So, here I am. Watching t.v at home.
I told you GK had the gold glass replaced with clear. It looks so good. Yesterday I spent cleaning every piece of everything in that cupboard and putting it away in a way that looks pleasing. It was a big job, but worth it. It looks great. See photo.
John also made shelves for the tall broom closet that I don't think has ever held a broom. They work a lot better. Now you can have stuff on shelves instead of stacked stuff on top of stuff. Gk found some SUPER placemats that I have chosen to believe are mine as a gift of gratitude for cleaning the closet and shelves. Hold on, I'll see if I can get a good shot of them
Ok, so there ya go. Nice huh?
I made a really good corned beef for dinner last night. I cooked it on low all afternoon and it was perfect. I wonder why they call it corned. Mike just got home. he said he broke down. I'll show him a breakdown.
We finished off with leftover coolwhip surprise delight and the surprise last night was it was a little refrigerator runny. You know how it gets all watery and the marshmallows aren't quite like they should be. It was ok though.
After dinner Wyatt got a much needed haircut. I took him out in the driveway and gave him one of those haircuts where it's tight on the sides and back but longer on the top. I figure that takes away from some of the stop sign look he otherwise has. So it all went well, untill he got out of the shower and decided he really wanted all his hair the same. I told him he needed to think about it. Once we took it all off, we couldn't put it back on.
He said ok, he would, but he was pretty sure he wanted it all the same.
This morning he got up and got dressed and asked if I would please finish the haircut. I told him yes, but that I really thought it looked good as it was. I should have known it would all fall on deaf ears to the fashion victim standing before me.
There he stood. "Husky" tough skins with two even rolls as a hem, because they fit in the waist, but not length, a cotton plaid "blouse" with mother of pearl snaps, snapped all the way up and a kahki hunting vest with velcro fasteners.
My son. Wyatt James Dorkball Swafford Parks.
Ok, so back to the haircut.
I told him he would have to strip down to his underpants and stand out behind the wagon because I didn't want to clean hair off him or the floor. So standing out there at 8:00 in the morning, behind the car, in his underpants and a towel, I shaved his head. I may have cried a little becauase standing there before me, yet again, as happens every summer, was the infamous grapefruit on a toothpick. Only this time he was wearing a K-Mart clearance blouse with pearlized snaps.
Unconditional love is important when your eight.
I cleaned his room this weekend. Did we already go over that? Anyway. Gross, but finished.
I talked to Kelly saturday. Everything is going well in Billings
I got an e.mail from Lloyd this morning. Everything good in Bagram
I talked to Julie this morning. They had a good time at the game, Mariners won. Something about broken bats, home runs and sunburns. Anyway, everything good there.
I have not talked to Wendy since she went home last saturday, but I presume everything is ok with her.
So there you have it, the Monday report.
When Wyatt gets home I will take a picture of him with his new haircut.
Tomorrow one of the poodles goes in for a teeth cleaning. Can't wait!
I think thats all for now.
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