Thursday, April 8, 2010

Growing Pains

Growing pains...
Has anyone else suffered with this childhood handicap?

Wyatt has been home for two days almost unable to walk to the bathroom. His joints hurt, his muscles hurt, everything pops and cracks and he looks like Benjamin Buttons on a bender. He sits and cries because the pain is so bad and I just have to wonder if growing pains are really this bad or if maybe he has bad bones.

I really need some feedback on this, we don't have insurance right now and I would hate to take him to the doctor only to have her tilt a condescending head towards me and say all of this is normal.

He goes through this everytime he grows. Remember when he stayed home from school for a week with his feet taped? We did take him to the doctor that time and I defiantly got the head tilt.

I just don't know.

I sent him to school today so he can at least be counted and not have to repeat the fifth grade, but I excused him from gym class.

I never had to do P.E when I was in school because I had bad knees.

I always considered bad knees a good trade off for big boobs because I would have been mortified in the shower room.

I'm getting the carpets cleaned on Monday!!

Believe me, this is cause for celebration, they are G.R.O.S.S.

My Grampy had two weak bladdered poodles that totally wrecked the carpet, add to that a few muddy black and white dog filled winters and you have yourself a situation.

Not the Jersey Shore kind, but almost as bad.

You see, the plan was to get new floors throughout the house, but then #6 went on an unauthorized spending spree and now here we are broke with bad carpet.

Oh well, live and learn.

I guess everyone f*#@$ up sometimes, it just makes me so mad that he ruined my plans for fabulous floors.

Well, way more than floors, but we won't go there.

Buddy gets "fixed" tomorrow!

I haven't told him yet, so when I wake him up early and load him in the truck tomorrow he's probably going to be really excited and think we're going to school to see his friends and learn some new tricks.

He sure will be disappointed to find out the only trick he's going to see is his nuts disappear.

He is doing so well in school, and we have also been using a training collar at home to teach him boundaries. He will run right up to a fence now and stop whereas before he would have gone under it, over it or through it. He still goes in the lower pasture, but stops at the outer fence.

What a good boy :)

The chicks are growing up SO fast.

As soon as the weather warms up a bit I'll put them in the coop and let them see the world and be all that they can be. They are making so much noise in their brooding room and the goats are pretty puzzled as to why the little red house makes so much racket now.

Pearl is going to be really p.o'ed when she gets her walking papers and has to go back to her pig house, she has it pretty cush in the coop.

It's hard being a diva pig in a fowl world.

Have you seen Up in the Air?

Don't tell anyone, but I didn't like it.

Did you watch Idol last night?

Don't tell anyone this either, but I don't like Mike.

It would have been o.k with me if he went home, but I CAN NOT believe it was him and not Tim.

I think if the people vote someone off the judges shouldn't be able to save them.

Is dumb K8 still on DWTS?


1 comment:

  1. Scary. I hope it's nothing serious and will send up a prayer for Wy's joints and your peas of mind!By the way - my joints feel like that all the time now, but I guess that's not really helpful since unlike Wyatt, I'm older than dirt and have abused my body for a hundred years :o
