Saturday, March 31, 2007

All In The Family

I can not believe how much I like GK's family.
They are the kind of people you meet and feel like you have known a lifetime.
The best part is seeing how much they love Gk and Grammy.
It just shows in the way they look and talk to them.
I will try and get a picture of them all together today.

Last night they brought bacon wrapped tenderloin steaks for bbq and we did some bakers and a nice salad.
The steaks were out of this world.
I made my coolwhip delight surprise dessert and it was pretty tasty too.
You know Gk will clean up anything with whip.
Grammy kept up with the dinner table conversation and threw in her own take on things a few different times.
Jock was telling about all the fish he caught and Grammy had a very thoughtful look about her.
I asked her what she thought about all those fish Jock caught, and she told us by the looks of it she thought Jock must of ATE all those fish he caught!
Pretty stinkin funny.

Dohn and Jonna came over for a little while, but didn't stay for dinner.
I'm not sure why, I was at home when they left.

What I am about to say is true.
I know you will think it sounds like something I made up.
The following is true.

We are going to dinner tonight at the......
Pink Feather.

I swear.
I am not making that up.

they serve chicken and fish and I guess it's a Portland family favorite.
I think Dohn and Jonna are going with us tonight.
Actually, if they go, we might stay home and let them drive the neighbors.
That way the adults can have a night out and us kids can stay home.

Imagine this....
I am at the big house tending to the dogs.
Gk and Co. are all out to dinner.
The phone rings.
I answer it.
The caller says....
Hello, may I speak with Ken Fahrenholz.
I say......
No, I'm sorry, he's at the Pink Feather.
That would be really funny.

I think we are going to take Wyatt swimming at the OC Pool today.
Either today or tomorrow.
We need to call a friend to go so I don't have to go in the water with him.
Remember the pool mishap of 06'?
We had just filled the pool for Wyatt and Maddy and they were LOVING it.
The side of the pool collapsed and sent me rolling out along with all the water.
I landed on my ass about 15 feet away.
I shook my head, collected myself and looked back to see two crying kids sitting in an empty pool.
Sad then, funny now.

Mike is up wandering around the house longing for something to do.
It's raining today, so he can't mow the lawn and he's already done the few dishes we had.
I guess he will have to settle for watching cartoons with Wyatt for awhile.

back to the big house.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Take Off

Remember that John Denver song?
I'm leaving on a jet plane..
Don't know when I'll be back again...
Oh babe, I hate to go.....
Above sung to the tune of John Denvers "leaving on a jet plane".

Well anyway that song has been stuck in my head since Lloyd called from NYC sitting on a jet in JFK getting ready to leave for Hamburger Germany.
I know, it's not really Hamburger, but thats what it sounds like.

I think if I were him I would have had that queezy I could almost puke a little in my mouth sort of feeling.

He called last night and was able to say hello/goodbye to GK.
GK is soooo proud of him.
He was really braggin' him up to the Minnesotins.

Speaking of Minnesota....
They had a really nice dinner last night, and everyone (my neighbors wife) came home in great shape.
You know usually when Grammy goes to dinner it rocks her world and she doesn't come back in her right mind.
Last night she did!
I think she is REALLY enjoying the visit.
They are very nice people.
I wish they lived close.

I'm going to the big house.
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh yes...I have to go.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good Times

Well the Minnesotins just pulled out of the driveway!
Heading out to dinner.
Two in front, three in back.
Nephew Jack has a Silverado crew cab pick-up, so not quite as big as Mike Carlsons.
We squoze Grammy, Hutsie and Jock in the back, and GK and Jack in the front.
The front seaters are ok, once they're in.
I pulled and pushed GK in by the seat of his pants.
Getting the back seaters in was another story.
Grammy got in pretty easy.
She grabbed the "Oh Shit Handle" and pulled herself on up.
Hutsie just said "Oh Shit" alot.
Jock tried to keep his mouth shut as I'm sure their could of been alot of funny things said about the old Broads in the back, but obviously thought better of it.

The family got here last night and they had a really nice visit.
It was so fun to see GK so happy.
Grammy was on top of the world, being the best hostess and full of grace.
Everyone was tired by the end of the evening, but that's the best kind of tired to be.
Happy tired.

Ok, heres something.
Gk got up this morning feeling great.
I couldn't believe it, nor did I question wether or not it was a good idea.
I am not kidding.
He drove clear across town to license the car.
I don't know how often you read this, but I'm talking about my neighbor who nearly keeled over last week.
THEN, he came home and fired up the goat wagon and took the poodles for a drive.
Just drove them around.
So that's how things go on the ranch.
One day at a time.

Mike just got home.
He had a long day.
He got a flat tire on the log truck and had to wait for help.

Wyatt has been having a good day.
He got Freda from the hen house and brought her up on the big house porch.
The Minnesotins got a big kick out of that.
Wyatt got a big kick out of them getting a big kick out of that.
He even got a laugh out of GK.

As they say in Minnesota
Bye Fer Now

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cracked Up

Over Easy

You just never know what's gonna shake out when you open your eyes in the morning.
Who knew last Tuesday when the phone rang at 5:30 AM things would go the way they did.
By 10:00 AM I was told to call Family and let them know GK probably would not make it through the day.

Today, he is home.
Today he is happy.
Today, no matter what the doctors say, he feels good.
Today he will spend the day with his wife, his family, and his dogs.
Today is the best day of his life.

Everyone slept well last night.
Julie said Grammy was up a few times, but that's not a bad thing.
GK slept through the night and was happy to be in his own bed.
I will stay there tonight and however long I need to.

Julie went home this morning and I was sad to see her go.
I think I may have even welled up a little.
The last time my eyes leaked for Julie is when she took a spanking for me in like 1975.
I cried because I felt bad for her getting the spanking, but at the same time, I was glad it was her and not me.
Is that bad?
I think it is.
Sorry Julie.
I sent home a five gallon bucket of eggs and a box each of chicken and goose eggs.
I hope that makes up for things.

We talked to Kelly yeterday and she said Lloyd is getting ready to go.
I bet it's a hard time for the boys.
I wonder if pilots from Iraq would get paid big money to deliver mail in Iowa?
If you read this Lloyd, be careful and don't worry about getting me a souvenir.
I understand you will have a lot on your mind, so you can just pick me up a little something from the airport in Billings when you get back and we can both agree to believe it's from over there.
My friend Julie Nickerson was on vacation and went to see where Wyatt Earp was burried.
She brought me back a rock and said it was from the grave.
It took me awhile to figure out that the rock could have been from the flower garden in her front yard, but I chose to believe the grave story.
I still have the rock.

