All is good on the farm today.
The goose laid an egg and the ducks have three in the nest. We won't have baby geese because we don't have a boy goose, but when the ducks get between 8 and 12 eggs they will start sitting and with any luck we will have baby ducks pretty soon!
Gk slept really well last night and feels good today. We are going to Dohn and Jonna's for dinner tonight and he is really looking forward to that. Mike just went to town to get the guts for my signature dessert dish....Cool whip surprise Delight.
I don't know if it's anyones favorite, but it's what I know. I need to think about what the surprise will be today.
I wish I could wave a magic wand and be skinny. I am so tired of being fat. My bones hurt, my clothes don't fit and I am soo uncomfortable. All the time. I have to do something. It may be time to resort to something radical. Exersise. I'm not saying I will, I'm just considering it. I wish I could just become one of those crazy extremist's who only eat healthy food because they can't handle the thought of preservatives and sugar. You know, like a peetist or a vulcan. Heres what worry's me about losing weight. What if I lost so much that I turned into a saggy sack. have you seen Courtney Love? GROSS. What about Oprah? she's really fleshy too. I'm not saying it's better to be fat, but at least you fill out your skin.
News flash.
Wyatt say's he's done playing with dolls and no longer wants to be a designer.
He was in town last night and only looked at boy toys. I figure it's because he has all the girl toys and needs some varitey.
A part of me would be very sad to see him grow out of this stage, but if he wants to play with Lego's and Ninja Turttles, so be it. He got a new bucket of clay and is making claymation things. He digs that, and it's still creative. He didn't even want to watch Project Runway with me today though. Oh well, they all grow up sooner or later.
K, ready for this............
JA called from Texas early this morning and woke us up. He called to say he is sending Wyatt something his Dad carved out of wood. He must of felt compelled to honesty because he told Mike he would be going back to work in 30 days. He has already been off 30. Know why??????
Suspension for failing a DRUG test.
I swear, just when I think that creep gets away with everything he fry's his own bacon.
Failing a drug test. can you believe it! Jack Swafford, Mr. Anti-Drug. Got baked at a bbq and tagged the NEXT day!
Good things do come to those who wait, and trust me, I've been waiting. So, Monday morning I will call Clemmie in Texas and fill her in on what happened and with any luck the judge will take stonger action against him. This also takes care of any more conversation with Jack about Wyatt coming for any Texas vacation time.
Hmmm.... I wonder how Charlene feels about sending Dalton to live with his Dad now. Two weeks after he gets there Jack loses his job for two months for smokin' dope. I bet she has to send more money so they can still afford smokes and vodka.
I shouldn't gloat. That isn't nice. HaHa!!!!! HA!
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