Monday, January 31, 2011

Pink Eye and Bikini waxes

What a weekend...
I think I want to start spending my weekends in the Poconos.
Mind you I have no idea where the Poconos are but I've heard a lot of people talking about spending weekends there so I think I want to go too.
Especially if you don't have to do dumb stuff there like cook and clean.
6 got home Friday afternoon and after he got all his work junk done we had to go to town and buy him new pants and new shoes and then we refi'd the loan on the truck because we got our interest rate dropped which lowered our payment so we had to fill out all that paperwork and then get back to town to Fedex it back to the bank and then we had dinner and then it was to late to clean the mother clucking garage!!!!
I can't believe it.
I think he needs to just bite the bullet and go back to work for Safeway.
We figure if he had done that we he got home from Iraq we would be through the hardest part already.
See with Safeway you bid runs based on seniority and when he went to Iraq he lost his seniority so he might only work two days a week but the thing is he can make almost as much in two days as he can in a full week driving for anyone else AND he's home to take care of our falling down farm.
Seriously, there is so much that needs to be done and it seems like every week we don't get one thing done two things fall apart so I think he just needs to come home.
That of course means more cooking for me and having to sit in the uncomfortable chair but I guess I'll just have to learn to sacrifice.

Molly Mule has pink eye.

She has pink eye so she has to have drops twice a day, well I guess it isn't really drops it's a gel, but she loves having it done because she gets a marshmallow afterwards.
Mules love marshmallows.
So do donkeys.
And sheep.
And goats.

Little Judy is growing up before our very eyes.
I decided it's best not to create another monster like Belle, so I send her out with the big kids during the day instead of letting her stay in the house with me like Belle did.
Belle still barks from the barnyard when she wants out and thinks she should have a seat on the couch instead of a bed in the barn and gawd knows I can't have two like her.
Judy seems perfectly content to go out and tag along although I'm pretty sure the other three think she's a real pest. 
Pearl and Nanny both get really annoyed when she tries to nurse on them and Belle won't even let her get close.

We're meeting Wendy for dinner in town tonight.
She's getting really close to being done with her hours at school and has already passed her state boards.
You know it's a proud moment for a mother when her daughter completes the entire beauty school course.
I was just a mere manicurist and always dreamed of a better life for her.
The world is her oyster now and I think she has a very bright future in permanent waves and bikini waxes.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Green Ham and Crab

The alarm went off this morning and I thought I was awake but I wasn't so I had to drive Wyatt to school because he missed the bus and his school is almost five hundred miles away and it was so foggy I could barely see the steering wheel.
I think we might have even almost died a few times but I'm not sure because I couldn't see anything.
Now the sun is out and it's supposed to be almost sixty degrees this afternoon, a Portland record but I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it because I feel really bad for all those people on the East Coast suffering through the blinding snow and mile high drifts.
I guess I owe it to them to enjoy the sunshine and blue sky that they wished they had and really who am I let all those frozen people down when they're already going through so much.

6 just called and he thinks he's going to be home this weekend!
Last time he was home he was sick in his chair all weekend and we didn't get anything done so this weekend we have tons to do.
The Christmas decorations are all still stacked up in the garage needing to be put up and the worst part is they're in front of the extra fridge that he put the rest of the Christmas ham in that I thought he put in the garbage and I've been wondering what the stinkin funk in the garage is and when I said something about it he said
"Oh it might be the ham".
It might be the ham?
Are you kidding me?
The ham I can't get to because you were half dead last time you were home and so we didn't get the garage cleaned up and the boxes moved from in front of the fridge that I can't get to...
That ham?
"Yes" he said, "that ham".
We also still have all the fencing in the garage that we need to use to fix the fence up at the mobile spaces so the Bad Baby Buddy can't get up there and chase all the trailer park peoples cats.
Last month he almost had one but it narrowly cheated death and ran up a tree right as Buddy latched on to it's back leg.
The cat gimped around on popsicle stick splints for a month and Buddy had to wear his bad boy collar every time he went outside for a week.
How come that dog cuddles with our cats and tries to eat other peoples cats?
Oh well, he's still just a baby. A bad baby, but still just a baby.

