I think I slept about three hours last night. I stayed up late to watch Deadliest Catch, that was on at 10:00 so over at 11:00.
Then I went to bed and ended up watching some of the news. Did you know they closed the WSU Vancuver campus because of copycat shooting threats? Ok, so I finally get to sleep and BAM, 2:30 I am wide awake. Mike had already left for work, but I didn't hear him. I mean wide wide awake. My dad always said if that happens to get put of bed and do something. Don't just lay there thinking about not being able to sleep. So I got up and watched t.v, read my e-mail and had a cookie. Then it was about 3:30. I decided to go back to bed to watch t.v, but when I walked by Wyatt's room he was tossing and kinda wimpering. I thought about waking him up, but didn't. So I got into bed and not five minutes later Wyatt comes into my room. Scared the sh*t out of me. He told me he had a nightmare and it bothered him so much he didn't think he could sleep in his room alone. So in the bed comes Wyatt. Good thing we have a king size fully adjustable bed. We both layed there awake until almost 5:30.
Wy did get back to sleep, but by 7:00 I was up again.
For the last many months I dream about GK every night. Weird. I mean every night every night. I wonder why. Not bad dreams. Doing things dreams, usually doing happy things dreams. We clean alot. The barn, the pump house, under the house, whatever, we clean it.
Speaking of cleaning......Ashley had her teeth cleaned yesterday! She was pretty dopey all afternoon and evening. They had to give her and extra dose of knock out juice because she had two teeth pulled. She has minty fresh breath today though : )
Stinky Sassy goes in tomorrow and thats a good thing.
Not much else happened yesterday. GK still working on taxes. He has an extension, but it's important to him to get them done asap. He's had alot going on the past few months. His hip seems to be bothering him quite a bit but is better with Tylenol and his new FAVORITE, Tylenol PM. He is able to sleep through the night with a couple of those. He is doing great with his contacts since the doctor showed him an easier way to put them in, and all in all doing well. Of course he still gets teary eyed and sad, but that's to be expected.
Pulled pork. That sounds good huh? I think I'll go check the freezer and see if I have a pork roast. If I do, I wonder if i could put it in the oven frozen and cook it slow all day. It would be nice if when I asked a question you would answer in the comment section below. Mike got me a cookbook for Easter. I'm going to have a looksee for an oatmeal cookie recipe. The last ones I made were kind of fluffy. I like thick chewy ones. I'm obviously off my diet in case you haven't noticed, AND I'm smoking again. LOSER.
Ok, what was I saying about pulled pork and oatmeal cookies? : )
I'm going to have lunch now.
C Ya!!
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