Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Medical Alert

Gizmo did not have a stroke!
He was constipated.
Two suppositories yesterday seemed to do the trick.
Thank you for all your well wishes.

Did you see the picture of Pooter and Pearl?!
They love each other.
Let me tell you something though, it's not easy putting a walkin' harness on a pig.
It was worth it though to see the two of them strolling around the yard together.
I don't know if Pooter loves her for her mind, or because she's made out of bacon.

I thought Wyatt was going to have a meltdown last night.
All last week he was telling me about open house at school.
Everyday I would ask to see the paper with the time and info.
Every time he would say, "Uh, yeah, Mom, I'm a fourth grader now, I know when open house is"
I rolled with it and he was wrong.
Not the part about being a fourth grader, the part about knowing IT ALL.
I had told him if he was wrong his consequence would be that we wouldn't wait around or go back at the right time.
"Whatever Mom, I know when open house is."
Last night was open house.
We got there at 6:00 and it started at 7:00.
Wyatt cried all the way home.

Happy Birthday J2B2!

Thats all I got.

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