More breaking news this morning! Grammy found her glasses!!! We don't know where or when but she has them on : )
She is really off the track this morning. I have a call into Dr. B's office and waiting to hear what he sugest we do. Days like this are so hard because Grammy is so right in her wrongness that it makes it really hard for GK.
She thinks we have a cookshack set up in the Fred Meyer parking lot that GK has painted a really big map of the area on. That way people can get something to eat AND see where they're going. She said she doesn't drive much anymore but the young man who lives there with them is real good about taking her where she needs to go. That's why she always keeps a twenty in her billfold. Then GK gets testy and asks her where the hell she needs to go and tells her there's no gawdammed guy who lives there and tells her HE drives her around, and he put the effin twenty in her billfold. Then she say's "oh really"? "Well where does that nice young man who drives me around live then"? "Geezus krice" GK say's. "There aint no gawdamened kid who drives you anyplace". "Well thats ok" she say's. "I don't have anyplace I need to go anyway". "Maybe I'll go someplace later when he when he get's back".
Maybe this is why old people lose their hearing and just smile and nod when you say things to them.
Anyway, I'm home because she fell asleep and GK is resting his eyes. Mind you, the same eyes he used to take the dogs to the groomer with at 7:30 this morning, and the same eyes he is supposed to be putting drops in. Suposed being the key word here. You can lead an old guy to the pharmacy, but you can't make him use it I guess.
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