My Mom bought fresh crab yesterday and cooked it up last night so Judy and I are going to town to have lunch with her today. I love fresh crab and fresh shrimp, I just can't participate in the dropping it into the boiling water part.
Ugh, I have to stop talking about it or I won't be able to eat it ohhhh mannnn I hope it's not to late I shouldn't have even said anything now I have to think about something else.
I'll go do the dishes and clean the toilet.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winco Woes

You probably don't have a Winco.
I think Winco is a regional store.
Hold on a sec and I'll go check...
Ok, I'm back and here's the Winco ~scoop~ 

Winco is a hell hole of savings.
A place where you trade convenience, cleanliness and self respect for value.
I am not kidding.
When you go to Winco you check your pride at the door because once inside it's basically a white trash free for all, but the pay offs are huge.
Here's the skinny... We haven't done any major shopping since 6 started his new job.
We got stuck in that new job/holiday spiral where we were just imping by but now that he finally got a full size paycheck and we didn't have to buy anybody a gift it was time for Wyatt and I to make a king size grocery run. 
Usually Wyatt won't go near Winco but I bribed him with a burger at Five Guys, so he reluctantly agreed to go with me.
You see, Winco is not a store where you shop solo, you have to have a wingman at Winco because there are a bazillion people there crashing into you, running over your heels, giving you flat tires, reaching over you, pushing you out of the way, wearing stretch pants with t-shirts or just their pajamas and slippers, and some people stink, and some people talk to themselves and you have to bag your own damn groceries and I'm usually the cart unloader, but last night I had to be the bagger and it SUCKED because those stupid groceries come at you so fast and people behind you in line are all giving you the stink eye because you're dropping soup cans on the floor and your sugar bag has a big a$$ hole in it and is spilling all over the place and then you break out in a sweat because you put amonia and bread in the same bag and you KNOW thats not a good thing OMG, I think I have Winco PTSD.
Ok, so anyway here's what it all boils down to... We ended up pushing TWO carts out.
We had dog food, cat food, laundry soap, all the big ticket items 
{no cigarettes, soda pop or beer} 
{My Dad used to always say that} 
and lots of meat, pork chops, steak, chicken, etc, for under twohundredandfiftydollars!
Imagine if I'd had coupons!
So thank you Winco for making my shopping experiences memorable.
Not pleasant, just memorable.

Today I have to go to Wilco for hay and stove pellets, but I'd rather go to Wilco than Winco any day.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Days

Sorry I missed you yesterday, Wendy surprised us at 6:15 in the morning.
Wyatt was just getting ready to head out to the bus when the dogs went bananas and Wendy bounded through the door!
What a great surprise and I'm sure I don't need to tell you that of course Wyatt did NOT want to go to school if his sister was going to be spending the day, but I kicked his butt out the door anyway.

I guess the douchebag actually has a job and it's somewhere down the highway past our house and that's why he dropped her off so early.
Wendy say's he's a rigging repairman, but I can assure you I wouldn't want any rigging on my job site that that sfb (sh!t for brains) worked on and anyway I'm sure he's nothing more than a glorified gopher.
No offense to gophers.
But I'm not going to say anything bad about that waste of breathe today because this is all about the good time we had yesterday.

What contributed to our super fun day yesterday was this...

This is Judy.

She's a surprise sheep :)

Her mother is one of the 100 year old ewes that my Grampy had and there are only four of them left.
I guess Dan the Ram took a fancy to one of those old girls and look what they made.

A little Judy ❤

That ewe is so old we were surprised she was even able to carry her and let me tell you, she is one little teeny tiny lamb.
We watched them together for quite a while and then decided we needed to load her up and bring her down and make her a spot in the recovery room with Pepper.
We mixed her up a bottle and made her a nice warm bed and she settled right in

 Wendy is the one that chose the name Judy.
Wyatt and I had decided on Blossom after Wyatt had told me she was a he and we had named him Shaun, but then Wen came out and said we needed to name her Judy since Grampy loved Judge Judy and since she was going to be carrying the lineage of GPK sheep she needed to be named in honor of him.