Mike just called to say he passed Julie on I-5.
She was going the other way so she didn't see him.

Wyatt is home and starting to get bored.
He will miss having his Aunts here.
I hope Wendy will visit soon.
He went to visit the neighbor lady (stinky neighbors) yesterday, and she fell asleep in the chair.
He couldn't remember our phone number and isn't allowed to walk on the road by himself, so he had to wait till we came to get him.
He was not to thrilled.

I have to get back to the big house.

I was just thinking.
Thinking about leaky eyes.
I remember crying the day Kelly moved to the big house when I was little kid.
That was a really sad day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Knock on Wood

Cross your fingers the Neighbor gets to come home today.
I went to pick him up yesterday morning and they wouldn't let him go.
They were talking about re-hab facilities for a few weeks.
By the end of they day they had decided to let him come home with nursing care.
So yesterday was spent on the phone with Kate the nicest social worker in Oregon working out a home plan.
You know how that goes, lot's of don'ts and a couple do's.

Grammy is doing really well.
She talked to GK on the phone the other night...did I already tell you this?
Anyway, when they got off the phone she looked at us and said, "He's in the Jailhouse".
Pretty funny.

Julie is still here and cooking some of the best food MY family has ever had.
AND she makes cookies, custards, etc......
In my next life I hope she is either my Mother, House Lady or Wife because she is the best cook ever and she's really clean.
I guess it depends how I do in this life.

Wyatt is home from school all week.
The neighbors had a baby goat a few weeks ago, so he can't wait to get up and see her again.
They named her Maddie and he thinks thats pretty funny.
He got a new doll last night that completes his latest set.
He is pretty easy to please, and trust me, that pleased him.
So he got to sleep at the big house with Aunt Julie and go to K-Mart.
Almost to good to be true.

Uhhhhhh, if anyone has seen Wendy, please tell her to call.

Gotta Go

He's Home!!!!

The Neighbor is home and HAPPY to be here!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Getting Better

Gk is in a room of his own today with a view of the nurses station or vise-versa, depending on who you ask. ; )
He is feeling better today and even had a sponge bath, which I'm sure helps him feel a little fresher around the edges.
Blood pressure etc are all still holding, it's just the calcium they continue to struggle with.
With any luck he will be home by Monday.
He is in good spirits and happy to hear how things are going at home but more anxious to be here.

Kelly went home today and should be in Montana around midnight.
I'm sure it was hard for her to leave, but she has a family waiting for her.
Julie made us a parting meatloaf tonight, that honest to GAWD was the best I have ever had.
I will miss Chef Sis Julie.
Wyatt has loved every minute with his Aunts, and trust me is very sad to see them go.
Mike has been off work since Wednesday and is the best at helping the ladies.
Any of us ask him for help with anything and he is right there happy to step in.
Never once cussed us under his breath.
Uncle John is still with his sister in Spokane, but should be home Monday or Tuesday.

Grammy is golden as usual.
She made my day when she was sitting on the couch at the far end of the room and started singing to me.
We sang back and forth to each other for the longest time and it would be a hard to say who was farther off key.
I think dogs were shaking their heads and howling for miles around!
She said she was glad she stayed for dinner tonight because meatloaf, mashed potatoes and ice cream was hard to beat : )
She's the best.

All for now.

Friday, March 23, 2007

General Hospital

Gk is still in the hospital, but I think he is being moved to the "floor" tonight.
He has been in CCU up to now.
The fluid is starting to clear around his heart and lungs, but he is having real problems with his electrolytes, potasium and calcium.
He has gout in BOTH hands now and maybe the worst case of it yet.
He wants out of the hospital so bad, it is heartbreaking to see.
He made his nephew give him five dollars for a cab home wednesday night. : )

Grammy is doing well.
She asks about Gk now and again and we just say he is at the doctor.
She always hopes he won't be late for dinner, and then dinner comes and she has gone on to thinking about other things.
Thats good, we don't want her to worry.

I am so glad Julie and Kelly are here.
I miss laughing about dumb girl things.
I try with GK but he just shakes his head and thinks I'm crazy.
Having them both here makes a very hard time a little easier.

We have been doing a bunch of Spring cleaning.
You know, vacuming corners, dusting bunnies and general refreshing.
Julie has cooked GREAT dinners every night.
That is like a holiday in itself.
Don't worry, I'm still counting my points and staying within WW law.
Wyatt is staying with them at the big house tonight and thinks he's really cut a fat hog! : )

I'm tired.
C ya

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Gk still in the hospital.
Family still here.
More family coming from Minnesota.
Wendy won a trip to Las Vegas on the radio.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Out of Order

GK off to the hospital @ 5:30 Tuesday morning.
Fluid in his lungs.
All the family here sans kids.
Say a prayer.
Update tommorow.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Kinda Fishy

Well, it's still early, but here's how things are going today.
Grammy woke up feeling great.
Hungry and ready to start the day.
When I asked her how she slept last night she told me.....
"with my eyes closed"
Old joke, but still funny.

Gk seems to be doing well.
He has big plans for the day.
Taking one of the cars through DEQ, they both need to go.
He wants to do some work up in the barn, and finish up his tax stuff.
He's moving a little slower today then he was over the weekend, but still feeling pretty good.
It was great to watch him doing stuff this weekend.
Kind of like he had spring fever.
He was so happy and felt so good, and really got a lot done.

Uncle John has been MIA all weekend.
No call, no nothing.
GK is worried that something may have happened to his Brother in law in Spokane.
I hope he calls today, Gk misses him.

GK's dumb white dog hurt her leg this weekend, Saturday I think.
Now she stinks and limps.

Mike and Wyatt had a good family visit.
I sent eight goose eggs with them and said to tell Maddy they were from the Oregon Easter Bunny.
I guess they had a good time painting them, but fought over who got the cracked one.
Mike took them to Wal-Mart and Wyatt got more "Magic of the Rainbow" toys and Maddy got the barbie with the dog that poops!
As you can imagine, a good time was had by all.

Grandma Sharron gave Wyatt a fishbowl and some rocks.
We took him to the "ghetto" fish store and in a dark corner he found a pink Betta fish.
He named her Rose.
He bought a raibow castle to put in the bowl for her and he is now a very proud fish owner.

My sister Kelly told me a long time ago that God may very well have made Wyatt to teach Jack a lesson and I think she was right.
Can you just imagine....clear your head for a minute.......
Picture Jack.......

