Pooter is sick. Last Friday he was trying to jump up on the bed and couldn't get off the ground. We figured it was a weight issue, helped him up and didn't give it another thought. Saturday he was walking wonky. Sunday he wasn't able to walk or even sit up so first thing Monday morning we were at the vet and they think he has a slipped disc. Pooter needs his own pharmaceutical cabinet now and will require a twelve step program to get off the "junk" by the time this is over and Wyatt can forget about those two years we had planned out for him at the local vocational technical institute because veterinary care ranks right up there with the cost of neurosurgery and I figure we will all be eating cat food by the end of the month.
While I was in the Vet's office with Poo on Monday my cell phone rang. I silenced it and like a real jack ass said, "haha, I hope that isn't Wyatt's school calling." The phone immediately rang again and it was 6 asking why I didn't answer the phone when Wyatt's school called. Turns out, Wyatt got broadsided by some moose while playing four square. Wy landed hard on the black top with two tons on top of him and was pretty banged up and I'm fairly certain he had a concussion considering he broke out in a shirt drenching sweat and his pupils were the size of dinner plates. I called his pediatrician and she said to take him in to the E.R, but we don't have insurance so I decided that since I watch a lot of doctor shows on t.v I could monitor him myself. Lucky for us he came through like a champ.
Today is the first middle school dance and Wyatt and LeeAnn are going together. Afterwards, she is riding the bus home with him and spending the night because Friday night is swim night at the Molalla Pool. I bet Wyatt is the only kid who's date for the dance spends the night :)
Wendy moved back in with her douche bag boyfriend and thats all I have to say about that.
I made a heart wrenching decision to sell our goats. There was no way we could keep them separate from the chickens OR out of the hen house. We tried moving them to another part of the farm but they wanted to be with the hens and would escape from wherever we moved them to. I either had to pen the flock or sell the goats. It makes my eyes leak when I think about them, but they ended up with a really nice family on a goats only compound. The reason they are a goats only compound is because they used to be a goat and one mule compound but they traded their mule for our goats. So now we're down two chicken feed eating goats and up one hay burning mule. I'm not sure who came out ahead in that deal.
This is Molly our new senior spotted mule ❤
I have to go to trailerpark school tomorrow. In the state of Oregon if you have four or more mobile spaces you are considered a trailerpark and have to register with the state and go to school every year. I'm ok with it because the last family that moved in turned out to be a bunch of a-holes and I need to learn what the laws are when it comes to dealing with trailer dwelling douches.
I made some deelish pumpkin spice soy candles yesterday and now the house smells soooo good.
My friend Linda over at Fat Cat started making crochet jewelry and so of course that meant I had to make some too and now I can't stop making it. I need to get some big girl beads though.
I'm using wire and hemp and loving it!
And.... I made another rug! I started AND finished it in TWO days. Better than the four months it took me to finish the last one.
*Fat Bottom Blog word of the day is douche
douche |doō sh |noun
A person who exhibits douche like behavior
ORIGIN mid 18th cent. (as a noun): via French from Italian doccia ‘conduit pipe,’ from docciare ‘pour by drops,’ based on Latinductus ‘leading’ (see duct ).
M, Your jewelery looks AWESOME!! Sorry Pooter isn't feeling well. Hope he gets better PDQ. Molly is a doll! Thanks for the shout out!
ReplyDeleteO. M. G. that trailer park guy is sooooo HOT!!! Is he married cuz I'll get a divorce tomorrow if he's single!
Marilyn, I am fascinated reading about your totally interesting life on the farm. I hope Pooter is better. I love the jewelry!! Your trailer park douche bag dude is a little scary. I can see you in Wyatt, what a cute picture. Julie
ReplyDeleteThe similarity is that DD chest isn't it Julie!!!
ReplyDeleteAt least I hope it's that and not the glasses :)
I miss YOU!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what you come up with next for me to copy : D
Kenna Marie, I bet even if he is married he's the kind of guy who fools around :)
ReplyDeleteTrailer dwelling douche, hahahahahaa. Sweet mullet though.
ReplyDeleteTrailer dwelling douche? Haahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteSweet mullet though.