She's a good eater...

And she's sooooo sweet

In Other News

I think you should probably be sitting down for this.
Today I received child support from that Jackass 4&5!
{Wyatts Dad}
That M'r F'r called on Saturday to tell me that his Captain on the boat he fished last summer paid the money out of his own pocket because the state was so far up his a$$ about paying and threatening him with an audit.
Like that was my fault.
Keep in mind this is the first time we've heard from him since July.
And he's NINE years behind in child support.
He played the injured party card and yelled at me and told me what a terrible person I was for making his boss pay all that money and he hoped I was happy. 
I told him the only thing that could make me any happier was if he were to be hit by a bus.
Then he asked to speak to Wyatt and that's when sh!t really hit the fan!
Wyatt was so calm and so cool and in no uncertain terms told that Jackass just what he thought of him.
He asked him if he knew when his birthday was and of course Jack didn't know and when Wyatt asked if he even knew how old he was that idiot said fourteen!
Wyatt is eleven.

Oh well, at least we got something.
I'm taking Wyatt to Toys-R-Us this afternoon after school to get a new Bionicle to celebrate our financial windfall.
I'm sure it will be the last we see for awhile.

Today I'm making candles.
Life is good.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Duck And The Dog

Welcome to Farm Friend Friday!
Be sure to check out all the other fabulous farm blogs at the Verde farm!

Wyatt is still sick today.
I wish there was something I could do to make him feel better, but I think we're just going to have to wait this one out.

I have a beat up duck in the garage.
I have a beat up duck and a blind peacock in the garage and the peacock is none to happy about having to share his digs with the duck.
Pepper has been blind since we got him so he sleeps in the garage because he wouldn't be able to make his way in the hen house at night with rest of the flock, but the duck is in the garage because of the Bad Baby Buddy.

You see Buddy spends his day taking stock of the livestock.

He makes his way from one pasture to another making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing, but his favorite stop is the barnyard with Belle, Nanny and Pearl and of course all the birds.

He spends hours down there playing, mostly with Belle because Pearl doesn't really like to play...

Pearl can be a real grouch.

And since Nanny is still getting a feel for the place she isn't much fun to play with either.

But his favorite game is herd the duck.

Not herd the goose, because that game always ends up with Buddy getting goosed, but herd the duck is usually a safe bet but yesterday while enjoying a rousing game of herd the duck the duck made the mistake of going in Pearl's pig house and Buddy played herd the duck a bit to rough and the duck took a bit of a beating and so that's why I have a beat up duck in  my garage this morning.
Don't worry about the duck though, she's living the good life in the garage and probably thinks Pepper is without a doubt the best looking duck she's ever seen.

That's all I've got today.
Oh wait.
Did you watch Idol last night?
What do you think of the new judges?
Ok, that's all.
Still no call about the job.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Lot About Nothing

And the year of the sickies rolls on...
Wyatt has been sick so many times this year, nothing serious, just colds mostly, snotty nose and coughs, but they just keep coming one after another.
6 was sick last weekend, but I don't think it's the same thing Wy has now, Wyatt is having really bad stomach pain and 6 was having dizziness, shortness of breath and a heaviness in his chest.
I know, I know, it sounds like he was having a heart attack, but he's fine now.
I hope.
He has to be ok, and so does Wyatt because our insurance doesn't kick in until February 1st and we're still paying off our last two medical emergencies.
So keep your fingers crossed and hope for speedy recoveries, I need them both well so they can take out the garbage and open the gate.

Still no call about my dream job.
Deborah went over my resume and cover letter though, so maybe I'll have a better chance at the next job.
I really wish I could just set up a farm store in the little house and make my soaps and candles and sell coffees and flowers and produce and honey and berries, and pumpkins and eggs and antiques.
I'll work on that.

I'm trying to think of what to make for dinner tonight...
I think I'll make PW's Round Steak, I have a few in the freezer and anything fried is always a hit in this house.
Maybe I'll make some M&M cookies for dessert.
I made Paula Deen's Monster Cookies last week and they were deeeeelish but what wouldn't be deelish with an entire jar of peanut butter, a stick of butter, M&M's and chocolate chips.