Big round bald head.
Brown teeth.
Googly yellow eyes.
Bad Texas drawl.
Smells like cigerettes and whiskey.

K, ready.......

Aint no boya mine gonn play wit no gaw dam dolls an hava pink gaw dam fish.
No Way. I sa No Way.

O.k, now think of a field full of wildflowers...
Birds singing....
Your back in a happy place now.

Remember when Wyatt got his first doll?
Shelly and Wendy and I took him to Target and he HAD to have a BLACK baby doll.
He named her ShaNaiNai.
Baby ShaNaiNai.
Then remember when he got a little older and got his first black barbie!

Yes indeed.
I think Kelly was right.
God is teaching Jack a lesson.

I think that's all I have to talk about right now.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Introspective Sunday

I have a feeling this is going to be long and it's not about the neighbors.
Since you and I are not under any type of contract you are not obligated to listen to my goings on.

Yesterday I was talking to Mom and she told me I needed to change the greeting on my voice mail.
She said my tone was bad and the message was grating.
That made me mad.
That made me mad so the rest of the conversation wasn't going to go anywhere because my focus was no longer positive, it was on myself and the fact that I was mad.

Two points I want to make.
Often times things are better if we keep negative opinions to ourselves.
A conversation is one sided and selfish if our focus is strictly on ourself.

Here's another thing I think.
Being interested in other people makes us interesting to other people.

NObody wants to talk to you if all you want to talk about is yourself, wich is funny because EVERYbody wants to talk about someone else.
Rather it be a co-worker or the President everyone loves discussing what someone else is doing.
I think it's a diversion from our own shortcomings to point out others shortercomings.

This takes me back to hating the neighbors. (The other neighbors down the hill)
I liked hating them because it gave me an easy release.
They were bad and wrong and ugly and just plain no good and I could take all my uncatagorized anger and put it in the neighbor bucket.
Instead of kicking the dog or yelling at Wyatt, I could hate the neighbors.
They didn't know I was hating them, and even if they did I don't think it bothered them.
So when I decided to stop the tirade and realized it wasn't my place to hate them (through a little prompting on GK's part)
I had to think about where I was going to get a new bucket to dump in.
Heres a concept.
No bucket.

That leads me back to the conversation with Mom.
I told her if she didn't like the message to hang up BEFORE she got to the message.
She said she would.
I was still mad.
I went to bed mad because in my mind she had taken the fun out of the message for me.
Speaking of fun messages, does anyone remember the mobile home/waterbed message Val put on my phone the winter of 89'. That was a good message.
So I was still mad after 10:00 at night and even contemplated getting up to change the message so that through reverse physcology she would feel bad.
I decided that would be filling a bucket.
Because then every time the phone rang or someone said, "what happened to your message" I would get mad again.

I decided to leave the message how it is and if I'm not home Mom can email a message to me.
I think that's a fair compromise.

I don't want any more full buckets, because what usually ends up happening is the bucket filler eventually gets a whole bucket of shit dumped on their head and has no one to blame but themselves.
Trust me.
I know this.

There has to be a way normal people deal with things.
Or, maybe not.
Maybe thats why people shop, drink, gamble etc.....
Allways looking for a way to fill a void.
Never being happy with what you have. but always looking ahead to something else in hopes it will bring you happiness.
Isn't that the way we are with our kids?
Soon they will walk, soon they will talk, they will be in school soon, they will move out soon, they will get a job etcccc.......
Always looking around the corner to see what better lies ahead.
But when we get to the better, we are so busy looking for more we don't see what we have.
I told you this was going to be long and self serving and theres still time for you to get up and leave if you want.

Listen to this......if your still here.

I loved gaining weight.
I loved every burger, every candy bar, every maple bar and every box of cookies.
I would sit in my big blue chair and think about how good the next thing I ate was going to taste and how good it was going to make me feel.
Kind of the same thing with smoking, but I'm talking about food now.
Then I realized...WoW I'm fat.
Not just a little overweight but 239 pounds fat.
So now, I'm on weight watchers and only thinking about losing weight.
Do you see what I'm saying?
I'd dream about the maple bar, get it, and then right away think about pizza for lunch.
Now, I lose one pound, but I cant wait for five.
Interesting isn't it.
Is it human nature or is it sick in the head?

I could go on, but I won't because more than likely everybodys already gone and I can talk to myself with out having to worry about my spelling. (waiting patiently for my Bday J)

Thank you for your time.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Good Night

Everyone in my neighborhood had a good nights sleep!
Grammy was up fresh as a daisy and GK slept until after 7:00 : )

Grammy wheeled up to the breakfast table and downed a bowl of applesauce, two waffles and washed it all down with a glass of milk.

She is sittining in the sun reading her stories.

Gk was getting ready to fix the dogs some breakfast and then head for town.
Today will be the first time he has driven in quite some time.
I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm not to worried.

Rick was up during breakfast and I didn't have hateful thoughts or plan his demise as I normally would have.
I just smiled and said good morning.
He was very polite as well.

Mike just called.
They had a good trip up and are getting ready to start the day.
He will drop Wyatt off with Wendy this morning and get him back this afternoon before she goes to work.

Wendy said her date was ok, but he was pushy on the kiss goodnight.
I wouldn't blame her if she decided not to see him again because that seems to set the tone for the rest of the dates.
If their pushy on the first date, it usually goes down hill from there.

More later maybe.

How Can I Miss You....

Well I can tell you without any doubt that Mike and Wyatt are having a nice time.
He called a few times to tell me.
The time before last I got kind of mad at him so now he is sending me text messages.
Thats way better.

Have you ever talked to someone for twenty minutes and have them tell you the same thing twenty different ways?
I do, every day.

I love Mike Parks.
I sure do love my husband.
I love my husband so much.
I really love my husband.
Say, did I mention I love my husband.
Theres no way I could love my husband any more than I do right at this very moment.
I really really love Mike.
You know I was thinking the other day....I love Mike a lot.

I could go on, but it would be better if you called me so I could tell you on the phone.

The neighbors are having a great day.
GK went to town.
No problems.
When he got home he went up to the barn for awhile.
He said it looks like a typhoon went through.
I could tell he was happy to just look at the mess.
His mess.
The mess he's missed all winter : )

Grammy has been eating like a lumberjack all day.
That is so good for her, and GK has even been handing out good snacks to her.
Get this!
He gave her APPLE JUICE instead of milk when she told him she was thirsty!
Today is a very good day.

