I don't even know where to begin........
So I will start here. Grammy's UTI started Friday. She slept all day Saturday and had a good day yesterday.
Today is another story.
I got to the big house at 8:30 and found out she had been up since 4:00, just walking around and looking at things. The home care nurse had already called me to say she would be out around 10:30 (mind you this was the nurse that was called on FRIDAY) and could I get a "sample" from Grammy. Grammy was really anxious and worried about going "home" and all of her things and if the "owners" of the house would be upset that we were still here.
GK was in pain from the gout and aching from the Lupron shot he got on Friday.
I knew it wasn't going to be a good day.
I got on the phone and called Dr.B's office to alert them of the situation.
It would be the first of FIVE calls.
The nurse showed up on time and was very nice, it seemed like she just went through the outlined motions though as opposed to really dealing with Grammy's needs. I know they can only do so much, but here I have an 89 year old women who's out of the bucket with a UTI and when I asked "what can I do" she handed me a pamphlet on drinking eight glasses of water a day and wearing clean cotton underpants.
"Thanks" I said.
Things only got worse from there with her confusion and GK's pain. I kept asking GK to take some pain meds but he didn't want to just be "taking a lot of pills".
I ran Grammy a bath and that seemed to help with the anxiety and relaxed her a little. GK was happy because it gave him some quiet time and after the bath when Grammy laid down for a few minutes I was able to get GK to take his pills and have some jello.
Sugar and vicoden can cure anything.
It was a happy place.........for awhile.
Mike went to pick up Grammy's prescription that I finally got out of Dr.B. He went to the pharmacy, the medicine wasn't there. He went to the Dr's office. They said they had called it in. Mike gave them his oppinion about Oregon Dr's and maybe mentioned something about letting a sick dog die before he would take it to an Oregon Dr.
Then he went to the pharmacy and asked to please speak with the manager of the store. Unfortunately the asst. manager showed up. It didn't take long for the MANAGER to show up and after discussing the the positive reasons for having ones prescriptions ready as stated and presenting them to said customer instead of telling customer they have no knowledge of prescription Mike headed home with the medicine.
So, Grammy took a pill, Gk had a drink and all is right with the world right now.
We will wait to get the results back from the lab and see what's up inside that bladder of her's tomorrow.
Heres something I learned from the nurse today.
A health care dirrective is only good if you have a copy with you.
Julie is in Seattle getting Ingrid from the airport in the morning.
I think the Gerbers are still vacationing in Texas. Maybe they will see Jack! : )
Wendy is STILL working!!!!!! YEAH WEN!
Wy is going to school tomorrow, but then has the rest of the week off. Teacher conference.
Mike isn't sick anymore. Thank GAWD! That was gross.
Mom is doing well in West Linn.
I'm going to sleep.
See you tomorrow.
I forgot the biggest and BEST news of the day.
GK's Doc called to say that his PSA has dropped from 2500 to......161!!!
Goodnight : )
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