Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As the Farm Turns

Another start to another day....

Wyatt's bus was reeeeeeeally late today, but what's new?
Mike is working mornings again today.
GK is........... doing his taxes.
Wendy is AWAKE!
She closed last night, but like me could NOT sleep.
She was over here bright eyed at 8:00 this morning.

I don't feel like I have anything interesting or clever to say today.
Maybe as the day goes on something will come to me.

As I layed in bed wide awake all night I thought of all kinds of witty things to say and interesting topics to cover, but now I'm just drawing a big blank.

Did you watch Law and Order last night?
So good, with Robin Williams.

I watched my soap on DVR at midnight last night.
The evil Dr. Devlin admitted to Kate that he was the one that shot Micheal. 
He is  putting the screws to her for a million dollars to leave town quietly, or, shoot Sonny who was the original target of his shooting had the bullet not ricocheted in the warehouse and instead left Sonny's son in a comma at General Hospital. 
Kate was hesitant, but after some intense and emotional  deliberation, decided she would pay the evil Dr the million dollars he was requesting to leave Port Charles for good so that Sonny could proceed with the agreed upon truce with the Zaccharas.
Unbeknownst to Kate it was the Zacchara's (the second biggest crime family on the eastern seaboard) who had originally hired the dirty Doctor to assassinate Sonny so that they could retain control of the piers and shipping lanes.
So intense.
It's no wonder I couldn't sleep with all that on my mind.

I have to go get a life now.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cloudy with a chance of showers

Good morning everybody!

Wyatt is off to school.
Mike is at work.
Wendy is sleeping.
GK is............ doing his taxes.

I am drinking coffee and watching Cops. 
No plans for today. 
Yesterday I cleaned out the utility room and finished up all the laundry. 
I think today I'll order some new curtains for that room. 
I would MAKE them if my SISTER would come and teach me how to sew. 
I bought two books on sewing, "Sewing for dummies" and the Angry Chicken Lady's book on sewing (see her blog in my list to the right.) 
My problem is, I don't even know how to turn the machine on or make the thread go through it.
I decided I want to make some pillows. Pillows, aprons and curtains.
If only my SISTER would COME and show me HOW.

The pump guy showed up yesterday and we should have outside water again by the weekend!

What should I make for dinner tonight?

As promised yesterday, today I will tell you how to raise a kid other people can stand.

Don't EVER let them believe they are smarter or better than anyone else.

I think if a child is raised with humility and confidence as opposed to pride and ego they have a fighting chance.
I went a little over board with Wendy on the whole confidence thing, and now she tends to wade in ego.... well no, she swims in the pool, and because of that, you can't even bring it to her attention.
She insists she doesn't have ego, everybody just LOVES her and she knows it.

Humility and confidence, that's my advice

Ok, so until something interesting happens, Ciao'

Monday, April 28, 2008

As the rain falls

Here it is Monday again already.
Mike is at work, Wendy is doing laundry, Y is at school and of course, GK is doing his taxes.

The weather this weekend was perfect. I tried to spend as much time outside as possible and having the Garcia's as neighbors made my time spent outdoors that much more enjoyable..
They are the best neighbors a girl could ever ask for.
Big ears for listening and a long neck to stretch over the fence for gossiping ; }

Yesterday was marathon "House".
It's our favorite show, but when watching with a senior citizen with a given tendency to nod off, it ends up being six hours of sheer frustration. By hour three he was still on hour .05 wondering why House was in the Kitchen with Wilson and who gave the fat man an STD.
I say forget water boarding, put our enemies in an Alzheimer's ward at sundown and play Perry Mason reruns all night.
They'll sing like canaries.

