Monday, September 22, 2008

Family Management

Wendy and I got in to it last night.
I'm not even going to tell you what is was about because I was right and she was wrong and I already know that.
I know that because I'm the Mom.
I have been the Mom for 24 years and not only I am a Mom, I know other Moms and I watch t.v.
We're an organized group us Mothers, kind of like the biggest Union in the world and when we combine forces with the "Wives" we're even stronger.
It used to be in our contract that in order to be a Mother you also had to be a wife, and then we realized we could have more members and be closer to our goal of world domination if we split.

Anyway, I hate it when she practices being all aldulty with me and tries using logic to prove her misplaced judgment and opinions
Remember, this is Wendy, so I let her roll with it for a minute just for entertainments sake, but in the end, every time I'm right and she thinks I'm dumb.
That lasts about two days and then she settles down and see's whatever it was that caused the dispute for what it really is and gets it..

This should make me happy and I guess after the two day waiting period it does, but in the meantime, it makes me crazy.
What is so freaking hard about bowing down to those with more experience and more brains.
Why can't she just say... "Well Mother, I see your point and as usual you are right, and I, am just a big dumb pain in the ass."

As I sit here writing this I can hear my Mother saying to me, "I told you so" and I know I was no peach to raise, but I didn't stick around and rub salt in the wounds either.

I didn't even wait the required amount of time for a drivers license or high school diploma before I left home.
I knew I knew way more than she ever would and instead of wasting her time and mine, I just set out to make my own way and it's been nothing but sunshine and bubbles ever since.
Ok, thats a lie, but it's my story and I'm trying to make a point

Because I'm the ringleader of this outfit, I can do what I want, and tonight, just to show Wendy who's boss, I'll make meatloaf for dinner.
Meatloaf and peas, and I'll serve her a big plate of it and make her eat at at least half.
It's to bad we all have to suffer, but we're a family, and family's stick together and I'm the Mom, and I can make them all eat meatloaf if I want.
It's in my contract.

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