This is funny.
I was getting eggs this afternoon and the boy duck did his normal "attack duck" routine.
The one where he hunkers down and waddles at you until you look at him, then he quickly looks away.
Well this time that effin duck waddled right up to me and billed my foot!
I looked him right in the eye and laughed, so I doubt he will do that again.
It was funny though.

Assault Duck.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Good Day Sunshine

Another good day around aching acres.
Grammy woke up feeling great and has been enjoying the sunshine all morning.
John and GK were off to see Dr.B this morning and came home with some kind of torture sock that he is to wear at night to help relieve some of his foot pain.
While they were gone the EYE DOC called to say his contacts were ready!
A week early : )
So I called Dr. B's office and gave them the word and they stopped on the way home to pick them up.
Gk should be able to see again as we speak.

George has been puking all day and it's GROSSING me out.

Here's some other gross news.

Wyatt did a BIG job in the bathroom last night and plugged the toilet so bad we can't unplug it.
Mike has to stop by the hardware store on his way home and buy a snake.
Anyone remember the pine cone in the toilet gag I played on Wendy that plugged the toilet for like three months and Larry Bradshaw had to come and take the toilet apart to fix it?
That was funny for the first few minutes and then not very funny for a long time.

O.k, as it stands I think Mike and Wyatt are going North tonight and then I am going up BY MYSELF when Kelly comes.
That way Mike can pick up the Gerbers at the airport and Wyatt can have a chance to visit with his Montana cousins.
They can go fishing and have fun together.
I can't WAIT!!!!!
Skagit Valley mark your calender....Easter weekend.

The neighbors are going out to dinner AGAIN tonight.
It is soooo frustrating for me.
I'm not going to go, and I hope the rest of the night turns out o.k.
Last week was a bitch.
I have mentioned to the chief what I feel it does to Grammy, but it's his way of showin the love.
Some things you just can't change.

Free to Flush

Thanks and big hugs to my very own Mr.Plumber!!
It took two plungers, a snake and a lot of muscle to undo Wyatt's doings!
He will be getting a lesson on toilet paper consumption I can tell ya that much!

Off Her Rocker

If you happen to be reading this and it's still Friday night, get out of your chair and get down on your knee's and PRAY that Grammy sleeps tonight.
The neighbors and Dohn and Jonna went out to eat and only three of them came back in their right mind.
I have decided that Grammy CAN NOT handle doing things that are out of her circle of know.
I gave her some prescription relaxation and had a conversation with Jonna about finding some way to keep her in when they go out.
Jonna agreed and said next time even she would say something to GK.
I ended up taking Grammy in her room where it was quiet with NO distractions and she read aloud to me for almost an hour.
Then she was able to take her regular night time pills and go to sleep.
I hope.
Cross your fingers.
Knock on wood.
Throw salt over your shoulder.
Pat your head and rub my belly.

George is still puking.
Mom said to give him some pepto.

Mike and Wyatt left about 4:30.
I wonder if I'll miss them.
I doubt it.
I hope they have fun though.
When Mike called he said Wyatt has been talking the whole way and has finished off almost an entire box of "Cheese Nits"
and a couple orange sodas.
I'm glad the kid is in Washington.

GK looks GREAT with his new contacts!
Get it?
Anywho...he walked over here THREE times today.
He's getting around like a 75 year old : )
And he looks about 60!
He is sooo happy, and I'm sure he's been amused with my "eye" puns all day.
Like when he said..."Good Night"
I said...."Yep, you'll SEE me in the morning"!
Get it?
I don't know if he thinks I'm funny or he's just polite, but I like it when he laughs.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beautiful Day in The neighborhood

The sun is out, the birds are singing and everyone is happy.

Wyatt got up in a great mood and headed out the door in shorts for the first time this spring.
GK's leg is giving him the business but is in a really good mood.
Grammy was up early and happy as can be!
Even the dogs with their new pig shaves were running around in the sun this morning when they went out : )

I talked to Kelly last night and they are home from their Texas vacation.
She said they had a good time, but were glad to be home.
I remember when I went to Vegas for three or four days.
I was so happy to be home, but felt like I needed a vacation to recover from my vacation.
Anyway....they didn't see Jack in Texas.
Good thing it's a big state, because it seems like you just can't get away from that guy.
Maybe it just feels that way to me because I live with his son.
They still plan on coming the second week of April and I am REALLY excited to go North.
I wonder if I mentioned that to Kelly yet.


We had bbq Carlson steaks for dinner last night.
They were really good, and the fact they were bbq'ed made them even better.
I am soooo glad it's spring.
Thanks for the cow Carlsons : )
They will be here a week from today and Wyatt is already asking if he can stay home from school next Friday.
Like he ever really goes to school anyway.
One of the reasons I am SO excited they are comming is Olin is bringing his fishing pole and I am declaring it opening day of fishing in the pond season.
In these parts I am commonly reffered to as the "Bass Slayer"
Bass fear me.
Maybe as the season progresses I can offer you the bass report as well as the farm report.
Trust me, you will be on the edge of your seat all summer.

Get this and more at!

This was a big week for Wendy (yes I am speaking of her again).
She went on a motorcycle ride AND a date yesterday.
The date was with a real guy with a real job, and I happen to know him and think he is a nice guy.
The motorcycle ride was with other friends, not the guy she went on the date with.
I'll keep you posted on the dating scene.
She is really happy at her new job and they seem to be very happy with her.
I can't wait to see her apartment.
I think I will take her a house-warming gift.
Maybe a picture of me.

My Mom came out of the closet yesterday.

Haha...... Did your stomache just flip?
She spent the whole day cleaning out her closet and finished last night.
It isn't really news, I just wanted to say my Mom came out of the closet.

The picture upload on my blogger isn't working for Mac right now, but they are working on the problem.


Relative Proofing

Thanx J ; )

Phone Home

This is one of my very favorite things from one of my very favorite shows when I was a kid.
I sent it to Val and she emailed to say how much she loved seeing it again so I kind of thought it would be worth posting.
Enjoy! : )

Pictures Are Working

See the picture of the three little pigs below in yesterdays post!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Big News

O.k, here it is
I quit hating our neighbors Rick and Caroline yesterday.
I hated them so much it was making me crazy.
I realized that whatever happens is between GK and THEM.
Not me.
It feels way better to be over it, because I don't think they were the least bit worried about my feelings of distain.
I don't hate the neighbors

Today is a good day on the farm
John took GK to the oncology Doc today and his red blood count is good!
They are testing his calcium and should have results by this afternoon.
He feels really good and was very productive yesterday in getting ready for the tax lady.