My friend, we'll call her "Pearl" is having problems with her love life.
As I sit here and think of wisdom to shoot her way I have to stop myself and think, who am I to be giving advice to the love lorn.
I have been married more times than I care to count.
The IRS refers to me as AKA on any and all official forms.
An old classmate could never Google me for all the names I've gone through since the short time I spent in high school.
When filling out a credit application and listing "any other names you've gone by", I have to ask for a separate sheet of paper.
But I think that through all of this I have picked up some practical information.
Here are a few things:

It's Not What You Look Like, It's Who You Are.
This I can be sure of because the husbands I had when I looked my best, could not hold a candle to the husband I have now that I'm fat with a bad haircut.

They Will NEVER Change.
This goes without to much explanation. I believe this to be the most solid advice though. Like a man for how he is, not how you would like him to be.

Enjoy Spending Time With Them.
I think you should like talking to him more than you like kissing him.

Respect Them.
If you think they're dumb, or even if you just think you are smarter than they are, you have lost the game before you even roll the dice. In hard times you always have to have someone stronger than yourself to lean on.

That ends our lesson on love for today, tune in tomorrow for "how to raise a kid other people can stand to be around."

Blog Carnival archive - the trailerparks farm

Saturday, April 26, 2008

School Carnival

Wyatt just got home from his adventure at the Clarkes School Carnival. You can't expect much from a school with less than 500 kids, but they do a nice job.
Not enough to keep my attention for four hours though, so I found an unsuspecting parent of one of Wyatt's friends and imposed him on them.
I came home and watched Mike remodel the Garcia's house.
He transfomed it from a lowly hillbilly chicken shack to a stunning example of donkey domain.
However neurotic he may be, the payoff is always great.

Mike borrowd the neighbors old boat this morning and went down to the pond to retrieve the broken pump.
He used Grammy's old fig picker to fish out the pump. Worked like a charm.
Now he just has wait for the pump guy to come out with a new one.
The people up in the mobile spaces are starting to scream for their outside water.
It only takes one day of sunshine around here to motivate people, and they want their smelly pond water NOW!

We are going to dinner with Dohn and Jonna tonight.
I am so f'n tired of going out to eat, but if I said that it would GK's feelings.
He loves to go out.
So do Dohn and Jonna.
Tonight it's the Spinning Wheel in Canby.
We have been told by some BIG mouth that they have a new cook and the food is great.
I'm sure it will be.

I took a benadryl last night because I haven't been able to sleep for more than an hour or so at a time.
Bad idea, I'm still tired.

Here's what I think of when I get really tired and burned out.

I picture myself in a romantic hotel room at the coast.
I would stay up late and sleep through the morning.
I would eat breakfast out and order dinner in.
I would have a king size bed, a jetted tub, soft music and a few bottles of good cabernet.
The best part is, I would be all alone.

Maybe some dreams do come true : }

Okeydokeyartichokeys gotta split

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ok Ok

Here I am...
I have been busy doing the floors today and dusting and sweeping blah blah blahg.......

Nothing really going on other than chores today.
Wyatt is on a field trip, Wendy is at work and GK is home.
GK left for town, but was only gone about ten minutes and came back.
I don't know what to think about that.

Mike went to town and picked up some treats for the Garcia's. They sure catch on quick, I only had to reach in my pocket once for them to figure it out :)

I went to water the fuchsias, and saw that a little bird has built her nest in the pot. It even has tiny eggs in it.

Did I tell you the frogs survived? Now we have frogs on the kitchen table, which I guess is better than goldfish in the bathtub.

Wendy painted her bathroom yesterday. SO CUTE!
She did a really good job too, and now she's motivated to keep going through the rest of the house with a paintbrush.
It needs it.

Thanks MJ in the SJ for the crochet patterns. They are GREAT!
Nice of you to think of me : )

I think right now I will get to work on crocheting a poodle muzzle....
(just kidding)
(kind of)

Wyatt has late start today.
See ya in a bit

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cold and Lazy

It's the kind of day to lay in the bed with the electric mattress pad turned up watching Lifetime movies.
So that's what I'm doing.
Check back later for any breaking news that may come about between commercials.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Compound Complete!

