Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Wow, what a day yesterday.
GK and I went to the doctor.
No changes and everything is about the same as our last visit.
I'm surprised too because before we left he got mad about us getting the donkeys yesterday.
I just let it roll and figured he was still running on sleepy brain forgetting HE was the one who told me to find and get a donkey.
(Kelly is my wittness)

I didn't say anymore about it to GK, but when Mike got home from town I told him how upset I was and couldn't believe GK was being such an "ass" about it.
That was it.
Mike came in the house and voices were raised.
I couldn't hear what was being said, I didn't need to.
Within about ten minutes everything was fine and Mike made me come in the house and talk to GK.
GK told me how much he loved me and I could have the donkeys and that he was excited.
He reassured me he would never want to upset me or make me sad and anything he could do to make me happy, he would always do.
He also said that Mike was a bullheaded son-of-a- bi&#@.

When we got home with Jack and Josie, GK and the poodles came out to greet us.
The poodles and Pooter ran to the fence and barked and the donkeys brayed like dinosaurs.
Everyone got a good laugh outa that and J&J are now just part of the menagerie.
On a scale of life, the donkeys come right after kids, and just before the big screen t.v.

Funny how just when you think you can't handle the stress of breathing, something happens to make everything ok again. Even if it's just for a little while.
It reminds me that you forget stress, but always remember happy.

Today is Tuesday which means it's bring and brag day at school for Wyatt.
I'll take Carlos up at about 9:00 and he can put on a bunny show for the third graders.

Gotta go.

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