Grammy is feeling good today.
She got up and had a good breakfast and has been reading most of the morning.
The nurse comes to close out her file today.
I thought she did that last week, but I must have been wrong.
Maybe it was just a follow up on the first visit.

This is funny.
I shaved the dogs yesterday.
I was going to take them to the groomer for a profesional job, but they smelled to bad.
I think they hate me.
They look so funny, especially Moe.
He wouldn't hold still so he really got a whack job
They really do look like three fat little pigs!
Hold on, I'll see if I can get a picture of them....
K, I got a pretty good one : )

Julie and Fam are comming next week!
Kelly & Co are comming after that!

I think thats all for now.

If anything exciting happens I'll be back

The nurse was just here and Grammy got a clean bill of health.
I sure like that nurse and if Grammy ever gets sick again I hope they send her back.

I can't load my pictures and it's making me REALLY mad.
I'll go try some more.

Nope. They won't upload.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nothing New

Nothing to say so far today.
Grammy's up and feeling good. She had a big breakfast and is reading her book on the couch.
John was over and took GK on a drive to town and around to see the neighbors.
The only thing they came home with was information that one of the neighbors bought laying hens for $10 a piece.

I did some laundry and vacumed the house while they were gone and now GK is getting ready for the tax lady.

Wyatt is in scool today and the resr of this week and then the following week is spring break.
He is so excited because there a new movie being released on video today that he has been waiting for months to see,
It should arrive via us mail tomorrow.
He spent yesterday afternoon cleaning his room so he can watch it in there with no "distractions".

I think Mike and Wyatt are going North this weekend.
I think I want to go while either Kelly or Julie are here for spring break.
I would like to see Wendys apartment and visit friends.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Chinese For I'm Tired

I don't ever want to eat chinese again.
We have been up all night. Grammy was out of bed at least four times during the night, GK would call and I would go over and get her put back together.

Now on this last trip about fifteen minutes ago, she was talking her out of sorts talk. Just like when we got home last night only worse and more worried.

If it's a UTI, Dr.Barth can gat his "sample" off his waiting room floor because I told him last weeek I didn't think that antibiotc he gave her worked very well. The nurse who came out even said such and such levals are still high...has Dr.B called you about that yet?
When I finnaly got my answer from Chris that evening at FIVE o'clock, she told me the Doc had said it's nothing to worry about.
Nothing for him maybe.

it's been a long night, but I think today might be even looooooonger.

Do You Know What This Is?

Nothing to say so far today.
Grammy's up and feeling good. She had a big breakfast and is reading her book on the couch.
John was over and took GK on a drive to town and around to see the neighbors.
The only thing they came home with was information that one of the neighbors bought laying hens for $10 a piece.

I did some laundry and vacumed the house while they were gone and now GK is getting ready for the tax lady.

Wyatt is in scool today and the resr of this week and then the following week is spring break.
He is so excited because there a new movie being released on video today that he has been waiting for months to see,
It should arrive via us mail tomorrow.
He spent yesterday afternoon cleaning his room so he can watch it in there with no "distractions".

I think Mike and Wyatt are going North this weekend.
I think I want to go while either Kelly or Julie are here for spring break.
I would like to see Wendys apartment and visit friends.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ahhhhhh So

We just got home from Chinese dinner out.
Hong Kong 97.
I guess the Chinese aren't real original when it comes to choosing names for a new restaurant.

Dohn and Jonna got here about Two and by two thirty GK was asking me when we could leave for dinner.
Now as you know I HATE going to dinner, simply because it does Grammy in for the rest of the day. So when she said she didn't want to go because she waasn't feeling well, I thought that was going to be it.
My way out.
I told GK she wasn't feeling well, but he said chinese would make her feel better.
So that was that.
We washed her hair and got her dressed in her town clothes and she was hollerin the whole time that her head hurt and she didn't really want to go.
I conviced her that egg foo young was an ancient chinese secret for headache cures.
I don't think she believed me but she went along with it.
By the time I had a shower, Wyatt was dressed and Mike put on a clean shirt it was 4:00 and we were on our way to town.

The Kernans and Fahrenholz's went in one car and we went in another.
At one point they were behind us at a light.
Dohn and GK thought it would be funny to flip us off.
We thought it was funnier when Wyatt gave them the finger back.
We all got a good laugh about it over dinner.
Especially Wyatt.
Grammy just sort of picked over her dinner, not eating much at all.
Everyone else REALLY enjoyed their dinners.

Once we got home and got Grammy settled in, and back in her comfortable clothes, it didn't take long for the effects of our afternoon out to become apparent.
She was very anxious wanting to know how long we would be staying and really wanting to go home.
It is soo sad when that happens.
I hope a good nights sleep will put her back on track tomorrow.

Gk seems to be doing alright today.
I can see a change in him every day having more dificulty and considerable pain.
He walks with a cane all the time now and still is unsteady on his feet.
His mood is good though and always up for giving me the buiseness about one thing or another.
He gets kind of grumpy and sometimes can be so stubborn I want to pull my hair out or his, but we still laugh a lot.

I spent the first part of the day at Moms and had a nice relaxing visit.
We looked through old letters from when we first moved to the Island and found all kinds of pictures, that brought back all kinds of memories and reminded me how fashion backwards I was as a child.
Do you think I should be held accountable for that or should the guilt lie with the parents.
Maybe you can just blame it on the fact it was the 70's.
I tried to take a picture of a picture that was taken on our first day of school in 1978.
Pretty funny.
I also found my phone directory from third grade and a postcard Val sent me from california.
That just proves to me she's always been a smarty.
What other third grader sends correspondence home from a week long vacation.
I also want to add that her penmanship was just as good then as it is today.

So. Off to wash Wyatt and get him ready for school in the morning. YEAHHHHHH!
Mike and I are gong to watch the new Clint Eastwood movie Perfect World. It's directed By Clint Eastwood, I don't know if he stars in it as well.
We watched Hollywood Land last night and I really liked that.
I still wish I would have named Wendy Holly.

Good Night

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tuna Fish Sandwiches

It's been a pretty good day so far.
Until the neighbor (thief) Rick showed up.
I cant stand him.

John was over this morning to take Gk to town. I made a list for GK but John said he pretty much dissmised most everything on it. Somehow, I need to get him to let me do the shopping. They can't live on plastic cheese, white bread and canned tomatoes. Lest we forget the BOXES of candy.
What ends up happening is anything good they eat comes from this house. So unless I bring it they dont eat it and all day fill up on chocolates and gum drops.
Then, when I come in with something nutritious They say "oh great....thanks, but were full."
If I get to Grammy first, like I did this morning....she ate two waffles, a bowl of applesauce and a glass of milk with a banana.
Good food keeps her from getting constipated to.
Trust me, not a fun time when that happens.

