Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chicken Scratch

I'm getting out of the chicken business today.
Well, almost, we're keeping Millie and Frak, but all the rest are moving on to a new coop.

That's Millie in front

The problem is, we get more eggs than we could ever possibly eat, and living in the country, you can't sell eggs, and even the people living in town don't wan't them because everyone is a backyard farmer now and grows their own chickens and goats.

Add in the work of cleaning the coop, feeding, collecting and washing the eggs, I think I can live with runny pale hormone induced store bought eggs.
Millie and Frak will lay a few eggs here and there, but we are going to let them free range so who knows where they will lay, and...
We have fourteen baby ducks now who will lay eggs like they're going out of business.

Marry Ellen and her babies
This year we're keeping all the ducklings because the are the best pest patrol ever. They eat more flies than a fly trap traps, not to mention slugs, ants, spiders, and anything else creepy.
They're very friendly and don't tear things up like chickens do, so in my book, they're a-ok.
We will be putting the turkeys, Wills and Kate out in the barnyard soon and they will have the company of all the geese.

And hopefully Penny will be bringing down a new brood soon.
She has been up in the barn sitting for what seems like a few weeks at least.
I'm SO excited to see what she makes :)

Penny and Steve

That's about it, everything is okey-dokey, the weather is nice, the days are long...

And I have the best neighbor in the world!

Six months & sixteen pounds!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Don't Throw It Away!

Been to busy to blog so today I'm sharing a little Old Farmers Almanac Wisdom!

Wait! Don’t Throw It Away!

Wait! Don’t Throw It Away!
Reduce, reuse, recycle! If your community is like most, recycling is now part of your curbside pickup service. Many towns and cities are promoting recycling to residents as a way to reduce disposal costs or stretch the resources of local landfills. As recycling rates improve, however, there is a lost art our grandparents and great-grandparents once practiced that we could stand to learn from: reuse.
In these lean economic times, it only makes sense to make the most of our resources, finding second, and sometimes third, lives for items we would have once simply discarded. As the old adage says, “Waste not, want not.”
Here’s a quick primer on how to turn trash into treasure!
Empty Tin Cans 
• Wash them out thoroughly. Cut out both the top and bottom ends and use to protect young seedlings from critters.
• Paint and hang in trees to discourage birds from eating your ripening fruit.
• Punch them with designs and set candles in the middle of each. Use as lanterns to line sidewalks, steps, and gardens. (Do not cut out both ends. To punch, fill with water and freeze. Mark a pattern on the outside of each can, get a nail and a hammer, and hammer out the designs. Let the water thaw, then put tea lights in each for lanterns.)
Junk Mail 
• Instead of tossing coupons, letters, and envelopes from your mail, use them as scrap paper instead. They’re really great for notes, grocery lists, or drawing paper for kids.
• Newspapers can be used as mulch to keep weeds down. You’ll need to cover them with dirt or rocks or something to keep the papers from blowing away, but they will work well to keep weeds at bay and ultimately will dissolve into the soil.
On trash days, try putting out a box filled with items that have value (but not to you) with a sign that says “FREE.” Sometimes your trash is another person’s treasure.
• Freecycle— check out This online, nonprofit community is made of local groups that enable you to list and give away (and get) stuff for free in your own area. It’s all about reusing and keeping good stuff out of landfills.
Faded Curtains and Old Shirts 
•Unless they’re made from polyester, old shirts and curtains are probably compostable.
• They can be used for dust rags or cut down for something like a tarp or packing material, etc.
Brown Paper Bags 
•Use paper bags for wrapping paper. Turn them inside out if there’s writing on them, add colorful ribbons or have children color on them.
• Place hot cookies on brown paper bags. This helps soak up a little of the oil from the cookies.
Egg Cartons 
• Store your small pieces of jewelry in empty egg cartons.
• Take the lid off a carton and place the bottom in a drawer. It can hold and organize buttons, paper clips, small screws, and nails.
• Line the bottom part of an egg carton with small cupcake papers. You can place small homemade cookies or candies in each compartment. Wrap the whole with clear plastic. Top with a ribbon. Give as a gift.
• Use them to start seeds. If they are cardboard, the entire container can be planted when the seeds germinate.
• Use as a paint holder for children. When they are finished painting, the carton can be thrown away. (Styrofoam cartons can be washed out and reused.)
Coffee Cans 
• Coffee cans are really good to have in the shop. They hold all sizes of nails and screws. The sizes of the nails can be printed on the lids with a marker. Yogurt Containers Use old yogurt containers to store leftovers in or to pack lunches.
• Cut the bottom out of a yogurt container and place it around delicate plants to protect them in the spring from chilly weather.
• Make your own herb garden: put a hole in the bottom of a container, add a large rock, soil, and seed. Empty Thread Spools String spools together and separate by knots to use as part of a gentle wind chime strand.
• They really make cute miniature dried flower holders and wonderful take-home souvenirs with children’s names on them when used for seating at a party.
Shower Curtains 
• Clean and disinfect an old shower curtain by soaking it for a couple of hours in a bathtub filled with warm water and vinegar. Use it as a tablecloth for the picnic table.
• Use an old shower curtain as a drop cloth when you are painting, or as a ground sheet under your tent or sleeping bags.
• Make a windshield cover to prevent frost build-up. Cut a shower curtain to fit your windshield and hem magnets in along the edges to hold it on your vehicle.
• Use a shower curtain to make an apron for really messy jobs.
Motivating Reasons to Reduce Garbage 
According to data released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 2001 about plastic bag, sack, and wrap consumption, somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year. While many bags are reused before being trashed, many find their way into landfills or are polluting areas around shopping centers. Once in the environment, it takes months to hundreds of years for plastic bags to break down. On average, according to 2001 statistics, each person in America generates 4.4 lbs of waste a day. According to the Dump and Run Web site (http://www.dumpandrun. org/garbage.htm)
• Americans’ total yearly waste would fill a convoy of garbage trucks long enough to wrap around the Earth six times or reach halfway to the moon. It is estimated that this year Americans will generate 222 million tons of waste.
• Since 1950, people in the United States have used more resources than any generation that lived before them. Each individual American uses up 20 tons of basic raw materials annually.
• At the consumption level of the average American, at least four additional planets worth of resources would be needed to support the planet’s six billion inhabitants.
• By comparison, the average North American consumes ten times as much as the average person living in China and thirty times as much as the average person living in India.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Angel Food & Daisies!