Ok, I have to go to town, I'm out of dog food and chicken scratch.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Morning

Well yesterday I wrote my first resume and cover letter.
I was going to have my smart friend Deborah read it over before I sent it in, but I got ants in my pants and just hit send without it being proofed and now I bet they think I'm a big stooge especially since I sent it in the wrong format and they had to send it back and I had to resend it in the right format.
I never heard back from them yesterday either so I'm sure they probably looked at it and went yeah right whatever weirdo.
That's ok, I'll just practice asking if you'd like fries with that.
Would you like fries with that?
Great! Would you like fries with that?
Okeydokey, fries with that today sir?
Ummm, alrighty then and would you like fries with that?
See how diversified I can be?
I could probably even get a shake in there if I had to.

Looking for a job blows.
I have applied so many different places and I don't even hear back and they were all stupid places anyway and then I see the listing for this job and it sounds so perfect that I wish I never even saw it because now I'm sad that I won't get it :(

Ok, whatever, chin up moving forward.

I'm almost finished with a very cool "shabby chic" "cottage rug".
Good marketing huh?
It's kind of pastely eastery colors that would go really good in a laundry room or a nursery or a shabby chic cottage done in a big stitch that makes the rug oober soft I hate it when the dogs lick themselves when I'm trying to talk it grosses me out and I loose my concentration and cozy under your feet.
If I finish it today I'll take a picture and post it on the fat facebook.
I wish the weather would clear up so I could get some more pictures of Nanny.
You know who I haven't talked about for a long time?
The catastrophic cat.
The whirling white wonder.
He is easily as big or bigger than Pansy his calico counterpart and always causing trouble, in trouble or contemplating trouble.
He goes everywhere leaving a wide wake of destruction in his path.
He chases chickens, stalks peacocks, lunges on the lambs and lays in wait for the pig.
That cat is T.R.O.U.B.L.E
Isn't that a Loretta Lynn song?
Lucky for him he's the cutest cat in the world.

Ok, I'm done.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Update

It must be late start Monday because I sure am getting a late start!
What a weekend.
No we weren't busy.
6 was sick most of the weekend, so we didn't get anything done and there's nothing worse than a sick husband.
What a grouch.
I don't feel good.
I'm tired.
I'm hungry.
What are you doing.
Gah, drives me nut. I have things to do, like play scrabble and watch lifetime.
Oh well, I survived, and when I woke up this morning there was a black and white dog in his place so I guess he lived to drive another day.

Wyatt is home today because of MLK day and isn't the deal with MLK day that you're not supposed to take a day off you're supposed to do a day of service... I think I'll have him do a little service work in his bedroom and bathroom and then when he's finished those two rooms he can volunteer to unload the dishwasher :)
I love holidays.

Ok, so news flash.
I spent my morning figuring out how to write my resume.
There was a job posting on Craigslist this weekend for production assistant at a local lavender farm where they make over 1200 hundred different products, but this position is for working with the essential oils. I would love to have a job like that so keep your fingers crossed.
I know, I know, your worried that I won't have time to blog, facebook, make soap, crochet or practice my mad baking skills, but I guess that's just one of the burdens of being a modern woman, so much to do, so little time.
Don't worry to much though, I probably won't get the job, but it will be good for me to have a resume together.

Ok, I gotta go, see you tomorrow.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bee Blog

We never got any stupid snow.
Oh I know that none of you really feel very sorry for me because you all have stupid snow of your own, but I would really like just one big snow this year.
Just one.
And it doesn't look like I'm going to get it.
Oh well.

Tonight Wyatt and I are going to our first OSBA meeting.
Do you know what OSBA is?
I'll tell you.
Oregon State Beekeeper Association!
This Christmas I bought some honey from Honeyrun Farm who bought some slippers from me so I wanted to return the kindness and purchase something from her Etsy shop.

Little did I know that this honey would be so beautiful or that the taste would bee so amazing so the day It arrived I immediately got online and ordered some for my sister and she loved it too!
And then I started thinking...
We could grow honey.
We could be bee farmers!

