Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We Have Water!

The continuing saga of the outside pond water has come to a happy ending! Last year during the freeze we shut down the pump to the pond that supplies all the outside water for the farm and the mobile spaces. The plan was to turn it back on in the spring after the fear of another freeze was gone but in plenty of time for everyone to start watering their gardens. 6 disconnected the pump at the wire box thingy so nobody would slink into the barn and flip the switch to get water until the all the lines checked out and we repaired all of our leaky outdoor faucets. Of course I don't have to tell you what happened next... As soon as 6 left for Iraq the know it all "Assh@le" in the mobile spaces went in to hook it up and screwed up all the wires and almost burned out the pump. So, the pump guys have been here two days in a row fixing everything and now we have water again. I'm not telling anyone in the mobile spaces until the first of June though. I can be spiteful like that.

Wyatt seems to be improving every day no thanks to any of the doctors and even starting to walk a little without his crutches. He walked up AND down the stairs yesterday, squeeling, but all on his own. He is taking 250mg of Neurontin three times a day and 500 mg of Naproxen twice a day with fish oil thrown in three times a day just to keep his joints good and greasy. He really wants to be able to go back to school and walk with his class for his fifth grade graduation, and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Wendy was out yesterday and cut my hair!! It's beautiful, and she has so much confidence, you would never know she was still in school. I guess growing up in the "business" has really paid off, she has the ease and chatter of an old school hairdresser. I would love it if someday she opened up and wash and set salon and spent her days doing blue rinses and comb outs. Wouldn't that be great! She could serve weak coffee and dish the best gossip in town. Maybe I need to talk to her about this...

Thats all for today, tune in tomorrow for another episode of  Fat Bottoms On The Farm!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! And tell wy to start practicing his walking so he and the boys can play outside in a few weeks!!
