Monday, January 3, 2011

First Yearly Report

Good Morning and Happy 2011!

Who would have ever thought huh? That sounds so sophisticated... 2011, like we should all have our act together or something.

We had quite a lot going on this holiday season and I can honestly say I'm glad we're on the other side of it now. Not that it wasn't all warm and wonderful, but I swear, holidays don't necessarily bring out the best in me. I think I come from a long line of holiday misfits. I nearly had an all out emotional breakdown over the whole Wendy/douchebag situation bright and early on Christmas morning. I seriously have never felt such contempt for another human being in my life, and that's saying a lot and thats all I have to say about that.

We had some serious livestock management issues over the holidays too. Joe somehow managed to squeeze his way through a break in the fence and was found loitering in the mobile spaces on more than one occasion which landed him and Molly the Mule on lockdown in the yard.
And by yard I also mean patio.

Ew. Skunk.

6 wasn't home enough to get the fence fixed when the ground was thawed out enough to drive new fence posts in so their three hour tour in the yard ended up being two weeks in the yard and let me tell you, that's a lot of horse poop in the flower beds!

After months long and heart felt deliberation we decided to find Joe a home with a kid who would give him a job. Wyatt had good intentions when we got him, but he kind of lost interest somewhere around the feeding and caring for part and that isn't fair to Joe.
So old Joe came to us in pretty skinny sorry shape, but he left here with a fat belly and a warm wooly winter coat to go to live with a twelve year old girl, and really, is there any better way for an old horse to start a new year than with a twelve year old girl to love... I think not :)

Wyatt is still home from school until Thursday.
Whats up with that?

You may have noticed that you came back to Blogger to read my stories today... My brave and daring move to Wordpress wasn't all that I'd hoped it would be. I wanted to set up a page where I could sell my wares, and Wordpress doesn't support any kind of sales platform, only donations. They are pretty restricting as to what they allow unless you host your own blog in which case you can do whatever you want, but Blogger is easy and free which made it the best plan of action. So welcome back everyone!

Ok, I have to go feed everyone, see you tomorrow!

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