Gk is in a room of his own today with a view of the nurses station or vise-versa, depending on who you ask. ; )
He is feeling better today and even had a sponge bath, which I'm sure helps him feel a little fresher around the edges.
Blood pressure etc are all still holding, it's just the calcium they continue to struggle with.
With any luck he will be home by Monday.
He is in good spirits and happy to hear how things are going at home but more anxious to be here.
Kelly went home today and should be in Montana around midnight.
I'm sure it was hard for her to leave, but she has a family waiting for her.
Julie made us a parting meatloaf tonight, that honest to GAWD was the best I have ever had.
I will miss Chef Sis Julie.
Wyatt has loved every minute with his Aunts, and trust me is very sad to see them go.
Mike has been off work since Wednesday and is the best at helping the ladies.
Any of us ask him for help with anything and he is right there happy to step in.
Never once cussed us under his breath.
Uncle John is still with his sister in Spokane, but should be home Monday or Tuesday.
Grammy is golden as usual.
She made my day when she was sitting on the couch at the far end of the room and started singing to me.
We sang back and forth to each other for the longest time and it would be a hard to say who was farther off key.
I think dogs were shaking their heads and howling for miles around!
She said she was glad she stayed for dinner tonight because meatloaf, mashed potatoes and ice cream was hard to beat : )
She's the best.
All for now.
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