Another good day around aching acres.
Grammy woke up feeling great and has been enjoying the sunshine all morning.
John and GK were off to see Dr.B this morning and came home with some kind of torture sock that he is to wear at night to help relieve some of his foot pain.
While they were gone the EYE DOC called to say his contacts were ready!
A week early : )
So I called Dr. B's office and gave them the word and they stopped on the way home to pick them up.
Gk should be able to see again as we speak.
George has been puking all day and it's GROSSING me out.
Here's some other gross news.
Wyatt did a BIG job in the bathroom last night and plugged the toilet so bad we can't unplug it.
Mike has to stop by the hardware store on his way home and buy a snake.
Anyone remember the pine cone in the toilet gag I played on Wendy that plugged the toilet for like three months and Larry Bradshaw had to come and take the toilet apart to fix it?
That was funny for the first few minutes and then not very funny for a long time.
O.k, as it stands I think Mike and Wyatt are going North tonight and then I am going up BY MYSELF when Kelly comes.
That way Mike can pick up the Gerbers at the airport and Wyatt can have a chance to visit with his Montana cousins.
They can go fishing and have fun together.
I can't WAIT!!!!!
Skagit Valley mark your calender....Easter weekend.
The neighbors are going out to dinner AGAIN tonight.
It is soooo frustrating for me.
I'm not going to go, and I hope the rest of the night turns out o.k.
Last week was a bitch.
I have mentioned to the chief what I feel it does to Grammy, but it's his way of showin the love.
Some things you just can't change.
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