So I've been tossing this thought around a lot and on Tuesday I decided to email Jayne at Honeyrun and ask her some questions and she gave me some answers that led me to the OSBA that just happens to meet six miles from my house TONIGHT.
I'm really excited to find out if this is something I could do...
6 says it's a bad idea because I'll have all the bees named and bee bringing the bees in the house.
Whatever, I will not. Not on purpose.
Anyway, you know what they say...
Whatever will bee will bee.
I'll let you know how it goes.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get Rich Quick

Anyone on my email list, look out...
I've decided to give all those get rich by forwarding to six people emails a try.
I am SO tired of being poor! Argghh!!
Heres the deal, I need your help.
We have this beautiful farm, there has to be some way we can have it work for us, but I just can't figure out how, so I need you to help me come up with some ideas.
I would LOVE to have a pumpkin patch, but the cost of ground prep is pretty steep.
I would also love to do an organic garden and a roadside stand, or even sell to local restaurants or green grocers but I have no idea how or where to begin.
I know there's a way, I just need to figure out the how.
Have any ideas?

Wyatt's home from school today because they're forecasting snow and if he gets sent home on snow route I can't get to him because I'm a weenie and won't drive in the snow and it's to far for him to walk.

I need to go to town and pick up an anti-biotic for Nanny this morning.
She has a puncture wound on her neck from when she got beat up so bad before we got her and it's looking kinda ugly.
I swear she is the cutest little thing, and once again, like every other four legged hay burner on this farm, she came to us with the warning that she's pretty "stand offish" and doesn't really like people and then she turns out to be a snug.
She comes running to the gate whenever we go out, greeting us with her little smokers bleet.
She totally reminds me of a short little old lady who's smoked for forty years who should be wearing big glasses and a house coat.
Most goats say maAaAaa, Nanny says meh.
Very funny.

Ok, I'm going to go rummage through my sheets and start putting a new rug together today.
I think I'll do some spring colors.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cupcake Casserole and A New Nanny

Big blog day today!
I have so much to talk about, but first lets start with this...


This is Nanny.
As you all know we lost Timber last week to a parasite carried by white tail deer that is deadly to llamas but has no effect on other animals. Losing Timber was not only heart breaking to me but also to Belle our little orphan lamby. I have been trying all week to decide what I could do for Belle.

 Should I put her back in the big pasture with the other sheep? No, they don't like her and the donkeys won't have anything to do with her either. If I just wait a while will Pearl come around and be her friend? No, Pearl is an old egg stealing grouch who wants no part of baby sitting a little lonesome lamb.

Ornery old pig.
I just didn't know what to do and it was looking more and more like I was just going to have to let her run free with the border collie.

Yesterday was donkey and mule pedicure day and Randy showed up right on schedule at 10:00 a.m.
I noticed him taking a closer look around the farm than usual but didn't think anything of it until halfway through the first horse mule when he asked where my goats were.
I reminded him that I had traded my goats for Molly {the mule} because the goats kept escaping from the barnyard and coming up on the deck and head butting the slider trying to come in the house.
Oh, he said.
Why, I asked.
Well, he said "My parents had two goats, but one died and now the surviving goat is really sad and lonely and needs a friend."
So, as soon as we were finished with the feet the family loaded up in the old red farm truck and took a drive to the top of Wildcat Mountain to take delivery of a goat, and the goat we got was Nanny :)
We all had quite a laugh when we got our first look!
Here, I'll show you her picture again,

Seriously, what kind of goat is that!
Erin says she looks like an oompa loompa and I think Erin's right.
But Belle loves Nanny and Nanny... Likes Belle and Pearl is free to do her own thing without the bothersome baby following her everywhere she goes.
I really love a happy ending, don't you :)

Cupcake Casserole

Ok, so for a week or so I have been talking about my cupcake casserole and lots of people have been asking for the recipe.
It's a cinch to make and really delicious so here's the how to in easy to follow directions.
First assemble all your ingredients.

Follow the mixing directions on the box and pour the entire mix into this....

