I just got home from the big house. GK and I were watching Misery. I realized that not only is it a scary movie, but what makes it REALLY scary is I look JUST like Kathy Bates. I swear to Gawd. I will Google a picture so you can see for yourself. I had to come home to watch GH, but GK is glued to the set. Tonight we're going to get a pizza and watch Lake Placid over there. BEST MOVIE EVER. Thanks Shelley. I can't see it enough and love Bettty White in it. Hard to believe GK has been missing out on these fine filmatic treasures all these years.
He and John went to town this morning and bought all the flooring for the kitchen. It's walnut Pergo and I think it will look so good. John is going to start on Monday and figures it will take two or three days. I am really excited to see how it turns out.
Mike is stopping by Johns on his way home from work to pick up the saw he needs to use and will set up shop in the garage.
I got an e.mail from Drew last night! That was so cool. He said he and Quinn would like to read the blog at home.
Hi Drew and Quinn!!
It's interesting reading the letters from Lloyd forwarded by Kelly. It would be dumb to say it sounds like he's in a foreign country because duh, he is. It really sounds like a whole different world though. Hard for me to even imagine the things he tells about. I can imagine the Baskin and Robbins ice cream bar in the mess hall, but thats about it. Drew and Quinn could have the best stories for show and tell ever, thats for sure.
I was outside with the dogs this morning and found eleven eggs in one duck nest and twelve in the other! I hope the eggs hatch. I read that they lay between twelve and fifteen eggs before they start to sit on them, so maybe soon. Mike found an Easter egg last night : ) I told him to leave it there until next year. Then it will really be a surprise.
Ummmm.....Wyatt is on a field trip today. His class went to Portland to see a play of the Boxcar Children. He has been looking forward to this all week. He should be on his way back to school by now. Last night we went to town to get him a lunchable for today and there was a little girl in front of us in line from his class, and I swear, she was such a brat. Her dad wasn't much better. He wouldn't even smile at us when we said hello. Don't you hate jackass parents. It really is no wonder why some kids are the way they are. It's not like he even knew we were white trash or anything either because we were at Haggen. I asked Wyatt if she was rude to him at school, and he said she wasn't, but you would never know it by how she acted in the store.
Anyway, I'm over it now. I need to remember too, that Wyatt is kind of an Eddie Haskel, so maybe I expect to much from other kids.
Jack called today to tell me he was sick. Unfortunetly, not to sick to keep him from dialing the phone. Maybe that's why he's on the MaryJane. Medicinal purposes. I was rather short with him and he lost interest in our conversation. He told me if I wanted to talk more later I would have to call him on his cell phone because the land line had already been dissconected.
Ok, so thats about it I guess. I think when we go to town to get the pizza I will swing into K-Mart and pick up a hair frosting kit and see if I can shake this Kathy Bates look I got goin' on. That should make for some good blog material tomorrow.
Till then....
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