Well, another weekend come and gone....
I started and finished my first rug on Friday, but I don't like it so I'm going to rip it out and do it over.
I went to the thrift store and bought some old soft cotton sheets, brought them home and stripped them, sewed them together and crocheted them into a rug I love.

Doing a rug that way is a lot of prep work, especially when you (Mike) have to move the sewing machine into the living room so you can still see the t.v and then figure out how to run the thing because you never learned how to sew.
Mike had to give me a few lessons of things that he remembered from watching his Mom sew.
The last rag rug I did, was made from strips about 1/2 inch wide and about 5 inches long and then latch-hooked through some holy backed stuff.
It took forever but the results were great, I want to do another one out of t-shirts.
Wyatt's friend Leanne was over for the weekend.
She's always fun to have around and Wyatt LOVES having friends over.
We had pizza and ice cream for dinner and pop-corn and Jell-O for breakfast.
Good times.
Speaking of good times...
I called and canceled my lady parts appointment on Friday.
I just about had myself worked into a nervous frenzy over the whole thing and that was after I took a "mothers little helper."
I knew I would launch into meltdown mode which is why I popped a downer, but who knew it would be so bad.
I think I need to start out slow.
Baby steps.
Not go in for a mammogram and hoochogram at the same time.
My biggest fear is that I have some sort of crazy crotch and they're going to talk about me in the lunch room.
Do they all look the same?
Can you have "wrong crotch?"
What if mine is SO astoundingly different that they have to stop the exam to take a picture to send to the AMA?
The only thing that gives me comfort is that I have been married six times and it's never been mentioned before.
None of them ever said, "Well Marilyn, your a heck of a nice girl, but you've got one crazy crotch..."
I can't talk about this anymore, I'm starting to break out in hives.