You can almost hear a pin drop.
Nobody is here.
The t.v is turned off.
Wyatt is at school.
Mike is at work.
The dogs are sleeping.
All the family has gone home.
The neighbor is at his house listening to his quiet.
I cried when I dropped kelly and the boys off at the airport.
I cried till I called Julie and told her I was crying and that I felt like a retard for crying.
She made me feel better.
I cried when she and her family left.
I cried when GK's family from Minnesota left.
I hope I'm done crying for a while.
If you would have told me a month ago how things were going to go starting that Tuesday that Gk went to the Hospital, I dont know if I would have believed you.
I just checked, that was March 20th.
As I sit here and think about everything, it hardly seems real.
I'm going to quit thinking about it, because I don't want to start crying again.
This is what I want to say.
Thank you to every one of you who sent cards and letters.
Thank you to everyone who called with kind words of support.
Thank you to everyone who came to be part of the greiving and part of the healing.
Thank you to everyone who was here to support and love Grampy.
Thank you to everyone who did dishes, folded laundry, walked dogs, cooked dinners, laughed, cried, shopped, talked, smiled, swam and sang.
Life goes on.
I know this is true because I missed GH today while I was at the grocery store.
I think I need to get tiVo.
Gk went to the doctor today.
All his levels are great.
He doesn't have to go back for two weeks.
That makes him really happy.
Red blood and calcium are both where they should be.
We went to the pool again last night and had a great time.
The Gerbers are really good swimmers and go off the diving board and down the slide.
Again, Wyatt was banished to the short end, so I am signing him up for swim lessons.
I think they start the 23rd.
That will give him something to look forward to and maybe make some new friends.
Our cat Oreo Cookie is knocked up again.
Anyone want an Oregon Kitten?
Not such a big deal here in Oregon, but anywhere else might be a big deal.
Your friends would say..."My, what a cute kitten"
You could then say....."Yes, he/she's an OREGON kitten. Quite rare to this area"
Think about it and let me know.
Wyatt's home.
The dogs need to go out.
GK is calling.
Mike will be home in a few minutes.
Life goes on.
This I know.
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