Check out Flickr in the Jack and Josie set to see all the new photos!


Wendy's not seeing the old guy anymore!

He called and  unbeknownst to her I was on the other line (she knows now.)
He was all balled up about still being in love with the woman he was dating before her and how torn he was.
Right in the middle of his well rehearsed let down, Wendy yawned.
He asked if she was still there and she said "yeah, I'm just ready for a nap."
HA! I knew this sleeping gig would pay off somehow!
He said he didn't mean to bore her and she said "no problem buddy, I'm just tired."
Perfect : )

Amazing how fast the world moves when your in the middle of a good nap.

To early to tell

Oh my gosh, we had so much fun with the new donkeys yesterday!
I need to figure out how to refer to them.
They are male and female so I can't call them the boy's/girl's.
They aren't goats, so calling them kids would be dumb.
I wish I knew their last name and then I would address them that way.
For instance I could say something like, "well I need to go check the Brown's water."
Or, "do you see the Gomez's frolicking in the field this morning?"
Gomez, I kind of like that.
If their last name was Gomez, we could call Carlos Gomez too.
Carlos Gomez, that has a nice ring to it.

Mike didn't work yesterday and was able to get most of the chicken run done.
The compound is finished, now he just needs to wire the run.

Wendy worked last night and I haven't seen her yet this morning.
She has that "I have a crush on a new old man" air about her lately.

Wyatt is great.

Just got off the phone with Julie.
She suggested Garcia as a last name for the donkeys.
Jack and Josie Garcia.
Carlos Garcia.

I'm going to visit with the Garcias and start some laundry now.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Pictures

On Flickr

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Wow, what a day yesterday.
GK and I went to the doctor.
No changes and everything is about the same as our last visit.
I'm surprised too because before we left he got mad about us getting the donkeys yesterday.
I just let it roll and figured he was still running on sleepy brain forgetting HE was the one who told me to find and get a donkey.
(Kelly is my wittness)

I didn't say anymore about it to GK, but when Mike got home from town I told him how upset I was and couldn't believe GK was being such an "ass" about it.
That was it.
Mike came in the house and voices were raised.
I couldn't hear what was being said, I didn't need to.
Within about ten minutes everything was fine and Mike made me come in the house and talk to GK.
GK told me how much he loved me and I could have the donkeys and that he was excited.
He reassured me he would never want to upset me or make me sad and anything he could do to make me happy, he would always do.
He also said that Mike was a bullheaded son-of-a- bi&#@.

When we got home with Jack and Josie, GK and the poodles came out to greet us.
The poodles and Pooter ran to the fence and barked and the donkeys brayed like dinosaurs.
Everyone got a good laugh outa that and J&J are now just part of the menagerie.
On a scale of life, the donkeys come right after kids, and just before the big screen t.v.

Funny how just when you think you can't handle the stress of breathing, something happens to make everything ok again. Even if it's just for a little while.
It reminds me that you forget stress, but always remember happy.

Today is Tuesday which means it's bring and brag day at school for Wyatt.
I'll take Carlos up at about 9:00 and he can put on a bunny show for the third graders.

Gotta go.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Here they are!
Jack and Josie our new mini donkeys : }
We brought them home in a rented U-Haul trailer.
We won't mention to the folks at U-Haul what we hauled.....

More pictures later!

Big Day

Well, today is Doctor day.
We have been waiting a long time for this day to come, as GK has been having some really hard times.
I don't know if there is much Dr.G can do, but to just have him back in the loop will be a good thing.
I think GK is really sleep deprived
He has terrible anxiety when it comes time to go to sleep so he tries to keep himself up all night. Then he is half asleep in his chair all day, but is never getting any deep sleep.
Because of that he has NO energy and has a hard time interacting in day to day stuff  because he always has that "I'm to tired, I just woke up brain."
Cross your fingers that Dr.G is a quiet miracle worker.

