roosters
1 Little Chicken
Sounds like the Park's Ark!

I'll post pictures tomorrow