Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Morning Update

Well, Easter 2010 is almost packed up and put away for another year.
Wendy is coming out for dinner tonight and that'll wrap things up for us, but what a fun time we had. In case you live under a rock and haven't see our pictures, you can find them here...
We made cookies, ate cookies, dyed eggs, hid eggs, found eggs, ate candy, played new DS games, watched all the Mummy movies had a great dinner and went to bed early!

Ok, so listen to this.
Remember last year when I quit sugar and caffeine and quit smoking?
Well I started again with the caffeine and sugar sometime in the late fall, but I never started smoking again.
Anyway, after watching a few to many "where your food comes from" movies I am completely grossed out by meat and dairy and have given it up. It wasn't even hard to do, every time I thought about a steak I just invisioned a broken down old cow in a feed lot standing in poop up to his ankles, and then how long it takes for said cow to get to my fridge after he's been cut up and wrapped and then how long he sits wrapped in my fridge before I put him on my grill.
Don't get me wrong, I would still eat meat (I think) if it came from my pasture but the thought of eating it six months after he's been knocked off still kind of gives me the heebes.
Ok, I know you think I'm nuts, but here's the deal...
We haven't had any meat or dairy for almost two weeks, well, a smidge of Parmesan on pasta, but that's it and really, I feel pretty good. I've even been making my lattes with vanilla rice milk which means I don't need to flavor my coffee with sugary syrups, and I even made cookies with rice milk.
We've been eating a ton of veggies, nuts and fruits and having fish for dinner.
~Be sure to only buy wild fish not farm raised.Gag~
Here's something amazing that has happened.
The dark circles I've had under my eyes my WHOLE life...
Maybe I've had an allergy to dairy all along and just never knew it.
Also, the best part is, I don't feel all pusy, pudgy puffy anymore.
I can see my ankles and my face isn't bloated like a Macy's parade float.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a fatty, just not a bloated fatty.
The first few days were a b!tch. I was really sick and I think I may have even been a bit cranky.
Don't ask Wyatt, just take my word for it.
It was the same way when I quit caffeine though.
Ok, thats enough about that.

Now for some
My niece Fahren got engaged over the weekend!!
I am SO happy, you can't even believe it!
I love first weddings, they are so exciting and so fun.
I remember mine like it was yesterday.
I am dying to see the dress, and find out what colors she chooses, and see how she wears her hair, and what color she polishes her toenails and rather we'll get to eat fish or chicken and what the wedding cake is going to look like and where they'll go on their honeymoon and where she registers and what am I going to get them, maybe I'll crochet them a rug or make them a lifetime supply of soap or crochet them matching grocery bag bags, there is just SO much to think about!
I know, I know, she isn't my daughter and it isn't all about me, but it is kind of about me and it's even better than Wendy getting married because Fahren's fiance has a job and a nice family and a drivers license!
I think I'll get a perm for the wedding : )

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