The other big news is is DONKEY DAY!
I found two mini donkeys on Craigslist yesterday and if Mike doesn't work today we will go pick them up.
They are brother and sister and soooo cute.
Mike and I have been trying to figure out how to get them home.
In the middle of the night it came to me.
My Mom's van!
It just makes sense.
We brought the goats home in the Suburban, "goatwagon" and we could bring the donkeys home in the van..."donkey bus!"
Mind you the first my Mother will hear about this is probably when she reads it here because I haven't asked Mike if it will work yet, but in my mind it's the perfect solution : }
Mull it over Mom.....

Wendy has a date today with a guy practically old enough for an AARP membership.
Maybe he'll take her for the early bird special at Sherri's.
Don't worry, I'm staying out of it.
I just think she's dumb.

Wyatt had a good weekend.
He cleaned his room from Friday afternoon till' bedtime last night.
It pretty much looks the same as it did on Thursday.
He found a wig of Grammy's and an old pair of huge sunglasses. 
He put them on and started talking like an old southern woman.
I laughed so much I decided it didn't matter if his room was clean. It was more fun to laugh with him than it was to holler at him and his room will still be there to clean when he gets home today.

Dumb Mike just got up and said the donkey bus idea wouldn't work.
I'm gonna let him think about it some more.
I think it's a GREAT idea.
It's what Becky and I would do.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hard Days Night

Things were hard again today. 
GK just isn't doing so good. 
He has become afraid to go to sleep at night and wants to stay up. 
The problem with that is, as you know if you have been reading for awhile is that then he becomes sleep deprived. Once that happens we are all in trouble.
Last night he did go to bed, late, and after lots of coercion, but he did get there. 
He slept all night, but Mike and I didn't. 
We get up every hour or so to check and make sure everything is ok
It's like when you had babies and should have slept when they slept but instead stood over the crib making sure they were ok
Remember that part in the movie Terms of Endearment when Shirley MacClaine is standing over the crib watching her baby sleep and then pokes her till' she wakes up crying just to make sure she's ok
I feel like Shirley MacClaine minus the psychic abilities.
Remember the other part when she is losing her mind at the nurses station demanding medication for Deborah Winger? 
Yeah, that's me too, except I'm not a middle aged red head dating an astronaut who has the luxury of midnight swims in the neighbors pool or Sunday drives along the beach in a corvette.

Me and the dogs are going to bed now.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day of Wreckoning

Sanford and Son came and cleaned the place out today.
I guess the scrap market is good.
They took the yard mercedes, the little ford, the farm cat and the manure spreader that came with the farm.
I did manage to save two of the wheels from the spreader.

GK is in a taking care of business frame of mind right now I guess, but it makes me sad.

I wan't to go to D'nial

Ok, so you may be thinking, "problem with Windows? Don't you have a Mac Marilyn?"

Why yes I do have a Mac.

I also have Wendy.
She spent the week visiting friends in the Valley and had the windows broken out of her car.
Now, if you know Wendy like I know Wendy you know that it was not a random hail storm or neighborhood prankster (she would like me to believe the latter.)

Her car.
Her life.
Her money.
Her problem.

But.... there it is, the eternal Mother but.

It makes me so angry that she is back in her old stomping grounds for less than seven days and falls completely into her old ways. Even to the extent of making up some stupid story to tell me as to how it happened, which leads me to believe she thinks I'm some brain dead boob that just met her and has reason to believe everything she says.

I think it would behoove future generations of mothers to view footage of mothers and children in their later teen years and young adulthood. That right there would be cause for birth control.
Forget those clips you see with a young mother and angelic baby with colic, they are still cute enough to love at that point and even somewhat endearing.
Show them an unshowered hungover belligerent slob sleeping on your couch eating all your food.

*note* I am in no way insinuating the above is a description of Wendy....this week.

The chicken compound is almost done.
If I wasn't married to a neurotic perfectionist it would have been finished Sunday.
I'm sure the chickens will appreciate all the little things he's done.