Gk is feeling pretty well.
He was telling me this morning of his plan to take the wood stove out of our shop and put in a gas stove that Rick (thief) gave to him. He is also making plans to tear the carpet out of the kitchen in the big house and have John put down pergo, take the gold glass out of the cupboard doors and replace it with clear glass, and change around the light fixtures in the kitchen.
My only fear is that they may actually start any of this.
He was very reminiscent this morning of all his friends from the old days and how hard they worked and how hard they played.
Remembering how different things used to be.
How come remembering such happy times has to make people so sad?
Why does getting old have to be so hard.
All our lives we are faced with stresses and hardships. You would think there would be some big payoff in our "golden Years".
I am seeing first hand there aren't many.
I guess you can sleep anytime you want, but I also think it's only fun to sleep anytime you want if it's a luxury instead of a way to pass time.
You don't have to go to work, but you don't have the energy it would take even if you did.
Matter of fact is, you barely have enough enrgy to make it to the bathroom and back.

I remeber when my Dad was sick and could no longer take care of his bills, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc......
Sitting at the table and looking across the room at the smartest man I had ever met.
I would think to myself how scary it was that I was the responsible one now. He relied on me the way that I had always relied on him.
What kind of maddness was that.
I wasn't ready for that and I told him every day that I wasn't.
He would just look at me and laugh like he really understood how ironic it was.
He would say to me, "you can do it kid, I know you can"
I never thought I could until the morning that he died.
I was sitting at the side of his bed and I knew it didn't matter any more rather I thought I could do it or not. It was time for me to do it, there wasn't a choice anymore.
I guess that was the day I became a grown up.

I miss him every day.

I have to go help Mike clean the shop/sunroom.
It's gross.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Better Today

O.k, so after a good nights sleep (thanks Mom) and GK home from the Hospital, I feel much better today.
Sorry for the cyber meltdown last night.
I hate to take it out on you, but it seems as though I just got caught up in a tornado yesterday.
I wish I could have just put my face in a bucket of cold stone last night, but when I got home even my sugar free jell-o had frozen on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

Heres the scoop. Grampy got a call from his Doctor on Wednesday evening saying his calcium was so low he needed to come into the emergency room and have a calcium injection.
Well, Mike and I were at Wyatt's conference and for the first time I had forgotten to forward our home phone to my cell phone.
I have ingrained in GK's mind that I am ALWAYS on the other end of the telephone line. I wasn't.
He had called John, but John's answering machine wasn't hooked up and John must have been in the garage.
GK was out on a limb.
We got home about 5:20 and Mike was on his way to the E.R with GK in tow by 5:30.
They spent about 3 1/2 hours there and discovered that GK was going to be admitted.
To say the least, GK was not thrilled by this bit of information.
When they got him settled in a room Mike headed for home, stopping to get the first thing he had had to eat ALL day.
He had forgot to pack a lunch the night before :(

Grammy slept well that night and Wyatt stayed with us.
He said it was a slumber party with some of his favorite girls.
Me, Grammy, and the poodles.

The next day it started as a simple ring of the phone at about 8:00.
The phone did not stop ringing all day.
The nurse who had seen Grammy on Monday came to do her follow up, but not before calling me three times.
When she got there, she said Grammy was doing very well, but still had blah blah blah and what did her doctor have to say about that.
I said her doctor had said nothing. Should he have?
Well yes, he should have. You need to call them.
That began an all day back and forth stream of phone calls to Dr.B's office ending at 5:00 with the nurse calling me to say there was nothing to worry about. Grammy is fine.
Why did it take six non-informative calls and seven hours to come to that conclusion?
I had two calls in to one of GK's doc's only to be told on the third attempt that the doctor wasn't even in the office that day.
The eye doctors office had two girls call three times to tell me that GK can NOT wear his contacts.
I wish they could tell me how to convince HIM of that.
As it stands they don't know how they can get him new lenses without him having his old ones in to check sizing, but he can't wear is old ones because of the infection in his eyes that then transffered to his contacts that will then reinfect his eyes.
How do people get contacts the first time?

Keep in mind there are still meals to fix, frickin stinky dogs to tend to and of course my life accross the driveway that is still in progress.

Gk called to check in every couple hours to see how his wife and dogs were holding up, and telling me how badly he wanted to be home.
Thats a heartbreaker.
Late afternoon he called to say they were keeping him another night.

Mid afternonn the neighbor Prick er I mean Rick showed up.
I think if I had just followed my instinct and punched him in the face I would have felt much better the rest of the day.
He is lke a fugging vulture that wants GK's property so bad he can taste it.
I think his biggest fear is that something will happen to GK before he can steal it from him.
Now I was mad and hating him on top of everything else.

So maybe you can understand why when Julie called me at about 6:00 to ask how things were going I started to cry and came home and had a very public cyber meltdown.

There were just some things I needed to say and then move on.
I also NEEDED to smoke that cigerette to remind me that smoking doesn't make anything better, it just makes my hair stink.

Gk is home and has decided that taking tums will cure his need for calcium.
I just smiled and said it's always good to know your cure.

Gk is in his chair with his dogs and the remote.
Grammy is resting on the couch.
All my dogs have been outside.
Wyatt is watching t.v.
I have had a long hot shower.
I will not miss GH today.
Today is a new day and so far it is a very good one.

Hi Gina : )

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Late Edition

GK had to go to the Hospital last night due to a calcium shortage. They have been giving him calcium in a bag
(is that like a juice bag?) through the night and still doing so when I talked with him about ten minutes ago.

I'm just home letting the dogs out and getting dressed and left Wyatt in charge at the big house.

I will up date when I have news.

C Ya


Can you smell that????
I'm smoking.
I'm smoking because I can't eat.
I'm smoking because I can't drink.
I'm smoking because I am stressed.
I'm stressed because GK is still in the Hospital.
I'm stressed because I talk to Doctors all day and they don't tell me anything, or they tell me to much.
I'm stressed because I need to keep everyone informed and I don't always have answers to all the questions.
I'm stressed because I may not do what people think I should be doing.
I'm stressed because I can't always do what I feel I need to do for everyone
I'm stressed because I am doing ALL I can do, but what if it isn't enough.
I'm not smoking anymore and I don't think I will again, but it's nice to know I can if I need to.

