Did everyone get the David Copperfield e-mail kelly sent to me that I sent to everyone?
Freaky creepy! How does stuff like that work? Remember the one about the toes? I don't remember what it was but it was creepy to.
I'm cleaning today. Feh. Yech. Ick.
Why is it I don't mind cleaning at the big house, but something about my own filth bothers me. I have the bathroom soaking as we speak and next I need to clean Wyetti's room. That place is a real hogpile. I can't imagine how he pigs that room up so fast. Sometimes in the morning when I go to wake him up I cant even see him. I need to clean, throw out half of everything and organize the rest. The worst part is when he gets home, he will love the clean room, but not miss a thing that's gone because he has so much crap. They say every time you bring something new in, take something old out. I remember when I was a kid my Mom telling me to clean my room. She would set a timer. Once when I didn't finish she came in and dumped EVERYTHING out in the middle of the room. EVERYTHING. Another time I didn't do a good job and came home from school and EVERYTHING had been thrown out my second story bedroom window. EVERYTHING. Even my bed. I wish they had prozac back then, I think one of us needed it. Anyway, I won't lose my mind over Wyatt's room and he will be so surprised when he gets home. It will be a good thing. I need to get his closet ready for kitten delivery pretty soon too. For some reason Oreo always goes in his closet to have her babies. Maybe she feels safe in the mess. Like she blends in and won't be noticed.
John got the cabinet doors back in today. I am ashamed to say, they look great. I am ashamed to say it because I was so against it. He did a very good job and they look sooo nice. This afternoon or tomorrow I will wash everything on the shelves and arrange it so the teacups are on the bottom shelf where you can see them. I think Grammy would have really liked it.
I will take a picture when I have everything cleaned up.
I watered all the flowers this morning and the fushia's are growing so fast. They are the upright kind and I think they will do well. Julie bought some geraniums at Costco and they are the really big hearty kind. So pretty, and they are doing really well to. The roses are starting to get their leaves and have all been pruned back. They didn't do so good last year, really leggy and sparse. Lets hope for better this year.
Gk was up at 2:30 this morning. He said he just couldn't sleep. He got up and sat in his chair with the dogs and watched CNN.
I feel so bad and wish there was something more I could do. He talked to his oldest sister in Minnesota last night. He was happy to talk with her but it also makes him sad. I think he misses his family a lot right now. I know how much he misses Grammy and how empty the house feels. It's a void that can't be filled for him now. He can try and keep his mind busy, but you know it keeps drifting back to Grammy. It's like he goes along and is o.k for a time and then something strikes him and you can see the look in his eyes, he just gets filled with sadness. The death certificate came in the mail yesterday and that was just one more thing to make it real. So sad.
Listen to this.
I wrote an obit for the paper.
Modest, non-wordy, pleasant, nice.
Can you believe that!
So what I think I am going to do is have it printed on some pretty paper and mail it to everyone. What do you think of that idea? I won't even charge anyone. I'll let you know if I get ot done, and then you can let me know if you want a copy or how many copies you want.
Wyatt's Nintendo charger just arrived via UPS. He will be very excited. He never played until the cousins were her, and now he loves it. I think we may have to buy him another game.
Oh yeah......get this.
Jack Ass called last night, all drunked up.
When Wyatt told him his Grammy had died JA asked to talk to me and started CRYING, saying how sorry he was for our loss and that he feels our pain. What an idiot. He also told me that I would be getting child support again soon. He had been laid off for doing something he was "very ashamed of" but got to go back to work soon. Don't ask, I didn't touch it. I didn't want to know. I doubt I will see any money any time soon.
Mike just called and said he is having a good day. He is on his second load. The first went to Seaside, and this one is from Longview to Molalla. Val, do you remember when we drove from Bellingham to Longview in search of Cowboy Clint. I was going to confess my love and move to Texas with him. Then we figured out he had gone to Longview Texas and not Longview Washington. Long trip, but a good time.
Anywho, back to Mike. He almost had a stroke last night over his KFC. They messed his order up TWO times in a row. He was all fired up. The Jerkoff 17 year old manager throwing his weight around didn't help matters. Thinking back it's kind of funny, but last night it was serious business.
O.k, I think that's all for now. I need to go find an old toothbrush and clean the tub.
Bye Bye
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