I want to tell you something. Old people frustrate me. I just don't know what it would take to make GK happy today. He was upset when Grammy was sick, upset that she slept it off yesterday and now today is upset that she is just sitting on the couch reading. He tells me she needs to get up and get some excersise.
Hmm, maybe they should have a footrace around the house.
I know it's because he doesn't feel good. His back, hips and legs are starting to really bother him and I'm sure it's from the Lupron. He went to town today and was happy to be out of the house for a while but also happy to get home and take a nap in the chair. Maybe old people are like kids and we love them most when they are sleeping.
Now I'm going to tell you something else that frustrates me. I haven't lost ANY weight this week. I have be counting EVERY point and being really careful about what I eat, but still nothing. I don't want to hear anything about excersise. I'm not ready to add that in yet. Keep your thoughts to yourself, unless they happen to be thoughts of sympathy or encouragement. Those type of comments I will welcome. I know at some point I will need to start some form of excersise, just not today.
There is one, well I guess there are MANY other things that frustrate me, but today, this is the other thing.
Sick stupid husbands who lay in the bed puking all day when they could be doing other things that don't gross me out. I think there should be a law when you get married that if a husband gets sick he has to go home to his Mother and if he dosen't have a Mother to go to he should have to go to his car or a hotel or something. I don't have anything positive to say about sick men. Blech.
That's all I have to say right now. I may think of something else later.
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