Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Clean It Up

It has been a busy week here on the farm.
With my shoulder surgery I feel like everything that needs to be done is done.
Floors mopped, laundry finished and folded, bathrooms sparkle, paint the utility room and of course the big one... Grampy's room.
I decided anything could happen and I may not make it out of surgery.
I would hate for Mike to have all the relatives over with the floors a mess, the laundry stacked and dingy walls

Grampy's room was the biggest job, and by far the most emotional.
Since he passed in June, I have just closed the door and taken a Scarlett O'Hara attitude towards the whole situation,
It was to big of a job and I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Well, it's done now.
Forty years of grocery store and pharmacy receipts.
Forty years of bank statements.
Forty years of life in this house.
Forty years of memories.

I was SO overwhelmed.
I didn't know where to start and it felt like I would never finish.
I did finish though, and now the room is clean and organized and set up with the computer a couch and of course a t.v.
The "lounge".
It's not an "office" because I don't do any type of real work in there.
It's not the "computer room" because there is also a couch and t.v and we do more than compute.
So, I decided it's the "lounging" room.
A place to comfortably pass the time.
Now, if you come to my house and slip by calling it the computer room Wyatt will be on you like white on rice and inform you it is the LOUNGE.
It's already happened to me.

Late yesterday afternoon the phone rings.
It is my shoulder doctor.
He has been rereading my MRI and x-ray and has discovered there is more to my shoulder than what he thought.
The actual injury that is causing so much grief is the muscle and tendon that are torn from the capsule.
I think.
Anyway, he wants to do a different procedure than he had originally planned and just happens to be attending some seminar in Arizona this month on said procedure.
My surgery has now been rescheduled until October 6th.
I asked him what I should be doing about the pain and clunking and thumping in my shoulder every time I move it.
He said I was to CONTINUE (haven't been) wearing the sling with as little movement as possible.
Until October.
I told him I had been moving furniture and cleaning carpets.
A sling?
Until October?

We painted the utility room last night and I  h a t e  it.
It is the worst no color, cold, generic, blah, lifeless color ever.
Now what?
Mike kept telling me "it will dry the color you want".
Was it magic paint that would somehow dry to my liking?
I still  h a t e  it this morning.
We will spend the day repainting and put a fresh coat on the kitchen as well.

Thats all.
Enjoy the day.

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