Bake at 350 for 35-38 minutes and then let cool.
After it has completely cooled, frost with your favorite frosting, mine is buttercream.
Cupcake Casserole!

Ok, last but not least,

Big Blog Giveaway

For the rest of the month of January I will be hosting a blog extravaganza.
All you have to do is follow the farm on the blog facebook page, see that little facebook box over there on the right? If you don't already follow the farm click the "like" option, and if you already follow the blog on facebook you're golden. Keep in  mind, I had to create a new facebook page because I permanently messed up the first one and had to start over, so make sure you're on this one.

Ok, so the deal is, all you have to do is leave a comment on facebook, it can just be a one word comment and you're in.
What do you do if you don't have facebook? 
Why leave a comment here of course!
What will you be recieving?
Let me tell you!
You will be receiving SIX cotton dishrags and two bars of handmade cold processed oatmeal soap!
But wait, that's not all!
You will also receive one six ounce jelly jar all natural soy candle!
Can you believe it!!
I was going to post a picture of the loot all together, but I didn't get it all made in time yesterday because of the Nanny Goat mission to the top of the Mountain, but here's an idea of what you'll be winning...

Six glamorous dishrags

Two bars of soothing oatmeal soap

And a candle that I haven't made yet :)

Ok, I gotta go, but remember, you can't win if you don't play!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

School, Soap And Some Other Stuff

Ahhhh, thats more like it.
The house is quiet again, but I guess it's always quiet in the house before the sun comes up, so I really won't get the full effect of School being back in session until around 10:00 and by then I'll be missing him so really, I can't win.
My favorite days of school are the first days back after a long break.
You know like summer and winter, because there's always new clothes involved and for those first sweet few days my child doesn't look like an orphan.
His hair is cut, his clothes are clean and fit him reasonably well and he smells good.
Speaking of smelling, remember the Axe attack of last spring... Thank gawd that's over.
Of course it's over after investing at least a full months salary into having my son smell like a guatemalan whorehouse, but hey, so long as it's over I'm not complaining.
Maybe that's what I should do with all my spare time, start an Axe awareness group for new mothers of tweens.
You know, just be there to comfort and support them, teach them the art of Ben Gay under the nostrils and how to borrow from your child's college fund to support his Axe habit.
I think I'm on to something here...

Today is the day that I officially begin to consider the idea of taking down the Christmas crap.
I know, I'll feel better once it's done, clean space, it's like a new house blah blah blah I know I've been reading it on every blog.
How after putting away the holiday decor everyone suddenly feels so renewed which I find interesting considering how wonderful and full of love and warmth everyone felt last month after putting all thissh!t out.
I'll let you in on a little secret, my house wasn't very clean before Christmas and it won't be very clean after I box all this stuff up.
Thats just how I roll.

I'm crocheting headband earwarmer things.
So far I think they're pretty cool.
I'll post a picture when I'm finished.
They're super simple. Like me. : )

I made bengal spice soap with a smidge of cinnamon yesterday.
I'm excited to cut it and see if the cinnamon line through the center turned out like I planned.
It's colored and scented with tea so it has a very light "organiky" feel to it.
I'll just go cut it, hang on a sec....

Ok, I'm back and the soap turned out great!

The scent is so light it's almost unscented, so if your a no fru fru kinda soap lover this is right up your alley!

Ok, that's all for now.
See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Um, I think it was yesterday that I said our year was off to a great start.
I spoke to soon.
We lost Timber yesterday and I now believe it was a parasite carried by white tail deer that hit both Tina and Timber. I found them both laying in the same position within a month from one another.
My heart is broken beyond words.
I can't talk about it anymore.

Wyatt goes back to school tomorrow and even though I love having him home, he also kind of sort of drives me nuts.
Today we will spend the day crafting together and maybe make a cupcake casserole and finish off his last day of freedom with Hamburger Helper (gag) for dinner.
He'll eat it, not me.
It's his last box of Christmas Hamburger Helper and he has loved each box more than the box before. (gag)

I think I'll make some soap today and maybe start a rug.
I need to do something to keep my mind occupied because if I don't I start bawling just like I'm doing now because I'm talking about it after I said I wouldn't talk about it.

