Heres the third go round around.
John has been over doing things for GK today.
He is changing out the glass in the kitchen cabinets.
That makes me sad because I LOVE the gold glass that was in there, but it is important to GK to "update".
He said I could have the gold glass and that's enough to keep me happy.
Mid morning John drove GK to the eye doctor.
He got more new contacts, the kind you wear for three months and then throw away.
The Doc showed him a new way to try and put his lenses in himself, so he can try that tonight or tomorrow morning.
If not, I don't mind helping him.
The lady from the funeral home brought Grammy home today.
It's good to have her back, and she's in a pretty box in her bedroom.
GK's eyes leaked a little, but all in all he's doing well.
I think it's going to be hard for Kelly to leave tomorrow, but we all need to get on with living.
I think the best way to honor someone you love is to go on being the best you can be.
Sounds like an advertisment for the Army doesn't it.
Mike is driving for Safeway today.
He had to leave at 12:30 this morning.
Can you even imagine?
His company contracts with Safeway and hauls more groceries in the summer than logs, so they want him to start learning the ropes.
He starts in Olympia and goes a little North and then works his way back down South.
I think Kelly and I are taking the boys to open swim tonight.
The cousins would get a real gas out of getting to go again before they go home and Wyatt would think it's the coolest thing ever to go on a school night.
I'm going to sign Wyatt up for swim lessons this summer so we don't have anymore run ins with th OC lifeguards.
Ummmmmm that my be all for now.
I think Kelly and the boys are going to town to get something for dinner.
Wyatt went out to the bus this morning and waited for like twenty minutes.
No bus.
He waited.
Finally, the bus RACED up the hill passed him leaving him in the dust.
I called the bus garage.
Sub today.
She radioed and the bus had to turn around and come back for Wyatt.
You could hear the bus miss the road, back up, come back down the hill and pick him up.
Then he had to go all the way up the hill the wrong way and turn around and come back down and up the hill to get to the road to school.
Kids love that stuff.
I'm sure they were at least 20 minutes late.
Never a dull moment on the Ranch.
I think thats all.
C ya
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