They called this morning to check on how Wyatt was doing and when I told them they told me to bring him in.
He isn't responding to any of the medications that he has been given including Vicodin,
(like I really want him taking Vicodin anyway)
Neurontin, NSAIDS, or even Tylenol.
Once again his blood tests look o.k.
The Doctor gave him a once over (again) and after not finding anything (again) referred us to a Chiropractor or Acupuncturist until we could see the specialist who she was sure would know exactly what was going on.
I opted for Chiropractor first.
We were ale to get in with our family Chiropractor this afternoon so we drove Wyatt there and wheeled him in.
I wish I would have gone there first.
Dr Cracker, short for bone cracker, looked him up and down, asked us questions we hadn't been asked yet, pushed, pulled, turned and tweaked and then had this to say...
Wyatt's lymph nodes are swollen.
His throat is berry red and inflamed.
His belly nodes are swollen and painful to the touch.
It is not just joint pain, but also and mostly muscle and tendon pain.
Dr Cracker is 90% sure Wyatt has Stills Disease which is a type of JRA.
Stills rarely presents in any type of blood test rather it be SED, ANA or even RA specific tests.
Here's what we do...
Take his temp in the morning when he wakes up, and at night before bed.
No tomatoes, potatoes or peppers.
Cod liver oil three times a day.
And, everyone's favorite, follow up with the specialist on Wednesday.
There isn't anything more we can do to control the pain until we meet with the specialist, so it's continued rest and NSAIDS until then.
I feel SO much relief in knowing that someone, ANYONE has some idea as to what this could be.
For now I am putting all my eggs in the Still's basket and hoping for even more answers as the days go by.
I wish I could do something to show our appreciation to everyone who has been so kind to us and showed us so much love and support through this.
Thank you ♥