If you're on Facebook you have been getting little updates, but there is so much going on it's hard to keep up.
First I want to say thank you to everyone who commented, Facebooked me and emailed me about how serious Wyatt's pain could be.
If it wasn't for all of you I would have continued to believe
(as the doctor had told us two years ago)
that these were just growing pains.
I called the doctors office the day of my last post and everyone jumped into action.
Wyatt was seen first thing the next morning and the LNP informed me that what Wyatt had could be a number of things, none of them growing pains. She sent us immediately to the hospital for blood tests and made us a follow up appointment with one of the doctors.
The doctor we saw turned out to be the same one that we had seen in November 2008 and the same one that had diagnosed Wyatt's pain as growing pains. It was obvious that she still believed that's what we were dealing with especially since Wyatt's bloodwork had all come back negative.
She went on to inform me of all the other patients she had seen who had suffered with this kind of pain simply grew out of it after a year or so.
I reminded he that she had treated Wyatt for this two years ago and that it has only continued to get worse.
Way worse.
She ordered more tests, gave him a medical release from school, a prescription for muscle relaxers and referred us to a juvenile rheumatoid specialist.
Then she went on for thirty minutes about her gym, what exercises she does and her kids.
I nearly had to carry Wyatt from her office to the car.
I got home and called the specialist and made an appointment for... May.
I called the doctors office back and asked them what the hell I was supposed to do in the meantime.
The doctor phoned in another prescription, Elavil which is a very old anti depressant used for sleep and pain issues.
I told her I didn't want to sedate him for a month, I wanted him treated.
Well, it seems that's all she could do for me.
I looked at my son who was now unable to walk without assistance, who cries at night as he sleeps from the pain and who gasps from the pain as he changes position on the couch.
The pain is in his right foot, right knee, left hip, right elbow, right shoulder and his neck.
When she applied pressure to those spots in her exam Wyatt had tears running down his face and would cry out every time she touched him.
I decided that doctor could... Well, I decided I didn't care what she said and made an appointment with another doctor in the clinic.
Yesterday we saw Doctor R.
She examined him for over thirty minutes.
She did physical tests that the other doctor hadn't done.
She found out that he has very limited range of motion in his shoulder.
She found out that anywhere below his right knee he can't differentiate between sharp and smooth, but can only feel pressure.
She is calling to get us in with the JRA specialist... Before May.
She told me it wasn't growing pains.
She told me she will find out what it is.
She ordered a wheelchair to get Wyatt to the car because he couldn't walk.
I cried most of the day yesterday.
I cried because I was scared, because I was relieved that we found someone to help and because I was tired.
You see, it seems that the world doesn't stop, even when you need it to, it just keeps turning, and life keeps throwing things your way and you just have to keep your mitt out there and catch whatever comes.
Except for yesterday.
Yesterday I laid in bed and watched the Earth s l o w l y spin on the Dish Network Earth Channel and it gave me time to breathe.
So thank you Dish Network for bringing me the Earth and thank you to everyone who has held us up and supported us.
I'll keep you "posted"
Oh Marilyn...I have been living in my own world lately...so sorry Wyatt has been hurting BUT so glad you found another doctor dare I say BETTER doctor! That can truly help him...sending you hugs and Praying for you both!♥u