Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winco Woes

You probably don't have a Winco.
I think Winco is a regional store.
Hold on a sec and I'll go check...
Ok, I'm back and here's the Winco ~scoop~ 

Winco is a hell hole of savings.
A place where you trade convenience, cleanliness and self respect for value.
I am not kidding.
When you go to Winco you check your pride at the door because once inside it's basically a white trash free for all, but the pay offs are huge.
Here's the skinny... We haven't done any major shopping since 6 started his new job.
We got stuck in that new job/holiday spiral where we were just imping by but now that he finally got a full size paycheck and we didn't have to buy anybody a gift it was time for Wyatt and I to make a king size grocery run. 
Usually Wyatt won't go near Winco but I bribed him with a burger at Five Guys, so he reluctantly agreed to go with me.
You see, Winco is not a store where you shop solo, you have to have a wingman at Winco because there are a bazillion people there crashing into you, running over your heels, giving you flat tires, reaching over you, pushing you out of the way, wearing stretch pants with t-shirts or just their pajamas and slippers, and some people stink, and some people talk to themselves and you have to bag your own damn groceries and I'm usually the cart unloader, but last night I had to be the bagger and it SUCKED because those stupid groceries come at you so fast and people behind you in line are all giving you the stink eye because you're dropping soup cans on the floor and your sugar bag has a big a$$ hole in it and is spilling all over the place and then you break out in a sweat because you put amonia and bread in the same bag and you KNOW thats not a good thing OMG, I think I have Winco PTSD.
Ok, so anyway here's what it all boils down to... We ended up pushing TWO carts out.
We had dog food, cat food, laundry soap, all the big ticket items 
{no cigarettes, soda pop or beer} 
{My Dad used to always say that} 
and lots of meat, pork chops, steak, chicken, etc, for under twohundredandfiftydollars!
Imagine if I'd had coupons!
So thank you Winco for making my shopping experiences memorable.
Not pleasant, just memorable.

Today I have to go to Wilco for hay and stove pellets, but I'd rather go to Wilco than Winco any day.



  1. hehe you know I LOVE Winco (if you look in the picture of Caden sleeping in the cart from today that is the logo). I LOVE the bulk section that is how I stock my pantry with all the basics. I must admit that mine is not that crazy but it is new and in the uppity part of town so it's a lot of those type of people or people who don't speak English so it works ... lol.

    Now on the Knitting I haven't done it in years. My friend we visited is and my MIL does also. I was picking out hats and patterns for her to make for me ... hehe

  2. I went there yesterday too. It sucked. I had a handful of coupons but no children with me so I made it out pretty quick. Am I commenting in the right place? erin aka kennassister

  3. What you just described sounds like shopping on a military base on a payday weekend! Good times! Check your self-respect at the door,'s gonna be a brawl!

  4. I love bargains, but this sounds like my idea of hell. The only way you could conceivably get me to shop there would be to be with me waiting outside for the doors to open in the am.
    Yes, you'd have to set your alarm, but you would not have to witness my complete mental breakdown either.
    Trust me, you do not want to see me take someone hostage with a plastic fork.

    This is how I shop Wal*mart too...