I need more coffee

Play it cool.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Return To Sender

When I did nails I had a client, Marianna. She loved to garden and had a "green thumb" so we always polished her thumb green. I loved Marianna and her husband Bob, and I think about them often. So the other day I white paged them and found their address. I sat down and wrote them a nice note saying how much I missed them and was excited to hear from them. I gave the note to Mike so he could drop it at the Beavercreek post office on the way to Karate last night. 
I forgot to put a stamp on it.
What a retard.
Now my handmade JCarlson chicken stationary will be all buggered up with post office retard notes about no postage.

GK is doing his taxes today.
That's all I have to say about that.

Wendy didn't come home yesterday. She decided to stay another day. She has to come home today because she has to work. If she didn't have to work she probably still wouldn't be coming home. 
I'm sure she misses the Valley and the lifestyle she had there. I wouldn't be surprised if she came home and said she wanted to move back.
I would be ok with that.
She isn't doing much to foster the life she came here to seek, she just flounders on the couch.
I also know it's no fun living next door to your Mother. I have a Mother and I am a Mother so I understand.
-Said loudly-  *she needs to get a friggin life*
If that life, rather I approve of it or not is in Skagit Valley than she needs to go.

My handmade organic sister is staying in a hotel driving a rented mini van and eating at IHOP today.
Sometimes it's the little unexpected things in life that bring you joy.
That visual is one of those things.
Kind of like the Pope at Nascar tossing back a slow gin fizz. 

I have to go do laundry

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lost Weekend

Wow, did I ever have a weekend.
I felt like I was on a sinking ship and couldn't decide if I should shower.
The visit with Kelly was great, kind of an escape. 
Little did I know when she left I would fall apart a little. 
Me and everything else around me.
While she was here, I got to laugh about dumb things and stay up late talking about anything I wanted to talk about. She was an emotional sponge for me for two and a half days. 
Maybe all the things that I worry about and feel so overwhelmed by all came to the top of my tank and when I let it all go, I had a hard time keeping my head above water.
Sometimes I really feel lonely, even though I'm never alone. Everyone is supportive of me, and the family and what we are doing, but it is sill a very isolating experience
I think to myself that I need to get away or have a break, but at the same time it would only be a physical break, not a mental one because I am so tied to GK and every detail of everything that happens here. I will tell you that the last two years of my life have by far been the most humbling.
Until we moved here, I had no idea how the other half lived (the other half of lifers.)
I may feel overwhelmed, but they feel overwhelmed and scared and out of control and completely dependant on the generation they always figured couldn't find their way out of a sack, let alone be in charge of THEIR destiny.
I think That GK is ok with me driving the bus though. 
Even though sometimes I go down the wrong road or pull into the wrong station. 
He has faith in me, and I love him, and somehow it  all works.

I will try to remember to get pictures of the chicken compound today.
It's coming along nicely, and Wyatt has been a super helper for Mike.
He was a little disillusioned the first day when he thought his only job was to pick up scraps and go for beer, but by Sunday he was running the electric drill and painting.

Wendy comes home from her trip North today.
It will be good to have her home again. 
Our room just doesn't feel the same without her sleeping in our bed watching our t.v ; }

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Over the river and through the woods

Well, today was quite a day.
Kelly and I went to see Mom this morning.
It has been a very tense two years since the atomic family falling out, but it needed to be done if for no other reason than mending a broken family so my Grampy can have peace of mind.
He loved my Grammy so much that to honor her memory we need peace in the valley.
Julie was not able to be there today but I think the feeling that is time to move beyond and move forward is shared by everyone.
Sometimes the hardest steps are the first ones, but it's always better to have a buddy by your side during the journey.
I found out for myself during the last few years that my family is made up of my closest friends, it just took me thirty five years to find that out.

So anyway, that was a big thing .

