Monday, May 17, 2010

Hair and Nails

Wendy is home today! She is going to give me a haircut, the first one in two years... Can anyone who knows me even believe I haven't had a haircut in two years or that I have had my natural hair color for almost FIVE years! Amazing. For anyone who doesn't know me, I started bleaching my hair platinum blond when I was about thirteen and usually had a chin length bob with crazy hot roller curls. Very cute. Throw in some red lipstick and thick black liquid eyeliner and that explains how I got all those husbands! Now it's long brown hair with grey streaks held back in clip and chicken poop on my lips. Seriously, chicken poop ~click~.

Ok, Wendy and I are going to attempt to trim Coconuts nails. Wish us luck, and if there's any blood shed (ours) I'll post some pictures, and I'll post some pictures of the before and after hair affair too.


  1. Pamper yourself girlfriend! You deserve it!

    I need to color my gray SOON!

  2. I love it here. It's so pretty and peaceful. I might need some info about this whole Wordpress thing.

  3. Good luck! Can't WAIT to see the pics!!!
