Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Peafowl Photos

Ok, we just arrived home from mission peacock pick-up.
It seems like we drove forever and when we came home it was faster to cut across into Washington and drive home on the freeway than it was to track the river back into Portland and then up the highway home.

I don't know if I can do justice to the place we got the peacocks.
Let me just say this.
I don't know what to say.
Honesty, I am thinking and I can't think what to say.

I swear to you there were at least fifty, if not a hundred turkeys of different age and sizes, ducks, chickens, peacocks, ponies, geese, pigs, dogs and donkeys.
And kinda stinky.

I know what your thinking...
Well Mrs Parks... that kind of sounds like your house.
Well, no it isn't like my house.
It would be like my house on crack.
Maybe my house if I was left to live alone with no supervision and could do what I want that would be my house, but as things are , defiantly not like my house.

She only had male pigs, so we didn't get one.
She said herself that they stink and hump alot.
I'll wait till' next spring and get a girl pig who's pretty and doesn't stink or hump.

So, we got the peacocks and hightailed it outa there.
They are to young to sex, so we don't know what we have.
Their box-o-chocolate peacocks, ya just don't know what your gonna get.
We do know their India Blue's, so if their males they will be fabulous and if their females they'll be funky.

That's all the more reason to continue reading the blog.
You won't last to long not knowing if our peacocks are fabulous or funky.

Since I was outside with the camera I took pictures of Nancy and the guineas too.

Here's Nancy

Here's the guineas

And last, but not least...
Either Peter or Pearl, one of our new peacock chicks!

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