Thursday, January 7, 2010

Facebook Love Connections

So last night on the eleven o' clock news there was a spot on how facebook is breaking up marriages.
I can't stay awake past ten so I missed what it said, but it got me to thinking.
I know someone RIGHT NOW who's *wife has left him for her high school sweetheart that she reconnected with on facebook.
This leads me to ponder...
I purposely only post photographs of myself where I am in my DMV pose, sucked in and chin out.
Seldom do I post a below the shoulders shot and never, EVER would I post a full body in bathrobe with my hair in a top of the head pony photo which is how I look 8o% of the time.
The other 20% I am in spandex underpants, stretch jeans, a low cut ass covering shirt (to draw attention up yet away from my face all at the same time) and hair that is at the very least combed.
I highly doubt that anyone from my high school years looks at me and thinks, "wow I really missed out that twenty some years ago, but here's my chance!"
I'm sure that having four dogs who sleep in their own twin bed next to mine and the fact that I have a petting zoo in my front yard that includes a marshmallow eating pig is mighty attractive too.
Top all that off with two kids fifteen years apart in age and six ex husbands I can pretty much assume my love life is facebook proof.
So I wonder, do you know anyone who has reconnected on facebook and "hooked up?"
Did the fact that they had aged, gained weight, lost hair, been divorced, never married, had kids in prison or still lived with their parents have any affect on their love connection?
Or, did they find that the other person had only become more desirable?
A great job, no kids, no psycho ex, good credit, didn't snore, loved dogs and their parents lived in another state?
I'm just curious.

* the couple in question are actually first cousins who reconected at a family reunion after they both had children. The whole situation made me uncomfortable and she's a sloppy drunk, so really the breakup is a-ok in my book and with luck, they will both find love outside of the family.

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