I missed GH today

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Doctor Day

John was over first thing this morning to pick up GK. They were out the door by 8:00. Gk had an apt with his hemotologist to check his red blood count and general well being. I was pretty sure they would end up doing a transfussion and be gone all day, so I was happy to see them come through the door before noon! Gk's levals are still holding strong. As the doctor explained to John, they can not cure the cancer, but they can supress it. Thats good enough for me.
John also had a talk with GK about driving. John told him he would be over once a day and if GK has anything to do, they can go together. I don't think GK was thrilled at this idea, but agreed he could at least come over and he would think about letting John go with him to town.
It sure is hard letting go of control. Even little bits at a time.

Grammy is feeling good today, although she is still pretty tired. I wonder if just being on the anti-biotics may contribute to that. She got up and got dressed (sometime during the night she had taken off her pajamas and put them back on inside out) and then came to the table for breakfast. I put a couple eggo waffles down for her and she was THRILLED. Waffles for breakfast, my land, this must be a special day! I told her it was and she deserved to have waffles every morning. She smiled and laughed and told me I shouldn't have gone to all the trouble of making waffles. Do you think it was really a "lie" for letting her think I made the waffles? I mean I did open the package and skillfully remove them from the toaster at just the right moment when they were just crisp and not yet burnt.
After breakfast we watched some t.v, and I talked to Kelly on the phone. They are enjoying the weather in Texas and the Boy's were doing their homework. I hope they can come for a visit during springbreak.

I talked to Julie later and she said she would come down for a week while we enjoy a gift from them. An all expense paid cruise to Mexico.
That's not true, but it doesn't hurt to plant a seed.
She did say they would be down again sometime though.

Wyatt is home from school today and we have his teacher conference at 4:00. Good planning on the teachers part for scheduling after my program. He told me to expect to hear great things, but not be dissapointed if I don't. I guess he belives in covering all his bases.

Mike is off early today, but he usually goes to the shop and works till' my show is over. He really is a good husband.

I'm done.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

So Far So Good

Well, as things go, todays off to a good start. Grammy is sleeping and GK is feeling pretty good. Wyatt is in school, and Mike is at work.
Everybody take a big sigh of relief, because I'm sure it can't last to long!

I tell ya, this buiseness of bladder infections really wears me out. I can only imagine what it does to Grammy. I can't understand why it would take a doctor as long as it does to provide some relief to a patient. Out of sight out of mind I guess, and believe you me.....we were out of friggin mind yesterday.

Well, today I have about a weeks worth of laundry to do. Three fat STINKY dogs to wash and an eight year olds room to clean.
Any wagers on what gets done? As you can see, I'm not getting much done sitting here now.

I got an email from Lindy this morning. She say's Consuela had a baby girl Feb 18th. Hard to imagine Con a mother. She's the same age as Wendy.
I'm sure people said that when I had Wendy.
What? Marilyn had a baby? Is she even in High School yet?
Haha....I'm glad I wasn't my Mother!

Ummm....I only lost ONE FRIGGIN pound last week.
That sucks.

I'm still thinking about what people thought when I had Wendy, and that makes me think about what people thought when I had Wyatt.
What? Wendy is FIFTEEN. With Jack? She's having a baby with JACK??? What is she thinking?????
That's funny.

As you can see, I'm just killing time now.
I don't really have anything else to talk about.
I should go do some more laundry.
I'm kind of just waiting for the phone to ring. Then I could talk out loud and have someone say something back.
Do you ever do that? Talk out loud to yourself? And then answer? Out loud?
Out loud. That sounds funny.
Kind of like speak out. If you can speak out, can you speak in? Would that be talking to yourself?

I gotta go.

I just got another email from Lindy. We are talking about Lunch Box Kathy's Tummy tuck and thinking she should have just gone with a girdle and a good bra and saved some money.



I haven't done anything all day and it has REALLY worn me out.
I think I'll take a nap before Wyatt gets home.


This is a goose egg!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Sleepless on The farm

I don't even know where to begin........
So I will start here. Grammy's UTI started Friday. She slept all day Saturday and had a good day yesterday.
Today is another story.
I got to the big house at 8:30 and found out she had been up since 4:00, just walking around and looking at things. The home care nurse had already called me to say she would be out around 10:30 (mind you this was the nurse that was called on FRIDAY) and could I get a "sample" from Grammy. Grammy was really anxious and worried about going "home" and all of her things and if the "owners" of the house would be upset that we were still here.
GK was in pain from the gout and aching from the Lupron shot he got on Friday.
I knew it wasn't going to be a good day.
I got on the phone and called Dr.B's office to alert them of the situation.
It would be the first of FIVE calls.
The nurse showed up on time and was very nice, it seemed like she just went through the outlined motions though as opposed to really dealing with Grammy's needs. I know they can only do so much, but here I have an 89 year old women who's out of the bucket with a UTI and when I asked "what can I do" she handed me a pamphlet on drinking eight glasses of water a day and wearing clean cotton underpants.
"Thanks" I said.
Things only got worse from there with her confusion and GK's pain. I kept asking GK to take some pain meds but he didn't want to just be "taking a lot of pills".
I ran Grammy a bath and that seemed to help with the anxiety and relaxed her a little. GK was happy because it gave him some quiet time and after the bath when Grammy laid down for a few minutes I was able to get GK to take his pills and have some jello.
Sugar and vicoden can cure anything.
It was a happy place.........for awhile.
Mike went to pick up Grammy's prescription that I finally got out of Dr.B. He went to the pharmacy, the medicine wasn't there. He went to the Dr's office. They said they had called it in. Mike gave them his oppinion about Oregon Dr's and maybe mentioned something about letting a sick dog die before he would take it to an Oregon Dr.
Then he went to the pharmacy and asked to please speak with the manager of the store. Unfortunately the asst. manager showed up. It didn't take long for the MANAGER to show up and after discussing the the positive reasons for having ones prescriptions ready as stated and presenting them to said customer instead of telling customer they have no knowledge of prescription Mike headed home with the medicine.
So, Grammy took a pill, Gk had a drink and all is right with the world right now.
We will wait to get the results back from the lab and see what's up inside that bladder of her's tomorrow.

Heres something I learned from the nurse today.

A health care dirrective is only good if you have a copy with you.

Julie is in Seattle getting Ingrid from the airport in the morning.

I think the Gerbers are still vacationing in Texas. Maybe they will see Jack! : )

Wendy is STILL working!!!!!! YEAH WEN!

