Thanks to Mike Carlson for being my guest host on Tuesday and sorry for such a short blurb yesterday.
We are all running in qucksand.
GK's family extended their stay until tomorrow.
Thats a very good thing.
They are the nicest people.
My sister Kelly and her boys, Drew and Quinn arrived Tuesday.
Kelly's husband Lloyd is in Afghanistan.
Wendy arrived late last night.
My sister Julie, her husband Mike, and two of their kids, Ollin and Ingrid will be here today.
Mike and Julie's oldest, Mitchell and Fahren, both go to Gonzaga and will be here sometime tomorrow.
Last night we had eleven people at the dinner table.
(Thank you Judy for all the wonderfull food)
Tonight will be sixteen.
Gk is holding his own.
Still hard to believe it's even real.
He keeps expecting her to come around the corner and ask if he has anything good to eat.
I think after all the family leaves is when it will sink in.
Right now, being with family is such a happy time.
A happy time for the sadest reason.
I'm glad everyone is here.
I am grateful to each and every person.
Wyatt LOVES having his cousins here.
Wyatt LOVES LOVES having his Aunts here.
Wyatt LOVES LOVES LOVES having Wendy here.
When we told Wyatt about Grammy, he asked Mike if she was in Heaven.
Mike told him, yes, she is in Heaven now Wyatt.
Wyatt said...
"Well I'm glad for her, because now she can remember everything and her head won't hurt her anymore"
We cried.
Because it's true.
I remember when my Dad died.
Julie had come from the Island to get my kids.
When they left and I was alone, I turned on the t.v and realized that the world had only stopped for me.
They were still selling toilet bowl cleaner.
There were still problems in the White House.
And I was the only person crying for my Dad.
(You know what I mean)
Anyway the world went right on without him,
Didn't skip a beat.
That was so hard for me.
The most important person in my life was gone, and the world moved on.
The next day I was glad for that.
I wouldn't want to feel the way I did for very long.
Now I am reminded of him in happy ways almost every day and his memory brings me sooo much joy.
I am lucky.
Today the sun is shinning
The kids will all be out playing soon.
The yellow and white pansies are growing.
The birds are singing.
I have happy memories of my Grammy.
I am lucky.
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