It's been a pretty good day so far.
Until the neighbor (thief) Rick showed up.
I cant stand him.
John was over this morning to take Gk to town. I made a list for GK but John said he pretty much dissmised most everything on it. Somehow, I need to get him to let me do the shopping. They can't live on plastic cheese, white bread and canned tomatoes. Lest we forget the BOXES of candy.
What ends up happening is anything good they eat comes from this house. So unless I bring it they dont eat it and all day fill up on chocolates and gum drops.
Then, when I come in with something nutritious They say "oh great....thanks, but were full."
If I get to Grammy first, like I did this morning....she ate two waffles, a bowl of applesauce and a glass of milk with a banana.
Good food keeps her from getting constipated to.
Trust me, not a fun time when that happens.
Gk is feeling pretty well.
He was telling me this morning of his plan to take the wood stove out of our shop and put in a gas stove that Rick (thief) gave to him. He is also making plans to tear the carpet out of the kitchen in the big house and have John put down pergo, take the gold glass out of the cupboard doors and replace it with clear glass, and change around the light fixtures in the kitchen.
My only fear is that they may actually start any of this.
He was very reminiscent this morning of all his friends from the old days and how hard they worked and how hard they played.
Remembering how different things used to be.
How come remembering such happy times has to make people so sad?
Why does getting old have to be so hard.
All our lives we are faced with stresses and hardships. You would think there would be some big payoff in our "golden Years".
I am seeing first hand there aren't many.
I guess you can sleep anytime you want, but I also think it's only fun to sleep anytime you want if it's a luxury instead of a way to pass time.
You don't have to go to work, but you don't have the energy it would take even if you did.
Matter of fact is, you barely have enough enrgy to make it to the bathroom and back.
I remeber when my Dad was sick and could no longer take care of his bills, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc......
Sitting at the table and looking across the room at the smartest man I had ever met.
I would think to myself how scary it was that I was the responsible one now. He relied on me the way that I had always relied on him.
What kind of maddness was that.
I wasn't ready for that and I told him every day that I wasn't.
He would just look at me and laugh like he really understood how ironic it was.
He would say to me, "you can do it kid, I know you can"
I never thought I could until the morning that he died.
I was sitting at the side of his bed and I knew it didn't matter any more rather I thought I could do it or not. It was time for me to do it, there wasn't a choice anymore.
I guess that was the day I became a grown up.
I miss him every day.
I have to go help Mike clean the shop/sunroom.
It's gross.
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