Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Knock on Wood

Cross your fingers the Neighbor gets to come home today.
I went to pick him up yesterday morning and they wouldn't let him go.
They were talking about re-hab facilities for a few weeks.
By the end of they day they had decided to let him come home with nursing care.
So yesterday was spent on the phone with Kate the nicest social worker in Oregon working out a home plan.
You know how that goes, lot's of don'ts and a couple do's.

Grammy is doing really well.
She talked to GK on the phone the other night...did I already tell you this?
Anyway, when they got off the phone she looked at us and said, "He's in the Jailhouse".
Pretty funny.

Julie is still here and cooking some of the best food MY family has ever had.
AND she makes cookies, custards, etc......
In my next life I hope she is either my Mother, House Lady or Wife because she is the best cook ever and she's really clean.
I guess it depends how I do in this life.

Wyatt is home from school all week.
The neighbors had a baby goat a few weeks ago, so he can't wait to get up and see her again.
They named her Maddie and he thinks thats pretty funny.
He got a new doll last night that completes his latest set.
He is pretty easy to please, and trust me, that pleased him.
So he got to sleep at the big house with Aunt Julie and go to K-Mart.
Almost to good to be true.

Uhhhhhh, if anyone has seen Wendy, please tell her to call.

Gotta Go

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