Heres what happened that was good yesterday. Wendy started her new job at Conway tavern. I wish she were working as a white house correspondent, but hey a job's a job.
Thats was yesterdays highlight.
The rest of the day was pretty rocky.
Grammy was up before seven am and started going down hill from there. It didn't take me long to figure out it was a uti (bladder infection) and call for some antibiotics. Mike had most of the day off work and was able to go to town and pick them up. I was in hopes of that relieving some of the symptoms.......not. She fell farther and farther off track all day and no amount of presricption soothing seemed to help. It's like her mind puts up some super hero force shield that prevents anything from calming her. It's not that she is unhappy or angry she just CAN NOT RELAX. The strangest part about it is like I said yesterday she is sooo right in her wrongness. She feels the need to go home because she thinks she still lives in Colorado, but at the same time she knows she's married to GK. She thinks Mom is one of her friends and Kelly is her daughter. I think she thinks I am just a kid in the neighborhood who comes over a lot. She is always asking me what grade I'm in and if I want to play dolls. Then when Mike comes over and we say he's my husband she about falls over and askes WHEN did I get married!!!! I have decided against telling her I have been married six times.
This time around she is talking about Lucille, GK's sister. All day yesterday she would talk about seeing Lucille. Having lunch with her, what they had for breakfast, what a no good Lucilles huband is, telling me Lucille smokes and is overweight, but is still a very nice person. Do I know Lucille? I would like her very much. I just say no, that I would liked to have known her. Then I get the retard look and Grammy tells me I can meet her when she gets here. I just say I look forward to it.
We were up all night last night. It seems she is the most anxious at night. I tried everything the doctor said I could do medicine wise, but it just slows down the body not the brain. Even when I can get her calm and relaxed in bed she carries on conversations, like REAL conversations with all the people she has known. Her Mother, Aunt Winnie, etc..... and of COURSE Lucille. She finally fell asleep at about one thirty but was up again by four. At four she had her regular voice back though. More relaxed tone and not so anxious. She went to the bathroom, thanked me for helping her, told me she loved me and back to sleep. That took only about a half an hour. At five I heard noise in the room again, jumped off the couch, headed to her room and saw this big black figure move from her room. I screamed and fell back, my heart was pounding. The figure was still, not moving, then all at once said "what the hell, you all right". It was GK wearing his dark coat, checking on Grammy before he took the dogs out. I went home after that. I called over about nine thirty and Grammy was sleeping. So far, so good.
Gk goes in for his Lupron shot today John picks him up this afternoon. The Lupron is what makes all his muscles hurt, so it will be a rough few days for him. His legs and ankles are already bothering him, as of course are his eyes. Still no drops. He wants to get some good cleaner at Bi-Mart today and clean his contacts so he does't have to buy a new pair. I can see this going on for a long time. haha get it......"see this". but seriously folks.......O.k, I need to stop this. I'm tired and I told Mike he couldn't talk to me while I'm writting so I need to go check and make sure he's still breathing. He has the day off because something is the matter with his truck and it's in the shop.
I'l let you know whats going on later in the day.
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