Well the Minnesotins just pulled out of the driveway!
Heading out to dinner.
Two in front, three in back.
Nephew Jack has a Silverado crew cab pick-up, so not quite as big as Mike Carlsons.
We squoze Grammy, Hutsie and Jock in the back, and GK and Jack in the front.
The front seaters are ok, once they're in.
I pulled and pushed GK in by the seat of his pants.
Getting the back seaters in was another story.
Grammy got in pretty easy.
She grabbed the "Oh Shit Handle" and pulled herself on up.
Hutsie just said "Oh Shit" alot.
Jock tried to keep his mouth shut as I'm sure their could of been alot of funny things said about the old Broads in the back, but obviously thought better of it.
The family got here last night and they had a really nice visit.
It was so fun to see GK so happy.
Grammy was on top of the world, being the best hostess and full of grace.
Everyone was tired by the end of the evening, but that's the best kind of tired to be.
Happy tired.
Ok, heres something.
Gk got up this morning feeling great.
I couldn't believe it, nor did I question wether or not it was a good idea.
I am not kidding.
He drove clear across town to license the car.
I don't know how often you read this, but I'm talking about my neighbor who nearly keeled over last week.
THEN, he came home and fired up the goat wagon and took the poodles for a drive.
Just drove them around.
So that's how things go on the ranch.
One day at a time.
Mike just got home.
He had a long day.
He got a flat tire on the log truck and had to wait for help.
Wyatt has been having a good day.
He got Freda from the hen house and brought her up on the big house porch.
The Minnesotins got a big kick out of that.
Wyatt got a big kick out of them getting a big kick out of that.
He even got a laugh out of GK.
As they say in Minnesota
Bye Fer Now
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