Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cloudy with a chance of showers

Good morning everybody!

Wyatt is off to school.
Mike is at work.
Wendy is sleeping.
GK is............ doing his taxes.

I am drinking coffee and watching Cops. 
No plans for today. 
Yesterday I cleaned out the utility room and finished up all the laundry. 
I think today I'll order some new curtains for that room. 
I would MAKE them if my SISTER would come and teach me how to sew. 
I bought two books on sewing, "Sewing for dummies" and the Angry Chicken Lady's book on sewing (see her blog in my list to the right.) 
My problem is, I don't even know how to turn the machine on or make the thread go through it.
I decided I want to make some pillows. Pillows, aprons and curtains.
If only my SISTER would COME and show me HOW.

The pump guy showed up yesterday and we should have outside water again by the weekend!

What should I make for dinner tonight?

As promised yesterday, today I will tell you how to raise a kid other people can stand.

Don't EVER let them believe they are smarter or better than anyone else.

I think if a child is raised with humility and confidence as opposed to pride and ego they have a fighting chance.
I went a little over board with Wendy on the whole confidence thing, and now she tends to wade in ego.... well no, she swims in the pool, and because of that, you can't even bring it to her attention.
She insists she doesn't have ego, everybody just LOVES her and she knows it.

Humility and confidence, that's my advice

Ok, so until something interesting happens, Ciao'

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