Oh My.
Phone rang yesterday morning at 7:00, Gk said "I need you".
I ran.
It wasn't Gk.
It was Grammy.
She was in a featal postion on her left side, unresponsive.
Called 911.
It took about 2 1/2 minutes for them to get here.
I think they know they way now.
She had vomited at some point during the night and may have aspirated.
Call Mom, get dressed, Gk ready, head to the ER.
Grammy is still unresponsive.
They give her iv meds to try and comfort her, but as they day unfolds they find it VERY dificult to comfort her in anyway.
Off to x-ray.
Pneumonia, with an upper GI bleed.
As it turns out, anyone with any type of dementia will suffer more from any type of wrongness.
So take fever, times three.
I was just thinking when I woke up this morning....
I think the GI problem may be with the ani-inflamatories they prescribe for her shingles pain.
O.k, so by noon they have put an "ng" tube in place.
Thats a down the nose to your belly hose.
Now to get her in a room on the second floor two down from Gk's suite.
At least we have friends there.
Honestly, I still have GK's discharge papers in my purse and now I'm walking the hall behind Grammy's Gurney with a bag full of her belongings.
As the day goes on she becomes more fitfull.
She ends up pulling the tubing out of her nose OUCH and the i.v from her arm OOOOUCH.
Still completely unresponsive.
They put big cotton mits (like boxing gloves) on her to prevent her pulling anything else.
I just talked to the nurse and she said sometimes people tend to have an opposite reaction to medication and this morning she seems to be more restful without.
Still not peaceful, but better.
It breaks my heart to see GK go through this.
It breaks his heart to see her this way.
I am so glad his family is still here.
They make him so happy it helps to ease his pain.
More later.
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