The chicken calamity of 2007 has been solved. Mike AND I built a "chicken pot". It really looks like a chicken tent, but what I visualized in my head was different than what we made for lack of proper supplies. Since I have a certain picture in my head though, I will continue to refer to it as the chicken pot. It took just a few hours and spare parts plucked from around the barn and wa-la, the chickens are happy "campers"!
So thats what we did yesterday. We also flew Wyatt's new kite for awhile. Come to find out, Mike and I are more interested in flying Wyatt's kite than Wyatt is. We were discussing wind speed and angles and the proper stance for an accurate throw of the kite when we noticed Wyatt playing on the dirt pile paying no attention to us. Oh well.
Dohn and Jonna came for dinner, and as always, Julie's recipe for pulled pig sandwiches with secret cole slaw was out of this world. They brought fresh pies, and a nice visit was shared over great food. Just a side note....if you havent already figured it out, I'm off my diet :(
Dinner was over early so we came home and Wyatt took a bath to rid himself from all the dirt he carried in on his person from the dirt pile. I guess you would call that a mudbath. I played on the new computer some more, and found out that the things this is capable of are far beyond my comprehension. I can learn though. Mike went back to the big house and had a second dinner and chewed the fat with Gk for awhile.
Then it was time for the Soprano's. Let me just say this. What the ef is going on this season. All three episodes have been so lame. Either that, or so brilliant I don't get it. I keep thinking throughout the hour that it's all going to come together in some big "whip" and I'm going to be left in disbelief and awe. Ummm. NO. It makes me so mad. That and the fact that GH has let me down so badly with Jax and Carly getting married. Maybe it's time to just turn off the t.v
I have been taking flaxseed oil twice a day and I think it's helping with my fat induced hip and leg discomfort.
I haven't talked to Wendy for a few days, so I don't know whats new with her. I guess I should try leaving her some messages letting her know her brother is coming next weekend. If anyone talks to or see's her, please tell her.
I think Val is coming for a visit....that would be fun. For me anyway, I don't know how much fun she would have : )
Shelley and Joe have a new to them trailer, I hope they come down this summer too.
Since we can't fish in the pond anymore, we'll have to find new ways to entertain ourselves, so company is a welcome thing.
It's a good diversion for GK too. He really likes company.
I guess thats all. I should go do something.
See Ya
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