GK and Kelly and I went to town this afternoon and got stuff to make a fountain out of a whiskey barrel. 
I am really excited and now the fish will have a  big bucket to swim in.

We're going for burgers tonight and Wyatt will almost pee himself when he gets home and finds out.
Mikes Drive Inn is his favorite.

I kind of have half a headache so I'm done for now.

Afternoon Update:

Mike is working.
Wendy is in Washington.
GK is feeling pretty good.
Kelly is enjoying her stay at the Fahrenparknwoodholz B&B.
Wyatt is cool.

Catch ya later

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is that a gun in your pocket or......

Last night some jack Ass came into Wendy's bar with a gun. He was in there fighting with his MOTHER who didn't tell Wendy he was crazy OR carrying a gun. The guys Step-Father told her. The police came, but he had already left, although they did pick him up later last night.
This is crazy.
She is going North today and will be gone for five days.
I told her she had five days to decide where she would be putting in applications when she gets back.
NO bars.
If her reason for moving down here was for help and support through a hard time in her life, that's what she's going to get, starting soon.

Well, on to a more happy albeit far grosser topic....
The poodles licked, chewed and worked GK's bandage off his oogy arm last night.
I kind of puke a little in my mouth when I think about it.
Then I think of them licking his arm all night only stopping to take breaks to lick their ass.
I can't talk about that anymore.

Kelly will be here at about 10:30 this morning!
I'm excited to see her and glad she could come for a few days.

On the way home from the airport we'll stop in town and pick up the baby geese. We got all white ones this year instead of the Chinese lumpy headed ones like last time.

K, I gotta go wake up Y

See ya

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Get A Life

Do you ever wonder what defines your life?
We just had this talk with Wendy. She doesn't seem to understand what it is that defines her "life." She has a house, car and a job and that seems to be good enough for her. 
I was trying to explain to her that going to work and then coming to our house and watching t.v may not be all there is to "life." She doesn't seem to understand that going to another room of our house to watch t.v is not ok and that maybe she should go to her house and watch t.v if she doesn't want to engage with the family.
I think about all of the things that make up who we are.
Wendy is work, sleep and eat. No hobbies, no community involvement, no social involvement, nothing, zippo, squat.
Is that my fault? 
Did I do something as a mother to damage her "self" issues?
She completely relies on me to still fulfill her feelings of home and comfort
How do I help her fill those needs herself?

Anywho, now she's really pissed off at me and pouted out the door to "her" house and huffed to me that she would join a gym or "something."

GK just got back from town.
Kelly is coming tomorrow.
Wyatt is home today with a bad back after a teeter-totter incedent at school yesterday.
Mike is on his way to work.

I wish I could go to Vegas and get drunk.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Twitter Pated

Well, the weekend is over and the rain is back. I guess it never left. We had hail, rain and wind this weekend and Mike was working on the chicken compound every chance he had. Now that he's back to working a pretty regular schedule he doesn't have quite as much time, but he's getting it done.
Yesterday he got home at about 10:00a.m after working all night. Wyatt had slept in his bed, but when Mike got home he moved Wyatt over to the big chair. Wyatt woke up, but stayed in the bedroom quietly watching t.v until Mike woke up. I went in to get laundry and Wyatt shot me the stink eye and told me I needed to be quiet so as not to wake Mike up. He's so worried that Mike won't be able to get enough sleep that he sits with him to make sure he doesn't get disturbed.
What a kid.

Gk is at his taxes again this morning. I feel so bad about the whole tax situation. he just goes through the same stacks of paper every day. At dinner time (sometimes) he moves his stacks to the end of the table or to one of the counters only to bring it all back out the next day. He keeps saying he needs to get the stuff done, but I don't think he can on his own. I wish he would just take the whole pile to his tax lady and let her go through it with him. There is a Twenty some page workbook they gave him to put things in order, but even that doesn't help.
He has been sleeping better which means he is feeling better. When he is able to sleep and get his legs elevated for an extended period of time it makes all the difference in the world.