Another Monday already?
I really shouldn't say that because I don't have Mondays.
I'm just trying to fit in .
A poser of sorts.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I was able to finish the upstairs with the exception of painting and trust me, that may be the most important part, so I can't do my "Big Blog Reveal" until it's finished finished.
I think your grandchildren will really enjoy it and by then appriciate the retro feel of the space :)

During one of my procrationation periods well deserved cleaning breaks I found this blog, Tillie Tulip.
She does the most beautiful crochet, and I fell in love with this granny daisy.

Umm, hello, how great is that!
So on my next "break" I sat down and started stitching and thought that I wanted to go with something like this,

But then I changed my mind and decided I want to go with something bright and fun instead of plain old beige.
I tried a green one and that didn't do a thing for me and I tried a blue which I love, but I don't wan't to completley poach Tillie's daisy, just replicate it.
So I think I'll do a yellow center, white petals and brights on the outside bordered in white.
I'll take a picture once I get a few together.
Thanks Tillie for the inspiration :)

Kay the other thing I made on one of my many breaks was angel food cake in a jelly jar!!
I'm not even kidding you.
Wendy bought an angel food cake mix but didn't want to do the whole tube pan hanging on a bottle business so I told her I would make it for her.
Then, while immersed in doing some research on Pinterest I came across a recipe for jelly jar angel food cake!!!
All you do is follow the directions on the box and then fill 16 
(I think next time I'll do 15) 
well sprayed with non stick, 8oz jelly jars, 1/4 of the way full, place on a cookie sheet and bake about 20 minutes!

Imagine these at a potluck or picnic with a bowl of fresh strawberries and whipped cream!

Thanks i am baker!

I have to go do the dishes now.
Happy Monday!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Not To Wear

My nephew is getting married in August and although I have seriously considered wearing the same dress to his wedding that I wore to my nieces wedding last summer I think that may be just a little to faux pas'ish even for me.
I never really go anyplace fancy so if I buy a dress to wear to one occasion that's the only time I'll ever wear it so I just figured I would wear that one fancy wedding guest dress to all the weddings I go to and then I would have sufficient bang for my fashion buck.

But I can't do it.

Maybe someday I'll be called to jury duty or be featured on the news for some kind of local scandal and get to wear my fancy dress again.

In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for something appropriate to wear to an evening wedding in downtown Seattle.

I was initially thinking something like this...

Casual and comfortable yet stylish with a current feel.
Yes I said current.
Have you seen Tori Spelling?

But then my nephew said he would prefer if nobody wore purple.

At least on our side of the family.

But ruling out purple also ruled out this...

And probably this too.

Ok so I need to go in a different direction.

Maybe something a little younger with a splash of color.
A romper maybe?

But that would mean shaving the top AND bottom of my legs, so that's out and so is this.

Plus, I didn't know if the black one was a little dress or a big bikini.

Back to the drawing room

I know you're never supposed to outshine the bride, but I can totally see myself in this.

