Wyatt went back to school today and he was so excited and I was so excited and maybe a little bit worried and maybe kind of sad, but mostly happy for him that he will be with his friends. I talked to his teacher a little and she said that he had finished all of his testing before he became incapacitated and he is for sure moving on to the sixth grade. That was a huge relief for both of us. She said she didn't really want to go back through the lesson plans to get make up work for him but told me they had been studying Oregon History and geography so I think I'll check out some books and see if I can find some videos on Oregon History. Isn't there a video game about the Oregon Trail? I think there is. Learning at it's finest... Through video games.
Wyatt and I tried to watch almost an entire season of lost on Sunday to prepare for the finale on Sunday night but fell short of our goal. We haven't been watching since the beginning but have watched up to season six on Netflix Wii and then we were getting all of season six on Hulu. I'm glad we did it that way because we have never had to wait a week or or a summer to find out what happens next, but it has been a full-time job making sure we don't find out what happens in the final episode before we watch it ourselves. I liken it to trying NOT to find out who won the Super Bowl for a week after the game. So whatever you do DON'T tell me anything!
I had Buddy to the vet yesterday, I think he has something stuck in his nose. Grass maybe. Does anyone from the nail shop days remember Blond Connie? She had a Bichon Frise named Comet that got a pine needle lodged up his nose and then blew it out like a month later all snotty oogy gross. I don't want some groddy snot ball on the rug, plus the fact that he's turned into a mouth breather because his nose is plugged so thats why I took him in. They prescribed antibiotics hoping that will take care of it and if not, they have to "scope" him.
I know everyone probably saw this picture and these videos on facebook, but I'm posting them again just because I can. The chicken video is of Wendy trying to look at Fracks "babies" that are really just rocks, but Frack gets really mad at Wendy and starts pecking her. Funny.
This is Buddy "herding" the cows...
And this is Wendy and Frack
I hate my "cakle." I swear, is there anything worse than the sound of your own voice!
And this is just a picture after the rain...
My darling, recently deceased, 18 year old Bichon was acting funny one evening and I found a long stick of dried wheat up his nose. I sure didn't enjoy pulling it out because I could just imagine it being 12 inches long and I was going to wound him. I'm sure he was thinking the same thing. Don't worry about a snot ball. Worry about NOT ending up with a snot ball.