For those of you just joining in, my family moved to Oregon in 2006 to care for my aging Grandparents and stayed after they passed to take care of the "farm" (my menagerie) and the property. The house was originally a barn that my Grampy painstakingly turned into a beautiful home that my Grammy painstakingly filled to the brim with every piece of sparkling glass and tchotchke she could get her hands on from every Goodwill, thrift store and estate sale in at least three counties. Now, mind you, when she was here to keep the place up everything was always white glove ready and very Taj Mahally and museum like and that was great, but put my family, three dogs and countless other pig sty inducing elements into the mix and you have one giant chaotic clutter filled nightmare. Add to that, my grandparents were both hoarders before hoarders were cool, but my Grammy was a closet hoarder. Literally. Every closet and cupboard in this house is stuffed full of old magazines, newspaper clippings, maps, calendars and the elastic from every pair of underpants my Grampy ever wore. I'm not kidding, and don't ask, I don't know. There are half empty bottles of Flex shampoo from 1973 in the bathroom and the service manual from a washing machine purchased before the Maytag Man was even born in the utility room. So the point I'm trying to make here is that we are still in the process of sorting through and organizing things in the house and if I were a betting man which I'm not because I'm not a man and I don't have enough money to bet with even if it's a sure thing, I would say this is a job we will never complete, and really... I'm ok with that. So that's how we spent our weekend and Wendy is coming out today to help me finish up, but I have to go to town and pick her up because her DBB is looking for a job today and has to use her car. I guess the job he had let him go because "there weren't enough hours" to keep him on. Ummm hmmm. Sure. I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he's a giant loser or anything and he's probably just going to use her car to go to douche school today to learn how to be an even bigger douche wad than he already is. Like that's even possible.
Ok, so the other thing we did this weekend was start working on the upstairs because we're turning it into a craft room for ME! 6 built me a ginormous (really huge) table and we put all my shelves up there and all my crochet stuff and soap stuff and candle stuff and craft stuff and I'll have comfy chairs and a t.v and a phone and a computer and a mini fridge and so if you need me for anything look upstairs.
He also built me a new soap mold.
And I love it.
A room ALL to YOURSELF??? That is totally awesome, but I bet 6 is hoping you'll thank him from a kneeling position...
ReplyDelete1 question - why does the mould need a lid?
Sooooo jealous!!!