Or maybe even this

Buuuut.... Since we're driving up and back the day of the ceremony that means a lot of time spent dolled up in a 97' Ford Escort with Wendy, Wyatt and the Neighbor and these dresses would probably encroach on someone else's leg room.

Scratch those two.

Then I thought, I'm pretty crafty, maybe I could whip up something myself.

Trailer park tie dye anyone?

Mmm... No.

How about a little Stevie Nicks?
Hides a multitude of hips.

Then again maybe no.

Since I ruled out a romper maybe a jumpsuit that doesn't require anything more than armpit shaving?

What do you think?

I'll tell you what I think...
I think I'm going to stick with an old stand by.
The little black dress.
And maybe I'll have Wyatt put a new twist on the old favorite with a strip or two of duct tape.
Not just plain old silver of course, I was thinking purple pink or yellow.

I haven't commited to anything yet, so let me know what you think.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer's Here!

Knock knock.
Who's there?

We didn't have a very bad winter so I can't complain about the snow and the ice and how I had to walk to school uphill both ways in a blizzard.
And spring has been perfect and so far today summer has been great.
It's supposed to get hot.
And I'm to fat for hot.
And you can't run the oven and make brown butter banana bread and chewy fudge brownies when it's hot.
And in the winter when it's cold I can run the fire at full tilt and set my electric blanket to inferno, but in the summer when it's hot all I can do is push the hot air around with a cheap fan and soak my feet in a mixing bowl full of ice.

Oh well, I can handle it.
It's worth the wilting because in the summer we have this...

And this

and this

and this

and of course, this summer, best of all, we have this...
The Neighbor.

I think it's going to be a big fat fun filled summer for sure!

Tune in tomorrow when I will be discussing plus size fancy pants wedding wear.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Itch Free Post

Dear Colgate,


I blame you for my thirteen year old son brushing his teeth with Cortisone on the last day of school because Cortisone has always looked like Cortisone while Colgate is always "improving" their product and packaging and in the process ended up with toothpaste that looks like itch paste.
Thank's a lot Colgate, you owe us.

I didn't work on the upstairs yesterday.
I think I will today.
No promises.

I made No Peek Chicken for dinner yesterday.
It was really good except next time I make it I will use thin sliced breasts instead of hunk-o-breast chunk of chicken because I really can't stand a big wad of chicken anymore.
You already know everything about store bought chicken so I won't even go into it, all I'm saying is that I only like thin sliced chicken and if I were any kind of stand by what I say kind of gal I would be growing my own chickens for dinner.

Moving on.

I made Brown Butter Banana Bread for dessert and almost fell out of my chair dead it was so good!
I'm not even kidding.
It was DeLiCiOuS

I think the brown butter frosting is what makes it.

Or it might be the sour cream in the cake.

Whatever it is, it will knock your socks off.

And you can get the recipe here...

The Neighbor just walked in, gotta go!


Monday, June 18, 2012

This & That

Have I ever mentioned that our entire house is wood paneling?

Or have I maybe mentioned it a bazillion times?
Have I ever mentioned that I want to paint but I can't get anyone on board with that project and usually when I say "I" or "we" it doesn't mean me it only means Six because of my stupid shoulder and rotten back.
Have I also mentioned that not only is every wall fake wood, but every window covering is plastic wood as well so one feels as though one is living in a make believe box.
And that the pretend wood grain in the blinds is the same color as the faux wood walls and even goes in the same direction so if hallucinogenic drugs were legal someone would definitely end up on a bad trip.

This weekend I did what I could do with my limited nonexistent budget and bought some outdoor bamboo shades.

Not the dark ones, the light ones, although I think they look dark in this photo but I had to be carfeful with the photo angle or I would have got the flystrip and the garbage can in the picture so the lighting isn't the best.
Anyway, they look GREAT and they let light and air in but keep out the really hot heat and they don't look so same woodish.
I am also visualizing them with my freshly painted buttercream walls.
Pretty clean buttercream walls devoid of dog tail mud spray.
You know, pretty clean buttercream walls with high gloss shiny white trim and denim slipcovered sofas with lots of colorful tassled throw pillows.
Pretty huh :)

In case you missed in on Pinterest or Facebook, I made my own Fabreze this weekend!

I got the idea from Life Family Love and it was SO easy and SO inexpensive.
Just a little fabric softener, I used Downy Citrus Spice.
A smidge of baking soda.
And hot water.

Smells just like the real thing!

Today I'm going to try and finish cleaning the upstairs.

It's also Wyatts LAST day of school!!

Did that song "Schools Out For Summer" just blast in your brain?
Mine too!

I love summer.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Girl Can Dream...

