Friday, September 12, 2008

Done Done

Ok, first I have a funny story.

Yesterday on our way home from the paint store we wheeled in to Jack-in-the-box for some lunch.
As usual we got home only to discover they had given me the wrong thing.
Now we live to far from town to just run back and make things right, but I always call so that next time I'm sure to be compensated with a freebie.
I kid you not I ate free for almost a month a few years ago.
This is just the kind of drive through misfortune I have.

Back to the story.
I called the kid at JITB and he was SO polite.
He said he would not only replace my order, he would ALSO throw in a treat of my choice.
I remember that Wendy is in town so I call her and tell her the story and ask if she will do the do at the JITB drive through.

No problem.

She's on it like a bonnet.

A N H O U R A N D A H A L F   later Wendy comes home.

She drops a Burger King bag on the counter.
I say, "Wen... where did you go"?
She says yells  " J a c k i n t h e b o x".

Like I'M dumb.

I said , "Wen, you have a BK bag here on the counter...."
She looked at me.
Then I looked at her like SHE was dumb.

She had gone through the BK drive through, told them her mother had been there and was given the wrong thing and so she was supposed to get the right thing and a treat.

They gave her a free bag of food.

Only Wendy.

I'm quite certain they just figured she was crazy and decided to move her on through the line before she had a meltdown.
I asked her if they doubted what she was saying, and she said "yes, but I just kept telling them, MY MOM SAID"
Now really, how can you argue with what a grown womans mother said when said mother isn't even in the car and all you know is there is some insane woman yelling in the speaker for all the restaurant to hear that HERMOMSAID.

Who says theres no such thing as a free lunch.

Ok so, we painted the bedroom yesterday and we are now officially done painting!

So, here's a picture of the kitchen

and the bedroom

Thats all for today.

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