O.k, so after a good nights sleep (thanks Mom) and GK home from the Hospital, I feel much better today.
Sorry for the cyber meltdown last night.
I hate to take it out on you, but it seems as though I just got caught up in a tornado yesterday.
I wish I could have just put my face in a bucket of cold stone last night, but when I got home even my sugar free jell-o had frozen on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
Heres the scoop. Grampy got a call from his Doctor on Wednesday evening saying his calcium was so low he needed to come into the emergency room and have a calcium injection.
Well, Mike and I were at Wyatt's conference and for the first time I had forgotten to forward our home phone to my cell phone.
I have ingrained in GK's mind that I am ALWAYS on the other end of the telephone line. I wasn't.
He had called John, but John's answering machine wasn't hooked up and John must have been in the garage.
GK was out on a limb.
We got home about 5:20 and Mike was on his way to the E.R with GK in tow by 5:30.
They spent about 3 1/2 hours there and discovered that GK was going to be admitted.
To say the least, GK was not thrilled by this bit of information.
When they got him settled in a room Mike headed for home, stopping to get the first thing he had had to eat ALL day.
He had forgot to pack a lunch the night before :(
Grammy slept well that night and Wyatt stayed with us.
He said it was a slumber party with some of his favorite girls.
Me, Grammy, and the poodles.
The next day it started as a simple ring of the phone at about 8:00.
The phone did not stop ringing all day.
The nurse who had seen Grammy on Monday came to do her follow up, but not before calling me three times.
When she got there, she said Grammy was doing very well, but still had blah blah blah and what did her doctor have to say about that.
I said her doctor had said nothing. Should he have?
Well yes, he should have. You need to call them.
That began an all day back and forth stream of phone calls to Dr.B's office ending at 5:00 with the nurse calling me to say there was nothing to worry about. Grammy is fine.
Why did it take six non-informative calls and seven hours to come to that conclusion?
I had two calls in to one of GK's doc's only to be told on the third attempt that the doctor wasn't even in the office that day.
The eye doctors office had two girls call three times to tell me that GK can NOT wear his contacts.
I wish they could tell me how to convince HIM of that.
As it stands they don't know how they can get him new lenses without him having his old ones in to check sizing, but he can't wear is old ones because of the infection in his eyes that then transffered to his contacts that will then reinfect his eyes.
How do people get contacts the first time?
Keep in mind there are still meals to fix, frickin stinky dogs to tend to and of course my life accross the driveway that is still in progress.
Gk called to check in every couple hours to see how his wife and dogs were holding up, and telling me how badly he wanted to be home.
Thats a heartbreaker.
Late afternoon he called to say they were keeping him another night.
Mid afternonn the neighbor Prick er I mean Rick showed up.
I think if I had just followed my instinct and punched him in the face I would have felt much better the rest of the day.
He is lke a fugging vulture that wants GK's property so bad he can taste it.
I think his biggest fear is that something will happen to GK before he can steal it from him.
Now I was mad and hating him on top of everything else.
So maybe you can understand why when Julie called me at about 6:00 to ask how things were going I started to cry and came home and had a very public cyber meltdown.
There were just some things I needed to say and then move on.
I also NEEDED to smoke that cigerette to remind me that smoking doesn't make anything better, it just makes my hair stink.
Gk is home and has decided that taking tums will cure his need for calcium.
I just smiled and said it's always good to know your cure.
Gk is in his chair with his dogs and the remote.
Grammy is resting on the couch.
All my dogs have been outside.
Wyatt is watching t.v.
I have had a long hot shower.
I will not miss GH today.
Today is a new day and so far it is a very good one.
Hi Gina : )
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