Wy is going to school tomorrow, but then has the rest of the week off. Teacher conference.

Mike isn't sick anymore. Thank GAWD! That was gross.

Mom is doing well in West Linn.

I'm going to sleep.

See you tomorrow.

I forgot the biggest and BEST news of the day.
GK's Doc called to say that his PSA has dropped from 2500 to......161!!!

Goodnight : )

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Old People

I want to tell you something. Old people frustrate me. I just don't know what it would take to make GK happy today. He was upset when Grammy was sick, upset that she slept it off yesterday and now today is upset that she is just sitting on the couch reading. He tells me she needs to get up and get some excersise.
Hmm, maybe they should have a footrace around the house.
I know it's because he doesn't feel good. His back, hips and legs are starting to really bother him and I'm sure it's from the Lupron. He went to town today and was happy to be out of the house for a while but also happy to get home and take a nap in the chair. Maybe old people are like kids and we love them most when they are sleeping.

Now I'm going to tell you something else that frustrates me. I haven't lost ANY weight this week. I have be counting EVERY point and being really careful about what I eat, but still nothing. I don't want to hear anything about excersise. I'm not ready to add that in yet. Keep your thoughts to yourself, unless they happen to be thoughts of sympathy or encouragement. Those type of comments I will welcome. I know at some point I will need to start some form of excersise, just not today.

There is one, well I guess there are MANY other things that frustrate me, but today, this is the other thing.
Sick stupid husbands who lay in the bed puking all day when they could be doing other things that don't gross me out. I think there should be a law when you get married that if a husband gets sick he has to go home to his Mother and if he dosen't have a Mother to go to he should have to go to his car or a hotel or something. I don't have anything positive to say about sick men. Blech.

That's all I have to say right now. I may think of something else later.

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Little Tired

Heres what happened that was good yesterday. Wendy started her new job at Conway tavern. I wish she were working as a white house correspondent, but hey a job's a job.
Thats was yesterdays highlight.
The rest of the day was pretty rocky.
Grammy was up before seven am and started going down hill from there. It didn't take me long to figure out it was a uti (bladder infection) and call for some antibiotics. Mike had most of the day off work and was able to go to town and pick them up. I was in hopes of that relieving some of the symptoms.......not. She fell farther and farther off track all day and no amount of presricption soothing seemed to help. It's like her mind puts up some super hero force shield that prevents anything from calming her. It's not that she is unhappy or angry she just CAN NOT RELAX. The strangest part about it is like I said yesterday she is sooo right in her wrongness. She feels the need to go home because she thinks she still lives in Colorado, but at the same time she knows she's married to GK. She thinks Mom is one of her friends and Kelly is her daughter. I think she thinks I am just a kid in the neighborhood who comes over a lot. She is always asking me what grade I'm in and if I want to play dolls. Then when Mike comes over and we say he's my husband she about falls over and askes WHEN did I get married!!!! I have decided against telling her I have been married six times.
This time around she is talking about Lucille, GK's sister. All day yesterday she would talk about seeing Lucille. Having lunch with her, what they had for breakfast, what a no good Lucilles huband is, telling me Lucille smokes and is overweight, but is still a very nice person. Do I know Lucille? I would like her very much. I just say no, that I would liked to have known her. Then I get the retard look and Grammy tells me I can meet her when she gets here. I just say I look forward to it.
We were up all night last night. It seems she is the most anxious at night. I tried everything the doctor said I could do medicine wise, but it just slows down the body not the brain. Even when I can get her calm and relaxed in bed she carries on conversations, like REAL conversations with all the people she has known. Her Mother, Aunt Winnie, etc..... and of COURSE Lucille. She finally fell asleep at about one thirty but was up again by four. At four she had her regular voice back though. More relaxed tone and not so anxious. She went to the bathroom, thanked me for helping her, told me she loved me and back to sleep. That took only about a half an hour. At five I heard noise in the room again, jumped off the couch, headed to her room and saw this big black figure move from her room. I screamed and fell back, my heart was pounding. The figure was still, not moving, then all at once said "what the hell, you all right". It was GK wearing his dark coat, checking on Grammy before he took the dogs out. I went home after that. I called over about nine thirty and Grammy was sleeping. So far, so good.

Gk goes in for his Lupron shot today John picks him up this afternoon. The Lupron is what makes all his muscles hurt, so it will be a rough few days for him. His legs and ankles are already bothering him, as of course are his eyes. Still no drops. He wants to get some good cleaner at Bi-Mart today and clean his contacts so he does't have to buy a new pair. I can see this going on for a long time. haha get it......"see this". but seriously folks.......O.k, I need to stop this. I'm tired and I told Mike he couldn't talk to me while I'm writting so I need to go check and make sure he's still breathing. He has the day off because something is the matter with his truck and it's in the shop.
I'l let you know whats going on later in the day.


Got' Em!
The neighbor finally asked me to help him put the drops in his eyes!!!!!
Now were gettin' somewhere.
Grammy is still sleeping : )

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sunday drivers

More breaking news this morning! Grammy found her glasses!!! We don't know where or when but she has them on : )
She is really off the track this morning. I have a call into Dr. B's office and waiting to hear what he sugest we do. Days like this are so hard because Grammy is so right in her wrongness that it makes it really hard for GK.
She thinks we have a cookshack set up in the Fred Meyer parking lot that GK has painted a really big map of the area on. That way people can get something to eat AND see where they're going. She said she doesn't drive much anymore but the young man who lives there with them is real good about taking her where she needs to go. That's why she always keeps a twenty in her billfold. Then GK gets testy and asks her where the hell she needs to go and tells her there's no gawdammed guy who lives there and tells her HE drives her around, and he put the effin twenty in her billfold. Then she say's "oh really"? "Well where does that nice young man who drives me around live then"? "Geezus krice" GK say's. "There aint no gawdamened kid who drives you anyplace". "Well thats ok" she say's. "I don't have anyplace I need to go anyway". "Maybe I'll go someplace later when he when he get's back".
Maybe this is why old people lose their hearing and just smile and nod when you say things to them.
Anyway, I'm home because she fell asleep and GK is resting his eyes. Mind you, the same eyes he used to take the dogs to the groomer with at 7:30 this morning, and the same eyes he is supposed to be putting drops in. Suposed being the key word here. You can lead an old guy to the pharmacy, but you can't make him use it I guess.


Grammy has a UTI. Mike is home from work this afternoon so he is on his way to town now to pick up her antibiotic.
Thank God for Mike. If it weren't for him we would have to wait until nine o'clock tonight for it to be delivered