Friday, January 22, 2010

Shipping Out

Remember the 30,000 dollar calamity of 09' with #6?
Remember I decided the best way for him to pay the money back and make amends for what he did would be to go to Afghanistan and drive truck and make buckets of money?
Well, he's going.
He got the call, he's done all the paper work and he leaves for training in Houston on the 31st of this month and then it's off to Iraq for a year.
I am excited for this to be behind us and hope that maybe we can salvage some type of normalcy in our relationship, but really, how do you do that after your trust has been trashed.
I mean this guy looked me straight in the eye for eight months as he was cleaning out my Grandfathers bank account.
Who does that?
How does someone do that?
I don't get it.
I really don't want a divorce, I mean divorce is easy, I have the routine down pat, it's just I don't want to go through the hassle and emotions and expense of a divorce.
I'm older, fatter and tired and not the least bit interested in moving on to greener pastures.
I was happy with how things were, even though #6 was never the one big true love in my life.
I never saw fireworks, my heart never skipped a beat when he walked in the room, but he was my friend.
I thought he was the guy who had my back, the guy who was there beside me when the going got tough, and I always thought I could depended on him to be my partner as I continued to get even older and fatter then I already am.
Our marriage was easy, we didn't fight, we seldom even argued.
We just had that one big problem...
He was a lying, thieving piece of shit pretending to be a great guy.
So how do you believe someone when they tell you who they are and then turn out to be someone totally different, and can people really change or will he always be a lying , stealing rat?
I don't know, I guess only time will tell.
Time and 30,000 dollars

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