6 is on his way home from the frozen north and should be able to spend at least one day at home this weekend.
I start thinking of all the projects we can get done in a short amount of time the minute he tells me he's coming home.
This weekend I think we need to tackle the big burn piles left over from when we had some hazard trees taken down in the mobile spaces.

I really wish he could get a week off and that we had a bazillion dollars so we could do something about the falling down barn.
It's not one of those cool old falling down barns, it's just a mid century fixer upper that has past fixer upper stage and gone straight to falling down stage.

I have to say, I'm really happy to be back on Blogger.
I missed my updating blogroll and love feeling like part of a blogging community again.
A friend of mine just started a knitting blog, Grammie Vee's Knitting and I'm so glad she chose to do it here.
If you love to knit or crochet you will love her blog, go check it out!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Little Off The Top

Ahhh.... So far the year is off to a great start.
I guess I should think about taking the Christmas decorations down, but we put them all up so late it seems to soon to take them down.
I think I'll leave them up until someone complains.

Wyatt and I went to town last night to finish off a few of his gift cards and I decided that since I had him captive in the truck and I was also the keeper of the cash I could make a few demands with a pretty high possibility of having them met.
But I also knew my window of opportunity was small so it was go big or go home.
I threw out the gauntlet.

It was time for a haircut.

Stronger men had gone before me and failed.
6 took him in before Christmas and Wyatt walked away with no more than a Bieber trim.
They may as well have thrown fifteen dollars out the window and backed over it because other than a slight feather the results were unnoticeable.

Wyatt was the victor of that round.

But I would not go down easy.
It was either a full on fade with a number five guard or nothing.
He accepted my challenge.
No deal.
He would sacrifice the cash and go home.
But by that time I was already in town and with the new nine cent gas tax the stakes were to high to turn around.
I threw in a #1 at Little Ceasers.
The seven dollar large pepperoni and breadstick combo, but I had to promise we could eat it in the parking lot.

We went from this...

To this...

Yes, the New Year is off to a good start indeed.


Monday, January 3, 2011

First Yearly Report

Good Morning and Happy 2011!

Who would have ever thought huh? That sounds so sophisticated... 2011, like we should all have our act together or something.

We had quite a lot going on this holiday season and I can honestly say I'm glad we're on the other side of it now. Not that it wasn't all warm and wonderful, but I swear, holidays don't necessarily bring out the best in me. I think I come from a long line of holiday misfits. I nearly had an all out emotional breakdown over the whole Wendy/douchebag situation bright and early on Christmas morning. I seriously have never felt such contempt for another human being in my life, and that's saying a lot and thats all I have to say about that.

We had some serious livestock management issues over the holidays too. Joe somehow managed to squeeze his way through a break in the fence and was found loitering in the mobile spaces on more than one occasion which landed him and Molly the Mule on lockdown in the yard.
And by yard I also mean patio.

Ew. Skunk.

6 wasn't home enough to get the fence fixed when the ground was thawed out enough to drive new fence posts in so their three hour tour in the yard ended up being two weeks in the yard and let me tell you, that's a lot of horse poop in the flower beds!

After months long and heart felt deliberation we decided to find Joe a home with a kid who would give him a job. Wyatt had good intentions when we got him, but he kind of lost interest somewhere around the feeding and caring for part and that isn't fair to Joe.
So old Joe came to us in pretty skinny sorry shape, but he left here with a fat belly and a warm wooly winter coat to go to live with a twelve year old girl, and really, is there any better way for an old horse to start a new year than with a twelve year old girl to love... I think not :)

Wyatt is still home from school until Thursday.
Whats up with that?

You may have noticed that you came back to Blogger to read my stories today... My brave and daring move to Wordpress wasn't all that I'd hoped it would be. I wanted to set up a page where I could sell my wares, and Wordpress doesn't support any kind of sales platform, only donations. They are pretty restricting as to what they allow unless you host your own blog in which case you can do whatever you want, but Blogger is easy and free which made it the best plan of action. So welcome back everyone!

Ok, I have to go feed everyone, see you tomorrow!