Ok, look to your right and see where it says Twitter updates?
You have to get Twitter. It is better than email because you can keep in touch without the bother of e.mail. I just put mine in my bookmark bar and can click on it whenever I want. I can see what everyone is doing and send private messages if I want too.
Click" Follow me on Twitter" to sign up.

Ok, that's about it for now...

Make sure to cast your vote in the Wendy Poll on the top right today!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Shopping Saturday

Wyatt and I went shopping today and bought Mike some man shirts. I decided he was to old to only wear t-shirts, so we got him so button up shirts. I think he's ok with the idea and even seemed kind of excited.
We are going to dinner tonight so he can have a trial run in the new outer wear.

We got some more Femo clay and some magnet stuff to stick on the back. Wyatt knocked over the bottle of glaze though so he and Wendy will need to buy more on the way home. There is soooo much you can make, and we have all been having a good time messing around with it.

We stopped into Wallgreens and got some wound wear for GK. Everything so far has been sticking to the mangeled meat so we are trying some different stuff that, much like all the other stuff claims not to stick.
I think when you have a gorry mess like that anything you put on will stick. Cross your fingers.

I bought enough yarn to finish off the throw I've been working on and got some chenile to do the border with. I used a huge hook and think it will ne the snuggiest blanket in the house. Really pretty cream colored with a little bit darker edging.

I posted some new recipes on the recipe page.
Really yummy stuff, be sure to take a look.

That's about it, we're on our way to dinner.


Friday, April 4, 2008


I'm having a bad day.
You know what they say,
If you can't blog something nice, don't blog at all.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Things are ok today. GK isn't feeling as well as he had for the last few days, but I guess ups and downs are the way of life.
He slept really well again last night, so I'm not sure what's causing the low today.

I got his new wound cleaned and sanitized this morning and I believe it's a good thing that I didn't chose nursing a a profession.
It was a touch and go situation.... I touched and my stomach wanted to go.

The sun is shining and it's going to be warm today. I don't think I have to remind anyone what a little sunshine can do for your soul.

I wish Mike had the chicken compound finished so we could let the fowl out today.
I bet Carlos (Wyatt's rabbit) would like a romp in the sun too.

I think I'll put Carlos in the chicken bucket we made last year!

No plans for today, just sittin around and enjoying the day.
I might head across the river to see Mom.
She called last night and said she has some kind of goldfish dwelling we could use.
Gawd knows that would make Wyatt's day... he is still disgusted with me for keeping the fish in the tub.
Who remembers when Wyatt would play with the first trout he caught and then froze in the bathtub?
Every bath time he would run to get that fish from the freezer, swim it around the tub and then re-freeze it for the next time.
And he gives me the business for LIVE fish in the tub.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Gk had his Dr visit yesterday and it wasn't quite the news we wanted to hear. His PSA is rising so they are changing the medication he has been taking for the last year or so. The Dr said the medication has worked well, but it's just no longer effective.
I don't know how long you have been reading, but when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January of last year he had a PSA of 2500. The doctor was able to get it all the way down to 42 last fall, but it has been creeping up again since.
So that was sad news.

The other bit of sadness is today is the one year date of Grammy passing.
Sometimes it's still hard me to believe she's gone. I guess it's because I live here in her home and am surrounded by all of the things she loved (including Grampy). 
Everyday I expect to see her walk around the corner and say "My land, who do all these dogs belong to?"
I sure did love her.

GK and I spent the morning in the hospital today.
He stumbeled on his cane getting into his closet and buggered up his right arm pretty bad.
After four hours in the emergancy room we got home with instructions on caring for the huge oogy wound.
Other than that, GK is doing great after yet ANOTHER good nights sleep : )
That makes my head start humming the tune Mr Sandman.......
Great, now I'll have that song stuck in my head ALL day.

Gotta go..
bring me a dream.... blah blah blah blahblah.......argghhhhhhhhhhhh