I started working on the outside upstairs storage junk out of sight out of mind room yesterday.
I'm telling you right now it's going to be a big job.
You see every time we clean and organize one room or closet in the house a portion of the things we cleaned go to another space in the house and right now we're down to two spaces and those are, the room above the garage and the outside upstairs storage junk out of sight out of mind room and today, well yesterday is the day I started to take care of it.
The problem is, where do you put all the stuff that you have already moved all over the house?
There is stuff up there that has been in every single room of this house.
The stuff you don't want but can't get rid of.
Like a toaster oven or popcorn machine or antique empty bottle of booze in the shape of a horse and rider.
I have an antique dress form that my mother gave us that Wyatt drew lady parts on.
What do I do with that?
A badly drawn pornographic dress form?
Maybe I'll just put a dress on her and cover up her colorful breasts.

So this is what I have in mind...

Or this, something fun and colorful.

Not a shabby chic pale room with a white couch and chandelier.

Very pretty, but not for me.

I want a room that will inspire.

Click here for curbly craft ideas

See where I'm going with this?

Bright and cheery.

The sad part is, right now I have to walk past this...

To get to this.

Oh Mannn.

This is so not my dream room.

But it will be!
You just wait for the new improved craft room where dreams are bonded together with hot clue and glitter sprinkled with love.

I just have to go unload the dishwasher and clean the toilet first.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Try It, You'll Like It!

Last night I made banana pudding.
Well, actually three nights ago I made banana pudding.
From scratch.
And it was so gross I almost barfed cried.
So I gave it to the chickens and to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they only ate it because they didn't want to be rude and hurt my feelings.
I followed the directions to a tee, but I don't have a double boiler so I improvised and put a pot on a pot and the pot boiled but the pudding didn't set it just turned grainy and gross.
So I bought some instant banana pudding and tried again and oh. My. GAWD.
It was sooooo good!
here's what it looked like before we got the giant spoon in it...

And here's what it looked like after I got the giant spoon out again and dished some up for breakfast...

I know you're going to think I'm just making this up, but I have never ever in my whole entire life had banana pudding.
I've seen it at potlucks, but the bananas are always brown and oogy so I've never taken any.
Well, that will teach me to judge a dessert by the color of it's contents.
I can not believe I have lived twenty-ninesomething or more years without ever eating banana pudding.
I have a LOT of catching up to do.

I am still working on this rag quilt.
The Imperfect Homemaker didn't take this long and she says right there in the title of her blog she's imperfect and it still didn't take her three weeks to finish her "easy" rag quilt.
Remember I cut out all my red squares...
Then I cut out all my fish squares...
Then I cut out all my batting squares...
Then I x'd all my red squares, fish squares and batting squares together...
Then I sewed those squares together into lines...
And now I have to sew more lines...
And then I have to sew all my lines together...
And then I have to cut it all up and make it look easy fast and raggy.
Don't say it.
So this is where I am so far...

Remember, I'm using sheets for my first one because I'm STILL learning.
My fancy sewing sister sent me a rag quilt christmas kit and I thought "oh that's so nice, a kit".
Like summer camp quilt kit.
It's more like a Betsy Ross or some other professional sewers chiristmas quilt kit.
You know, like something they'd work on in between baking quiches and building log cabins.
Whatever, I'll get to work on that as soon as I finish my Goodwill sheet bin fish quilt and banana pudding from a box for breakfast :)


Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring Abounds!

Well, I guess Spring has finally sprung on the farm, and it is definitely a big year for babies!
We started out with this guy...

Even though he came a few months early we're still counting him as this years addition.

Then came Butch... Followed closely by four more that looked just like him.

Then Olive with her four little kittens.

~no photos yet~

And Mary Ellen the Muscovy is sitting on another clutch of eggs due to hatch any day and turn into a passel of these...

And the turkeys Wills and Kate or Wills and Roy or Kate and Louise are growing up and almost ready to leave the garage.

And Penny and Steve have a nest filled with eggs nestled safely in a stack of hay hidden in the barn.

And then surprise of all surprises, Rita hatched a great big beautiful baby llama yesterday afternoon!

Isn't she something...

We have to do all the baby business today, but we think she is a bouncing baby girl and we're calling her Roxy.

This morning when I went up to the barn to do my morning rounds Buddy ran out to play with her and they were running and frolicking in the tall spring grass while Rita looked on taking in the madness of her brand new baby rolling around with a soaking wet, barking mad, slightly manic border collie.
It was quite a sight :)

I haven't finished my rag quilt yet but it is coming along slowly.
Lot's of cutting. Lot's of cutting. Lot's of cutting.

Yesterday was our anniversary.
Six and I have been married seven years now.
That's officially more years than I have had husbands and a record breaking amount of time for each one of us in any given marriage.
I cross my fingers this one lasts till' I'm dead.
So far we're having a pretty good time and the outlook is good.
