Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To early to tell

Oh my gosh, we had so much fun with the new donkeys yesterday!
I need to figure out how to refer to them.
They are male and female so I can't call them the boy's/girl's.
They aren't goats, so calling them kids would be dumb.
I wish I knew their last name and then I would address them that way.
For instance I could say something like, "well I need to go check the Brown's water."
Or, "do you see the Gomez's frolicking in the field this morning?"
Gomez, I kind of like that.
If their last name was Gomez, we could call Carlos Gomez too.
Carlos Gomez, that has a nice ring to it.

Mike didn't work yesterday and was able to get most of the chicken run done.
The compound is finished, now he just needs to wire the run.

Wendy worked last night and I haven't seen her yet this morning.
She has that "I have a crush on a new old man" air about her lately.

Wyatt is great.

Just got off the phone with Julie.
She suggested Garcia as a last name for the donkeys.
Jack and Josie Garcia.
Carlos Garcia.

I'm going to visit with the Garcias and start some laundry now.


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