If you happen to be reading this and it's still Friday night, get out of your chair and get down on your knee's and PRAY that Grammy sleeps tonight.
The neighbors and Dohn and Jonna went out to eat and only three of them came back in their right mind.
I have decided that Grammy CAN NOT handle doing things that are out of her circle of know.
I gave her some prescription relaxation and had a conversation with Jonna about finding some way to keep her in when they go out.
Jonna agreed and said next time even she would say something to GK.
I ended up taking Grammy in her room where it was quiet with NO distractions and she read aloud to me for almost an hour.
Then she was able to take her regular night time pills and go to sleep.
I hope.
Cross your fingers.
Knock on wood.
Throw salt over your shoulder.
Pat your head and rub my belly.
George is still puking.
Mom said to give him some pepto.
Mike and Wyatt left about 4:30.
I wonder if I'll miss them.
I doubt it.
I hope they have fun though.
When Mike called he said Wyatt has been talking the whole way and has finished off almost an entire box of "Cheese Nits"
and a couple orange sodas.
I'm glad the kid is in Washington.
GK looks GREAT with his new contacts!
Get it?
Anywho...he walked over here THREE times today.
He's getting around like a 75 year old : )
And he looks about 60!
He is sooo happy, and I'm sure he's been amused with my "eye" puns all day.
Like when he said..."Good Night"
I said...."Yep, you'll SEE me in the morning"!
Get it?
I don't know if he thinks I'm funny or he's just polite, but I like it when he laughs.
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